Our Lady of Lourdes
Confirmation Program Requirements

Registration Packets are due by April 10th
Completed packets should include the following and be turned in on or before April 10th.

  • Registration Form

This should be completed online at:

To add or change any information submitted on your online form, simply use the form in your packet or email .

  • Photo
    Each candidate must include a photo, preferably a school picture sent via email to . If an electronic version is not available please include a hard copy with your packet.
  • Program Materials Fee

A program fee of $50 is requested to help defray a small percentage of the costs for this preparation program. Should this present a hardship, simply contribute according to your ability.

  • Baptismal Certificate

If you were baptized somewhere other than OLL, you must ask that parishfor an updated baptismal certificate that includes a notation of when first communion was completed.

  • Sponsor’s Letter of Good Standing

Sponsors must ask his/her current pastor for a Letter of Good Standing in the Catholic Church. A form is provided in your packet. Note: this must be completed even if your sponsor is a member at OLL.

  • Service Plan

Christian discipleship is all about faith and works. Each Candidate is to perform 10 hours of service to others. At least 5 of the 10 service hours required should be served in your parish. Choose from the list of service opportunities or describe an alternate plan for approval.

  • Choose a weekend retreat
    Each candidate must attend at least one overnight retreat. Registration often closes very early in the spring. Please indicate which retreat from the list provided you have registered to attend.

Ongoing Attendance

  • Attendance at Sunday Mass (or Saturday Vigil) every week

Families are the first Church our children experience. If parents desire Confirmation for their children, they should model an active faith life. Attending Mass is our Catholic duty; it also shows the importance we place on the faith we are handing on to our children. Candidates must attend Mass every week.

  • Attend all Confirmation Preparatory Sessions

Attendance at sessions is an integral part of learning about our Faith. It is our hope that all Confirmation Candidates will be able to attend all sessions. In the event that there is a conflict with sports or another event, please make arrangements with the Coordinator to attend a makeup session.

  • Participate in the Tri-parish LIFETEEN program
    Every Sunday evening at the Sacred Heart Activity Building from 6:15-8pm, high school students from the three parishes in Columbia come together to eat, play games, discuss issues of faith, create positive friendships, and lead one another closer to Christ. The benefits for the teens are felt individually, collectively, by their families, and the community as a whole.

Requirements to be completed in the fall (due Sept25th)
These requirements will be addressed later in the program.

  • Choose a Confirmation Saint
    Each Candidate willchoose a Confirmation Saint and provide a brief description of their choice.
  • Write a letter to BishopGaydos

Each Candidate will write a formal letter of request to receive Confirmation from the Bishop.