This term our topic is Ancient Greece (Autumn Term 2017 Seatown Class)

Cross curricular Maths opportunities in Green

Fledgling / Out & about
/ Windows on the world

We will be asking high order questions and developing research techniques to find answers, particularly in science, maths and history. We will be self-motivated and organized in our leadership around the school such as sports leaders and running a mile. We will be stepping out of our comfort zones, trying out things that we haven't done before in a different class setting (Year 5). We will be reflecting and revising past work (especially concerning spellings), and continue to build on these skills in all our written work. / We will be (hopefully) exploring nearby WashingPool Farm looking at harvesting/seasonal elements of nature and farming.
We are also hoping to visit the Shire Hall project in Dorchester as part of our ongoing British Values work. However, they are currently undergoing works so will not be available for a visit until late spring. / As well as gaining an insight into an ancient, culture, we will be looking at the impact religious beliefs have on individual people and gaining a growing understanding of how their beliefs impact on themselves and others. We will develop a deeper understanding of what being British means including studying our justice system.
As Historians we will be using a range of resources such as story books, maps, pottery, websites and nonfiction texts and videos to explore the Ancient Greek era. We will deepen our understanding of how an ancient culture has impacted on our lives today in this country.
We will be enjoying an IT day collecting and presenting data from Greek Olympics with graphs and charts to analyse. / As Geographers we will be studying maps and identifying European countries, their capitals and ‘old’ names they were given. We will also be learning about plate tectonics and how this identifies where the likelihood of volcanoes and earthquakes is higher. We will have a developing understanding of where the equator and other lines of latitude are and link these with climate and weather zones. / As Writers we will be exploring ancient Greek myths and Aesop’s fables, identifying meanings and writing our own. We will also look at advertising techniques for posters and written persuasive texts, linking them with our historical studies. We will explore playscripts and their layouts and write our own. Our grammar work will explore antonyms and synonyms to widen our vocabulary and we will explore modal verbs and their impact on persuasive writing. We will improve our cohesion within and across paragraphs and build more complex spellings from root words. / As Mathematicians we will be looking at large numbers and place value. We will develop our understanding of the four number processes and apply these to more challenging word and open ended problems. We will deepen our understanding of prime numbers, factors and multiples as well as fractions. We will learn about Ancient Greek mathematicians such as Pythagoras and aim to improve our approach to open ended questions. We will explore properties of shape and practise telling the time.
As scientists we will be looking at a range of forces including gravity, friction, air and water resistance, gears and pulleys. We will be asking pertinent questions and devising tests from our questioning, all in the context of designing fairground rides.
We will be comparing distances and measuring accurately, presenting data. / As artists and designers we will be exploring abstract imagery in painting as part of our British Values work. We will use Modroc to create our own Greek masks to use in performances. We will use paper and card to follow instructions to create our own Greek buildings and take care to decorate/finish them with intricacy.
We will be doing our Powerstock Bake Off event with lots of capacity and volume measuring to ensure our “bakes” are winners! / As sportspeople we will be improving our archery skills as well as developing our swimming abilities further. We will compose our own dance, show casing some of the Olympic sports the Ancient Greek and modern day Olympics held/hold. We will challenge ourselves to run or walk a mile most days and develop our leadership skills with this and Wake and Shakes.We are looking at cumulative data with our Mile and looking at % increase in performance. / As computer scientists we will be using Green screen to use as backdrops for some persuasive journalism. We will also discuss digital footprints and the impact they have on our lives. We will begin to look at ‘Fake News’ and what that means and how we should react to it.
As rights respecting people we will be exploring emotions and how to manage them in new/different situations. We will understand the importance of embracing all people with all their uniqueness. We will explore what British Values are and look deeper into our justice system and identify our responsibilities in school and the wider society. / As musicians we will be learning how to play the recorder read music and perform pieces as a whole ensemble and as soloists. We will explore well known classic music to create an Olympic dance to and extend our music repertoire. / As theologians we will be developing our understanding of Christianity by exploring the key concepts of Creation and Fall and People of God .