Introduction to Pediatric Dentistry
For General Practitioners 2015
Seminar Objectives
The pediatric dental summer seminar series is designed to review various current topics related to the treatment and management of the pediatric patient. The topics covered span a variety of specialties and allow the general practitioner, dental hygienist, or dental assistant working with pediatric patients to acquire a better understanding of specific issues related to the pediatric population.
Moderator: Doron Kochman DDS
Location: Farash Auditorium
Tuition: FREE
Time: Friday mornings July/August 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM (Unless otherwise noted)
Date Seminar Topic Lecturer Time
7/10/15 OOPS! What Did I Miss? Dr. Doron Kochman 7:30-9:00 AM
Lecture Objectives
Pediatric patients can present with some unique issues. By anticipating their occurrence, and knowing how to manage them when they are identified, clinicians can provide an important service for their patients.
7/17/15 Pediatric Periodontal Issues Dr. Thomas Zahavi 8:00-9:00 AM
Lecture Objectives
In this lecture the pathogenesis of periodontal disease in children will be discussed along with the different etiological factors, possible risk factors and other conditions of the oral cavity presented in children. Some treatment options for these conditions will be suggested
7/24/15 Basic Behavior Management Techniques Dr. Doron Kochman 7:30 -9:00 AM
Lecture Objectives
This course will review some basic techniques to manage pediatric patients. Upon completion of this course the clinician should be in a better position to deal with common behavioral issues.
7/31/15 Yes, you can! Considerations in the dental care Dr. Lisa DeLucia 8:00-9:00 AM
of patients with special needs
Lecture Objectives
· Understand the historical perspective of the special needs population
· Define “patients with special needs” and understand its prevalence
· Define “family-centered care” and “people first language”
· Describe the medical, dental and behavioral considerations of care for patients with:
o Autism
o Cerebral Palsy
o Down Syndrome
· Learn of ways to become involved in care of patients with special needs
8/7/15 Operative Dentistry and TreatmentPlanning Dr. Sean McLaren 8:00-9:00 AM
for the Pediatric Patient
Lecture Objectives
1.) Pediatric operative dentistry techniques
2.) Commonly usedpediatric operative dentistry materials
3.) Treatment planning options for the pediatric patient
814/15 Eating Disorders Dr. Mary Tantillo 7:45 –9:00 AM
Lecture Objectives
1.) Describe how eating disorders are diseases of disconnection and the impact of this on patient evaluation, management,and alliance with the dentist.
2.) Identify signs/symptoms common to eating disorders presentation in the dentist's office.
3.) Discuss at least two strategies to facilitate engagement of patients/families in treatment and their continued motivation for treatment.
4.) Discuss at least two strategies promoting effective referral and collaboration with mental health professionals
8/21/15 Identification and Management of Dr. Pier Sullivan 8:00-9:00 AM Orthodontic Issues for the Pediatric Patient
Learning Objectives
1) Identify several space maintainers:
a) Band and loop
b) Lingual arch
c) Transpalatal arch
d) Nance appliance
e) Removable appliances
f) Partial braces
2) Analyze patient records for the appropriate use of the above space maintainers.
3) Analyze patient records to determine appropriate primary tooth extractions:
a) primary second molars
b) primary first molars
c) over-retained / ankylosed primary teeth
d) primary incisors
4) Identify anterior and posterior crossbites from patient photos.
5) Identify several types of crossbite correctors:
a) Removable appliances with springs
b) Quad helix
c) Rapid palatal expander
6) Analyze patient records to determine when crossbite correction is needed and which appliance(s) may be used.
7) Understand the rationale for expansion of dental arches in the absence of a crossbite.
8/28/15 Pediatric Oral & Maxillofacial Infections Dr. Joseph Fantuzzo 7:30 – 8:30 AM
Lecture Objectives
The participant should leave with a greater understanding of the differential diagnosis and management of oral and maxillofacial infections in the pediatric patient.
Please Note Different Lecture Times:
· July 10 – 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
· July 24 – 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
· Aug 14 – 7:45 AM – 9:00AM
· Aug 28 – 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
*Non-dental residents attending lectures please contact Doron Kochman DDS to make a reservation (limited seating) and to arrange CDE credits at or 585-383-0640. Thank you!
625 Elmwood Avenue Box 683 Rochester, NY 14620