Johns Hopkins University What is Engineering? M. Karweit

Vector and matrix mathematics

There are many branches of mathematics. Each focuses on a method of representation and manipulation to address a particular set of problems. In science and engineering, almost all of them are important. You’ve heard of statistics to deal with problems of uncertainty and differential equations to describe the rates of change of physical systems. In this section you will learn about two more: vector analysis and matrix algebra. The reason we will discuss both of these subjects somewhat together is because they share some of the same terminology and operations.

Vector analysis is the mathematics of representing physical variables in terms of coordinate systems. If we say that the sky is falling, we are implicitly defining a coordinate system. At least we’re defining which way is down. When we speak of velocity or acceleration or position, they are almost always prescribed with respect to some frame of reference, i.e., a coordinate system. Vector analysis gives us the tools to prescribe and manipulate such variables with respect to a frame of reference. Vector analysis is a part of a broader discipline called tensor analysis.

Matrix algebra is the mathematics of ordered sets or arrays of data and variables. These items could be engineering measurements, prescriptions of a set of algebraic equations, or the scores that students received on the last physics test. It defines how information can be represented and operated upon with very efficient notation. But it does not necessarily deal with coordinate systems.

First, we have to explain what is a vector and what is a matrix.In general, a vector is nothing more than a one-dimensional, ordered array of quantities which are denoted by a single name, say, t. Note the underscore. It’s one of the ways to distinguish a vector variable from a simple variable. The elements within the array are identified by subscripts. Thus, t3 is the third element in the array t. (Here we don’t need the underscore, because the subscript already implies an array.) t may be an array of hourly temperatures or exam grades or the dates of the past ten Easter Sundays. Using the notation of vectors is simply a convenient way of referring to information. That’s the simple explanation of a vector.

However, when vectors are used to represent quantities that have direction or position in physical space, they have characteristics which can be manipulated and interpreted with a mathematics called vector analysis. In this case, vectors describe the direction along which the variable acts. Since a coordinate system has three independent spatial dimensions, these vectors are typically only three elements long—each element corresponding to a coordinate direction. We’ll get more into this later. For now, just be aware that the term “vector” is used in several different ways.

The same thing is true with matrices. A matrix is a two-dimensional array of quantities denoted by a single name, say, T, whose elements are identified by two subscripts. T1,3, for example, might be the temperature on the third hour of the first day of the month, i.e., the subscript identifies the row and column in which the information resides. A spreadsheet is a good example of a matrix. It’s a way to organize data.

Just like vectors, matrices can also be used to prescribe variables associated with coordinate systems. For example, they can define how a vector in one coordinate system would be represented in another coordinate system. We’ll see in our discussion on robotics, that it is useful to use a separate coordinate system for each segment of, say, a three segment robotic arm. So, if you refer to a point with respect to segment #3, where is that point with respect to segment #2, or to a “world” coordinate system? That’s where matrices come in.

There’s another important application. The coordinate system need not refer to physical space. It could be a “parameter” space. For example, if you had five algebraic equations in five unknowns v,w,x,y,z, you would be looking for a solution—a single point in v-w-x-y-z “space”--that satisfies all five equations. That set of algebraic equations can be represented by a matrix equation and solved using matrix algebra. So matrices are not only spreadsheets. They’re much more to the engineer. The important point to remember right now is that the word “vector” and “matrix” can be used in several different ways.

Let’s now see how vectors and matrices are actually used in science and engineering.

Vector analysis

Attributes of physical variables

Think about some physical variables--say, mass, velocity, speed, pressure, position. Are they all qualitatively the same? No. Some of them like mass and pressure can be specified with only a single value, a magnitude—20 kg or 150 p.s.i. Others, like velocity and position require you to specify how the variable relates to a frame of reference--a coordinate system. These variables are said to have magnitude and direction. Velocity and speed are often used interchangeably. But they are entirely different kinds of variables. Speed tells how fast, but velocity tells how fast in what direction.

Physical variables fall into three classes: scalars, vectors, and tensors. All three are denoted differently and have quite different characteristics.

Scalars are variables whose value can be expressed purely as a magnitude. Mass, pressure, density, and distance are all scalars; and they're represented mathematically by symbols like m, p, , d.

Vectors, as we described above, are linearly ordered arrays of quantities which are denoted by a single name. Here we want to consider how they’re used in reference to a coordinate system.

Consider the variables velocity, acceleration, and force. Each of these requires a prescription of strength or magnitude and also the direction in which it’s acting. That’s the concept of a physical vector. Variables such as pressure and mass only require a prescription of magnitude. The pressure in the vessel is 140 p.s.i. Pressure is a scalar.

Vectors connote magnitude and direction by indicating the projection of the vector variable onto each of the coordinate directions. The force vector F = (3, 4, 5) defines a force which acts 3 Newtons in the x-direction, 4 Newtons in the y-direction, and 5 Newtons in the z-direction.

There are several different notations for vectors: F, a , ui . The boldface F and underlined a are exactly equivalent. Each represents a triplet of values, one for the projection of the variable onto each of the coordinate directions. The subscripted ui also represents a vector, but is slightly more specific. It suggests that there are three coordinate directions, 1, 2, 3 (corresponding to x, y, z). uidenotes the component of the vector u ( or u) in the ith direction. Or we can be more specific and write u2 as the component of the u vector in the "2", or y direction. When we refer to the variables that are vector quantities, we simple say “force vector”, or “displacement vector, or “velocity vector”.

Tensors are variables whose values are matrices or collections of vectors and require several subscripts for their specification. An example is ij–the strain tensor which describes the deformation of a material. Because materials are composed of an organized collection of atoms, a deformation in one direction, say the x-direction, may be accompanied by deformations in both the y- and z- directions as well. And a deformation in the y-direction could produce yet different deformations in the x- and z-directions. To characterize this behavior we need three values in each of three directions. So we describe it in terms of the tensor ij. This tensor requires 3 x 3 values to define it, one for each of the possible combinations of i and j. (Notice that this tensor is just a particular form of a matrix.) Tensors can get arbitrarily complex because they can have many more subscripts. Such an example is the deformation tensor Cijkl. This tensor requires 3x3x3x3 values for its prescription. It describes the relationship between the stress tensor ij and the strain tensor ij.

A tensor with two subscripts is called a second-order tensor. (Guess what a tensor with four subscripts is called!) In fact, one can view all physical variables as tensors. A vector with one subscript is a first-order tensor, and a scalar with no subscripts is a zeroth-order tensor. We will not use tensors at all in this course. And since they can get complicated very quickly, we will not discuss them further. We introduce them only for completeness.


Back to vectors. . .

Vectors are extremely important in science. Not only are they necessary for describing physical variables, but they are also necessary for describing coordinate systems, the framework within which physical things are described.

So, what is a physical vector? What are it's properties? There are four. It has magnitude. It has direction. It acts along the line of its direction. It has no fixed origin. The best way to visualize this is with an arrow. The length of the arrow represents the magnitude of the vector; the orientation of the arrow with respect to a coordinate system represents the direction of the vector. Suppose you are in a room (a coordinate system) and you're physically holding an arrow in some position. You can walk around the room holding the arrow in the same orientation with respect to the room, and it would still be the same vector. Finally, if the arrow represented, say, velocity. The velocity would be in the direction of the arrow.

Although we can talk about vectors without referring to a coordinate system, we almost always define and use vectors within a coordinate system. So let's discuss coordinate systems a little bit.

You are all familiar with the Cartesian coordinate system x,y,z. Each of the axes is orthogonal to one another, which means that the axes are at 90 angles with respect to one another. And any point in space can be defined in terms of its distance along each of the three axes. That's the idea of a coordinate system: to provide a frame of reference from which to measure and define things.

Let’s begin with a 2-dimensional example because it’s easier to sketch. We would then have simply an x,y coordinate system. Suppose we begin with a vector V given in terms of its magnitude |V| and direction . This vector can be represented in terms of its x,y components by geometrically projecting the length of the vector onto each of the two axes. Here’s a picture:

In cartesian coordinates:

Vx = |V| cos 

Vy = |V| sin 

So the components or projections of V onto the x and y axes are the magnitudes Vx and Vy. But this is a little awkward to deal with mathematically. There’s a more convenient way.

Since each of the axes of a coordinate system specifies a direction, each axis could itself be represented as a vector. It turns out that any vector U can be completely represented as (or decomposed into) a sum of vectors in any three independent directions. This means that a vector U can be expressed directly in terms of vectors representing the coordinate directions. In a Cartesian coordinate system these vectors are denoted by the unit vectorsi, j, k. (A unit vector has magnitude one.) Then U might be represented as ai + bj + ck. a,b,c are the magnitudes of the U vector in the i,j,k directions. The magnitude of U is |U| = . In the example above V can be now described in terms of component vectors as V = Vxi + Vyj . The magnitudes Vx and Vy scale the i, j unit vectors to represent V.

What can we do with vectors? For one, we can add them and subtract them. Since vectors prescribe magnitude and direction, their addition and subtraction is geometric. That is, to add two vectors A and B move one of the vectors, say B , (but keep its orientation) so that its tail is at the head of A. The line between the tail of A and the head of B will be a new vector C = A + B. It’s similar for subtraction, except to get

A = C – B one moves B with respect to C so that their heads (or tails) come together. Graphically, here’s what it looks like.

Notice that both of these figures look exactly the same. That’s because the vector operations of addition and subtraction behave just like algebra. C = A + B is exactly the same equation as A = C – B. Notice above we said that for subtracting B from C, either their heads or their tails should be brought together. Sketch this to convince yourself that you get the same answer. These diagrams are presented in only two dimensions, but same rules apply in three dimensions.

There’s another way to add two vectors A and B together, and that’s to consider their individual components. You simply add the projections of each of the components together. So, if

A = a1 i + a2 j + a3 kB = b1 i + b2 j + b3k

C = A + B = (a1 + b1) i + (a2 + b2) j + (a3 + b3) k

You should look carefully at both the graphical method and the component method to understand why they’re both the same. In practice, sometimes it’s practical to use one method, other times the other method. Let’s look at a few more examples.

In the first example, what’s F? Remember, the resulting vector is the oriented line from the tail of the first vector to the head of the last vector. What about example two? This one, you should be able to figure out in parts.

Vector multiplication and division are not defined. However, two other vector operations that are: vector dot product AB, and vector cross-product AB . Since neither of these concepts will be used in this course, we will not discuss them further. Just be aware that they exist. If you’re curious, their definitions can be found in any elementary book on vectors.

The answers: F = 0, because the distance between the tail of A and the head of E is zero; and F = E. A and B are the negatives of one another, so they contribute zero. The same is true for C and D. That leaves E.

That’s enough of vector analysis. The important thing to remember is vectors can always be decomposed into three component vectors—usually in the directions of the axes of the coordinate system.

Now let’s turn to that other branch of mathematics that deals with vectors: matrix algebra.

Matrix algebra

Science and engineering often entail sets of equations and coordinate system transformations. If one had to write each individual element in a derivation or a presentation, discourses would be tediously long. And the essential ideas could be swamped by details. To present these ideas more practically we can use the more compact notation of vectors and matrices. And with this compact notation we can perform mathematical operations using matrix algebra.

First, what is a vector in matrix algebra? This will be a slightly different definition than before. A vector is an ordered list of elements. There need not be any references to physical coordinate systems. The list could be 10 pieces of recorded data, the 15 unknowns in a set of 15 simultaneous equations, or the 4 coefficients of an equation. What is important is that the list is in some order, and the elements of the list can be identified by their location within the list. In each of these cases we can represent the information by a vector name, say a, and an index. Then the vector, or array of information might be a = (1, 3, 5, 2). So the third piece of recorded data could be identified as a3 (Here, a3 = 5). And any piece of data could be referred to as ai.

No one will misunderstand us if we identify an array or vector as ai. But, in matrix algebra, if we want to perform mathematical operations, we must be more specific and distinguish between two types of vectors: column vectors, and row vectors. Each of these vectors could contain our list of data, so it would seem unnecessary to require two types to hold the same information. But, later we will define some rules of matrix algebra that will require us to distinguish between row and column vectors.

Using the example of the array a above, a would be represented as a column vector a=. As a row vector, A would be represented as aT=(1 3 5 2). Notice the "transpose" sign--the "T". This means that the rows in vector a become the columns in vector aT. So we can change the representation of an array a from a column vector a to a row vector aT just be adding the superscript T.

Now, a matrix. Sometimes we will need to represent a two-dimensional array of information, for example, the 4 coefficients of each equation for 4 simultaneous equations. A two-dimensional array is called a matrix. Just like the vector, we give it a name, say C. For matrices, we'll use upper-case, bold letters. (However, sometimes you will also see the notation . Just like a vector might have a single underline, a matrix could be identified with a double underline) And, like a tensor, since there is a matrix of values rather than a linear array, an individual entry will be identified using two subscripts--the first to designate which row; the second to designate which column. So, C3,4 would be the element in row 3 column 4. An example of C might be . Here, C3,4 = 3. A matrix need not be "square", i.e., the same number of rows as columns. It can be 4 x 2, or 200 x 3, or even 100 x 1--but then it would be a matrix representation of a column vector. Sometimes a column vector is called a column matrix--just to remind us that a vector is just a special case of a matrix.

Note that a matrix is similar to a 2nd order tensor. The difference is that a matrix can refer to almost any information, whereas a tensor refers only to information relative to a coordinate system.

We identify the size of the matrix with the phrase: "a matrix of order 3x4”.

Matrices can also be transposed. This means that the rows are interchanged with columns and vice-versa. It the same operation that can be carried out with vectors. For example, if A = , then AT = .