Return to Work Interview
This section of the form MUST be completed by the line manager.
Name: / Job Title: / Dept:Return to work
date: / Return to work interview
Number of working days lost due to sickness:
Number of working hours lost due to sickness:
Number of calendar days lost due to sickness:
If this absence exceeds 7 calendar days, has a YES/NO
medical certificate/fit to work note been provided:
Reason for absence:
This section of the form must be completed by the line manager in the presence of the staff member.
- Explain the purpose of the return to work interview, Trust Policy on monitoring, managing sickness absence and give any assistance required to aid staff upon their return to work.
- Does the staff member have any problems or concerns relating to their return to work and carrying out the duties of their post? If yes, please give details below:
- Does the staff member need / want any assistance or information, e.g., from Occupational Health or HR? Has the member of staff consulted their GP?
- Briefly discuss the impact of the staff member’s period of absence, on themselves, their department and the Trust.
- Discuss the employee’s sickness absence record to date (the past rolling 12 months):
Number of occasions over last rolling 12 months:
Total number of working day’s lost in last rolling 12 months:
- Has the staff member followed the correct procedure for sickness absence reporting? YES/NO
If NO, please give details below:
7. Any previous formal sanctions in place: YES/NO
If YES, what was the date and give details?
8. Any further action in respect of the Trusts Attendance Management Policy: YES/NO
e.g. Referral to next stage.
If YES, specify in summary of return to work interview below:
- Is Occupational Sick Pay to be withheld? YES/NO
If YES, please specify the reason why:
10. Is an occupational health referral required? YES/NO
If YES, please give reasons:
Line Manager’s Name (print): ………………………………………………………
Line Manager’s Signature: ………………………………………………………….
Post Title: …..…………………………………………………………………..
Date: ……………………………
If Occupational Sick Pay is to be withheld you must inform payroll immediately.
Blackpool Teaching Hospitals is a Centre of Clinical and Research Excellence providing quality up to date care. We are actively involved in undertaking research to improve treatment of our patients. A member of the healthcare team may discuss current clinical trials with you.
Chairman: Mr Ian Johnson M.A., LL.M.
Chief Executive: Mr Gary Doherty