Of The
Held on March 9, 2015
Alexandra Fraser President, TSI (Meeting Chair)
Audrey-Ann Pare Vice President, TSI
Emilee Ritzer Director, TSI
Danica Quenneville Director, TSI
Paul Ward Director, TSI
Kirstin McBride Director, TSI
Samantha DeBoer Director, TSI
Bernie Duquette Director, TSI
David Martinez Director, TSI
Stephanie Woodall Operations Manager, TSI (recording)
Khaled El Mostapha Director, TSI
1.1 Attendance
The meeting was called to order by Alex Fraser at 5:30pm and attendance was taken per above.
7.6 Technology in the director’s offices
3.0 Adoption of the agenda
The agenda was distributed and was approved as presented.
Motion: To approve the agenda of the March 9, 2015 meeting of the Board of Directors of Thames Students Inc., as presented.
Moved by: Audrey Pare
Seconded by: Emilee Ritzer
4.0 Declaration of Possible Conflict of Interest
6.5 Bernie Duquette and Kirstin McBride
Approval of the minutes of the Board meeting that took place on February 23, 2015.
Motion: To approve the minutes from the February 23, 2015, meeting of the Board of Directors of Thames Students Inc.
Moved by: Emilee Ritzer
Seconded by: Kirstin McBride
6.1 Student Centre Expansion
We have met with an architect and will be getting some new drawings of the student centre soon. We will be getting some funding from St. Clair College and hopefully we will be getting some outside funding as well.
Alex is going to delegate out tasks to everyone so one person is not doing all the work. We are also looking for bands and other entertainment. Everyone will be getting lunch, dinner and midnight buffet with their ticket as well as a t-shirt. Please make sure that you are getting all of your jobs done and that you are promoting.
Bernie – fencing and food
Alex – permits and police
Emilee – port o johns
Kirstin – layout
Audrey – volunteers and schedule for parking lot
Paul – blow ups and tents
David – schedule and food
Danica – Garbage
Sam - Tables
6.3 Bunny Hop
If we do not have everything planned and finished by Wednesday then we will have to can the trip.
6.4 Family Party
Sam needs to get some phone numbers for blow ups from Steph. The contact for TJ stables is Marcie trumble. We also need to decide on food. Also a sign-up sheet needs to happen for this ASAP so we can get the word out to the students.
6.5 Executive Elections
Brittany Hulme will be out CRO for elections. If either Bernie or Kirstin have any questions about elections rules or processes please speak to her. Brittany will be sending some information out about elections to your email so please watch for that. Also make sure that all the election rules are being adhered to.
6.6 Quarter Auction
We will start setting up for the quarter auction at 4pm. We will need help with people running for quarters and helping to set up and take down. Tickets will be printed for tomorrow and we will have some for each director. Shopping will happen from 6pm – 7pm and then the auction will start at 7pm.
6.7 Health Plan Referendum
There will be voting happening March 23rd, 24th and 25th. Please make sure that you are doing your booth hours for those times and that we are giving students as much information as possible about the pending changes.
7.0 New Business
7.1 Responsibilities/ Expectations
Steph has still yet to receive many people’s director reports. Remember that you have had so many warnings and at this point we will just start to deduct people’s honorarium. Also booth hours are not being done which is also a responsibility of a director. Please make sure that you are putting forth an effort.
7.2 Class Representatives
Many of the class reps have been coming into the office saying that they are going on placement. We were looking for an alternative way to pay them if they are posting in group email or on their class Facebook page. The solution could be to print screen or to add TSI to their Facebook page.
7.3 Changeover
We have moved our date for changeover so that it does not conflict with SRC’s event. The date will be April 25th and each director will be able to invite 3 people. We would like to have a Gatsby party and we will hold it at the retro suites in the derby room in the back. More details to come as time gets closer.
7.4 VP placement
Audrey wanted to let the board know that her placement is a Riverview gardens and her hours are 9-4 or 4:30. She will be able to attend bi-weekly meetings and all of our events.
7.5 Yearbook grad photos
People will need to do some extras or some to catch up. The schedule will need to be revisited to make sure that we have covered every class that we need to get done.
7.6 Technology in director’s offices
We are looking for feedback about what kind of technology as far as computers the directors would like in their offices. The consensus is that we should have one stationary computer and possibly 4-6 tablets or laptops for 2015-2016.
Paul thought it would be a cool idea to have a ray ban pub pass for next year where the glasses are your pass to all the events that TSI holds. We can order them in the summer and run the program for 2015-2016.
Ø Next meeting is to be held on March 30, 2015 at 5:00 pm in the student centre.
Motion: To Adjourn the Board of Directors meeting at 6:52 pm.
Moved by: Emilee Ritzer
Seconded by: Kirstin McBride
C:\TSI Files\TSI Files From July 2012 going forward to organized (needed or not needed)\Minutes\Template Minutes.doc Page 2 of 4