Organisation: ______
This section of the workbook addresses the following topics from the POVA session:
- Person Centred Approach
- Risk Assessment
- No Secrets
- Visitors
- Security
- Health and Safety at Work
Person Centred Approach Pages 1-5 (1.1)
Complete the followingmissing definition:
Skills for care define a person centred approach as:
“______The decision then forms the basis of any plans that are developed and implemented”.
Part of your role within person centred care approach will include following the individual’s care plan.
Fill in the missing words from the following options(care plan, differences, consistent, society, individuals, needs, abuse):
- All______ are different thus have different ______and preferences.
- Our s______values d______between people.
- If a ______is followedthe client will receive care that is appropriate to them. By following a care plan the client will receive ______.
- If a vulnerable adult receives a person centred approach there is the advantage of avoiding some types of abuse for example ______.
For each of the following statements circle whether they are true or false:
‘All organisations should provide a care plan to ensure the service that is provided is appropriate to the person who is to receive it’. True/ False
‘Although all workplaces should adopt a person centred approach to care planning each work place will have its own particular approach’.True/ False
If you feel your client is not receiving person centred care because of an inappropriate care plan or other issues it is essential to raise your concerns with an appropriate person.
Write downan example of an appropriate person to notify:
Risk Assessment Page 6 (1.1)
Fill in the missing words:
______are under a duty to undertake risk assessments within the workplace, including assessing for a variety of potential risks and dangers.
The employer may assess the w______w______, and also provide individual risk assessments for particular clients which will be found in their______.
No Secrets Page 7 (1.1)
No Secrets is a document to provide guidance on developing and implementing policies and procedures regarding protecting vulnerable adults from abuse.
Fill in the missing information:
It provides that there can be:______
It is your responsibility to follow the No Secrets approach.
Visitors Page 8 (1.1)
Fill in the missing information:
A visitor’s policy may contain the following elements:
- ______
- ______
- ______
Visitors could pose a risk of abuse to clients, as such visitors should have their identification confirmed, or be questioned if their identification is not known.
Complete the following statement:
There may be differing times where close family can visit and other times when more general visitors can visit. Such times may be flexible at ______or
Security Page 9 (1.1)
List threepossible affects of poor security within a care organisation:
- ______
- ______
- ______
List three possible elements of a security policy:
- ______
- ______
- ______
Fill in the missing word:
Continual lax security may be viewed as ‘______abuse’.
Health and Safety at Work Page 10 (1.1)
Fill in the missing information:
The______and the______are pieces of legislation provided for the health and safety of clients and workers within workplaces.
As well as an organisation making changes to provide for the safety, individuals (employees) also have a role and responsibility to maintain environmental safety.
Write down one example of an employees responsibility in regard to maintaining environmental safety of a workplace:
E.g. wiping up appropriately after a spill
This section of the workbook addresses the following topics from the POVA session:
The role, responsibilities and boundaries of the worker:
- Observation of abuse
- Monitoring of abuse
- Reporting of abuse
Observing Pages 1-3 (1.2)
Being observant within the workplace includes being alert and vigilant to possible abuse.
List three ways you may discover abuse:
- ______
- ______
- ______
Monitoring Pages 1-3 (1.2)
For each of the following statements circlewhether they are true or false:
- Monitoring can be defined as ‘checking or keeping a continuous record’. True/ False
- Monitoring a particular aspect of a client’s care may be and element that is recorded in a care plan.True/ False
Fill in the missing words from the following options (questions, listen, interruptions):
In the event of abuse disclosure it is important that you:
- ______attentively
- Avoid ______
- Do not offer leading ______
Reporting Pages 3-7 (1.2)
Who is an appropriate person you can report to?
Fill in the missing words:
If abuse is suspected, discovered or a client tells you (discloses) that abuse has occurred your responsibilities include:
- Calling the ______ if a client is at risk of serious and immediate.
- Reporting concerns to your manager as ______as possible.
- Recording the for your purposes will be ______down
For the following statement circle whether it is true or false:
If you are concerned that it is the organisation’s approach that is abusive towards the client special protection is provided to you under legislation for ‘whistle blowers’. True/ False
A client asks you to promise that you will keep the informationregarding abuse they disclose to you a secret.
Circle the most appropriate response in this situation:
- Promise not to share the abuse information but share it with your manager it anyway.
- Promise not to share the abuse information and keep it a secret.
- Inform the client you cannot promise to keep the information a secret but you will only share it with appropriate persons and ensure they are protected from further or new abuse.
You must b______what the client is saying.
Complete the following sentences in regard to barriers to effective work in abuse:
‘It is natural for people who experience abuse to ______Workers______
This section of the workbook addresses the following topics from the POVA session:
The role, responsibilities and boundaries with regard to safeguarding individuals from danger, harm and abuse of:
- The individual
- Family and friends
- Independent advocate
- Manager of service
- Social worker
- General practitioner
- Police
- Fire safety
- Specialist services
- The Social Care Inspectorate
The Individual Page 1 (1.3)
Fill in the missing word from one of the following options
(self neglect, abuse, neglect):
Some clients may make the choice to deny themselves what others would consider as ‘appropriate self care’. This can be termed as ______.
Fill in the missing word from one of the following options
(reveiwed, respected, recorded):
However, if the client has all their faculties and are able to make competent decisions regarding their care their choices must be ______.
Family and friends Page 2 (1.3)
For each of the following statements circle whether they are true or false:
Family members and friends may be involved in the development of a clients care plan, especially if the client is limited in their ability to contribute. True/ False
Family members and friends are notexpected to follow the established care plan, maintain the set boundaries and also have a responsibility to raise issues that affect the client’s safety. True/ False
Independent advocate Page 3 (1.3)
List three aspects of the independent advocate’s role:
- ______
- ______
- ______
Manager of service Page 4 (1.3)
The manager of services will play a key role in relation to safeguarding clients from abuse.
Fill in the missing words from the following options(boundaries, concerns, organisations, overview, referrals, reviewing, participate):
Their tasks may include:
- Designing, analysing and r______workplace policies
- Liaising with team members, and other______
- Making r______where appropriate
- Working within the ______of the clients care plan
- Attend and ______in individual client case conferences
- Be available for people to discuss significant c______
- Have an ______of individual client’s circumstances
Social worker Page 5 (1.3)
Fill in the missing definition:
The British Association of Social Workers defines social work as: “______
Social workers may assess levels of risk, assist with the development of appropriate care pans, co-ordinate abuse investigations, provide support and advice, work with the client, their family and friends, and liaise with other team members and organisations.
General practitioner Page 6 (1.3)
General practitioners understand how particular illnesses or conditions may affect the safeguarding of a client from danger, harm and abuse.
For each of the following statements circle whether they are true or false:
General Practitioners may be a source of advice to the client.
True/ False
General Practitioners are not required to follow client care plans.True/ False
General Practitioners work independently and without cooperation of other members of the health care team.
True/ False
General Practitioners may assess or examine clients and can contribute to their care plan. True/ False
Police Page 7 (1.3)
Fill in the missing words from the following options (Police, Family Liaison Officers, criminal offence, immediate, abuse, duty, security, entry):
- ______ may be referred to where there is suspicion of______having occurred.
- Police have a ______to investigate to the circumstances to establish if a ______has occurred.
- The police’s role also includes responding in an ______such as where the client is at ______risk.
- Police have special powers of ______, and can advise on ______.
- The role of ______is to provide support to victims and families affected by crime.
Fire service Page 8 (1.3)
The ______ role involves providing employees and temporary or contract workers with relevant information concerning the fire risk assessment and any relevant risks?
For each of the following statementcircle whether it is true or false:
Employees mustco-operate with the employer to ensure the workplace is safe from fire and its effects, and must not do anything that will place themselves or other people at risk. True/False
Circle which of the following must appoint one or more competent to carry out any of the preventive and protective measures:
- The Fire Brigade
- The Employer
- The Local Authority
Specialist services Page 9 (1.3)
There are many other services that can contribute to a persons safeguarding from harm, danger and abuse.
List two examples of specialist services that may assist the client:
- ______
- ______
The Social Care Inspectorate Page 10 (1.3)
CSCI (Commission for Social Care Inspection) registers, inspects, receives complaints and reports on adult social care services in England.
What is their main tool?
What do they state their job as being?
List four examples of care providers who must register with CSCI:
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
Additional Notes:
Draw a line from the following individuals to an aspect of their role in regard to safeguarding individuals from abuse:
Osmosis Training Limited Copyright 2008
The individual
Family and friends
Independent advocate
Manager of service
Social worker
General practitioner
Fire service
Specialist services
The Social Care Inspectorate
Registers, inspects and reports on adult social care services in England.
Have a duty to investigate to the circumstances to establish if a criminal offence has occurred.
Competent decisions regarding their care choices must be respected.
May be involved in the development of a clients care plan, especially if the client is limited in their ability to contribute.
Provide assistance for a person who cannot make decisions for themselves.
May co-ordinate abuse investigations.
Understand how particular illnesses may affect the safeguarding of a client from abuse.
Offer recommendations regarding the environmental safety of care organisation facilities.
Provide assistance with specific
physical or mental health needs.
Have an overview of individual client’s circumstances
Osmosis Training Limited Copyright 2008
This section of the workbook addresses the following topics from the POVA session:
Understand the sources of support for the worker following disclosure or discover of abuse:
- Within the service setting
- Outside the service setting
Sources of Support Page 1 (1.4)
List fourpeople or organisations who may provide emotional support to workers following their involvement in the discovery of client abuse:
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
For each of the following statements circlewhether they are true or false:
A good manager will actively seek to support you through the process. True/ False
Gossiping is the same as seeking support and so it is appropriate to Talking to someone about the specific details of the event maybe interpreted as gossiping despite the fact it makes you feel better. True/ False
It will always be appropriate to seek support from within your organisation. True/ False
Additional Notes:
This section of the workbook addresses the following topics from the POVA session:
Understand the different types of abuse/harm and understand the importance of recognising the indicators of abuse/harm:
- Physical
- Neglect/acts of omission
- Financial/material
- Psychological
- Sexual
- Institutional
- Discriminatory
- Self harm/ abuse
- Racial
Fill in the missing definition:
No Secrets provides a starting point definition for abuse:
“______ “
List fourfactors that ‘No Secrets’ the need to be taken into consideration regarding abuse e.g. Abuse can occur in any relationship:
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
Physical Page 5 (2.1/2.3)
Circle the most appropriate response:
Physical Abuse is defined by the Warrington Committee as:
- ‘Acts meaning that the victim’s body or bodily functions suffer from some level of pain or impairment’.
- ‘Acts resulting from the commission or omission on the part of others and meaning that the victim’s body or bodily functions suffer from some level of pain or impairment’.
- ‘Acts resulting from the commission or omission on the part of others’.
List four types of physical abuse discussed by No Secrets e.g. Hitting:
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
Neglect/acts of omission Page 6 (2.1/2.3)
For the following statement circle whether it is true or false:
The Warrington committee states neglect is:
“The deprivation of help to perform activities of daily living and failure to intervene in behaviours which is dangerous to the individuals concerned, or to others”True/ False
Fill in the missing words from the following options (nutrition, lack, prescribed, medical, risk-taking, failure):
In Safe hands states that neglect includes:
“______to access ______care or services, negligence in the face of ______, failure to give ______medication, poor nutrition or ______of heating”
Financial/material Page 7 (2.1/2.3)
Fill in the missing definition:
In Safe hands defines financial abuse as:
Psychological Page 8 (2.1/2.3)
List eight possible types of psychological abuse as defined by ‘In Safe hands’ e.g. Humiliation:
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
For each of the following statements circle whether they are true or false:
The Warrington committee states psychological abuse may include:
“Deprivation of normal social contact and cultural identity”
True/ False
“Racial or religious harassment”
True/ False
“Involuntary withdrawal from a valued activity”
True/ False
“Misuse of a person’s money or resources”
Sexual Page 9 (2.1/2.3)
Fill in the missing definition:
In Safe hands defines sexual abuse as:
List six possible types of sexual abuse as defined by ‘In Safe hands’ e.g. Inappropriate touching:
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
Institutional Page 10 (2.1/2.3)
Complete the following definition:
In Safe hands states that:
“Institutional abuse, occurs within an institutional setting, often includes more that on form of harm as a result of______
Fill in the missing word from one of the following options
(separate, environmental, individual,psychological):
“Institutional abuse is therefore not a ______category of abuse but a particular manifestation of, and context for, it.”
Discriminatory Page 11 (2.1/2.3)
List five possible types of discriminatory abuse as defined by ‘In Safe hands’ e.g. Sexual Orientation:
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
For each of the following statements circle whether they are true or false:
The Warrington committee states discriminatory abuse may include:
- ‘Lack of attention to specific cultural needs’ True/ False
- “Misuse of a person’s property” True/ False
- “Derogatory Language” True/ False
- “No other form of physical, psychological, sexual or emotional abuse”True/ False
Fill in the missing words from the following options (contribute, provision, complaints, recording, lack,choice):
Indicators for discriminatory abuse may include:
- ______of attention or acknowledgment of issues relation to age, disability, gender, race, culture or religion.
- Lack of any service ______directed towards meeting the needs of those with specific needs.
- Lack of ______offered to vulnerable adults and/or their carers.
- Lack of opportunity for vulnerable adults and/or their carers to ______to ideas regarding service provision.
- No ______of the views of vulnerable adults and/or their carers in assessments, care plans and during reviews.
- No formal ______procedure enabling vulnerable adults and/or their carers to raise issues to specific needs not being met.
Draw a line from the type of abuse to its potential indicators:
Neglect/acts of omission
Self harm/abuse
Anxiety about money and payments, change in the ability to pay for goods and services, loss of personal possessions of value
Changes in mood and behaviour, attention seeking, withdrawal, uninhibited sexual behaviour and/or language, anxiety, evidence of infection or injury in the genital or rectal area.
Changes in: mood, behaviour, responsiveness, appetite, sleep patterns, continence or use of eye contact.
Lack of cleanliness for the person and their environment, lack of aids to support daily life, malnutrition.
Bruises, lacerations, bites, scratches, hair loss in one area, unusual non-healing or sores, evidence of substance misuse.
More than one person unkempt and dirty, unusually subdued, anxiety and fear in the presence of social care workers, drowsiness.
Bruises, lacerations, abrasions, fractures, bites, burns, scalds, hair loss in one area, cowering, flinching.
This section of the workbook addresses the following topics from the POVA session:
Understand that anyone may be at risk of abuse but especially those who are:
- Lacking mental awareness
- Lacking capacity
- Severely physically disabled
- Sensory impaired
- Semi-comatosed/comatosed
- Aphasic
Vulnerable adults may be abused by a wide range of people.
List four types of people that could be a potential abuser
e.g Other service users: