This policy was adopted by the full Governing Body on


This policy is reviewed annually by the Governing Body

Date of last review: ……………………………………………..

Signed: …………………………………………………………….


This policy is in keeping with the school’s aims, its teaching and learning policy and its policy for educational inclusion. The governing body and staff will ensure that all pupils enjoy a broad, balanced and relevant education which meets individual needs. This policy is written with regard to the Code of Practice issued by the Secretary of State for Education ( 2001)


Children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.

Children have a learning difficulty if they

a)Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age; or

b)Have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age in schools within the area of the local education authority

Children will not be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because the language or form of language of their home is different from the language in which they will be taught.

Special educational provision means provision which is additional to or otherwise different from that made generally for children of their age. At EdlesboroughSchool this means providing a modified curriculum for pupils with one or a combination of the following: physical, social, emotional, sensory or intellectual needs.


The vision for all children at Edlesborough School is that they should achieve their potential, become independent learners and well rounded individuals. We recognise that for some children it will be necessary to make additional provision for a limited or prolonged period of time in order for these aims to be met.EdlesboroughSchool aims to provide all pupils with strategies for dealing with their needs in a supportive environment, and to give them meaningful access to the National Curriculum. In particular, we aim:

  • to enable every pupil to experience success
  • to promote individual confidence and a positive attitude
  • to ensure that all pupils, whatever their special educational needs, receive appropriate educational provision through a broad and balanced curriculum that is relevant and differentiated, and that demonstrates coherence and progression in learning
  • to give pupils with SEND equal opportunities to take part in all aspects of the school’s provision, as far as is appropriate
  • to identify, assess, record, and regularly review pupils’ progress and needs
  • to involve parents/carers in planning and supporting at all stages of their pupil’s development
  • to work collaboratively with parents, other professionals and support services including the Educational Psychology Service
  • to ensure that the responsibility held by all staff and governors for SEND is implemented and maintained.


Pupils are grouped in classes according to age and/or ability. As there is a wide range of ability in each class, all staff provide a differentiated curriculum suitable for all the pupils, to ensure access at all levels.All children at Edlesborough participate in a broad and balanced curriculum whatever their needs, facilitated by good differentiation in planning by every teacher and provision of in- class support through effective deployment of Teaching Assistants.

Any pupils with particular needs are included as fully as possible into the normal classroom environment and, where appropriate, the curriculum is adjusted. Sometimes it may be appropriate to withdraw a pupil sensitively, to work individually with a TA or the SENDCo in order to acquire, reinforce or extend skills more effectively. For some pupils, withdrawal sessions may be used to improve motor skills or application or to give support in a particular area e.g. spelling. Withdrawal programmes are normally time-limited and criteria for inclusion in such programmes are clearly specified.

Provision for pupils with SEND is intended to enable identified pupils to make the greatest possible progress in the context of the National Curriculum and in their personal development.

Children with SEND are considered to be full members of the class and school environment. They will be included in all activities including trips, clubs and extra-curricular activities unless there is a safety issue involved. Only in exceptional circumstances where the school has been advised against inclusion on grounds of health or safety would a child be excluded from participating in an activity.


Pupils with SEND are identified

a)Through liaison with previous settings and schools

b)Through screening procedures and diagnostic assessments carried out by classroom teachers and/or specialist teachers

c)Teachers’observations, concerns expressed by parents or others who know the child.

Triggers for identification :

The child

  • makes little or no progress even when teaching approaches are targeted particularly in their identified area of weakness
  • continues working at levels significantly below those expected of their peers
  • has difficulty developing literacy or numeracy skills
  • presents persistent emotional or behavioural difficulties and fails to respond to behaviour management strategies usually used in the school
  • has sensory or physical problems and continues to make little progress despite the provision of specialist equipment
  • has communication or interaction difficulties and continues to make little or no progress.

Categories of Special Educational Need

The SEND Code of Practice recognises four broad areas of need: Communication and interaction, Cognition and learning, Behaviour, emotional and social development, and Sensory and/or physical.

Code of Practice needs
Communication and interaction / Language
Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)
Cognition and learning / Learning
Specific learning difficulties e.g. Dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia.
Behaviour, emotional and social development / BESD (Behavioural, emotional, social difficulties)
ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
Sensory and/or physical / Hearing


The SEND Code of Practice adopts a graduated response to meeting the needs of SEND pupils which includes: School Action; School Action Plus; and following a successful statutory assessment outcome, a statement of SEND. These responses concern provision and interventions that are additional to or different from those provided as part of the school’s usual differentiated curriculum offer and differentiated learning opportunities


School Action

If a pupil requires additional and different support and meets the moderation criteria then support at School Action is put in place. A provision map (or Individual Education Plan (IEP)) is written by the class teacher with support from the SENDCo, and reviewed every term. Parents are invited to reviews and encouraged to play a full part in the process.

School Action Plus

If a pupil has not made sufficient progress the level of support may be increased to School Action Plus. At School Action Plus, outside agencies are always involved. This is often the school’s Educational Psychologist, but may be one of a range of other LEA or Health Services professionals. They may undertake more specialised assessment and/or observe the pupil. Parental permission is always sought for a formal referral to any external service.

The SENDCo supports the class teacher in writing the Provision Mapand liaises with any outside agencies involved. The Provision Map should reflect any advice given by outside agencies and may be in the form of a Multi Agency Provision map (MAP) if outside agencies are providing specific interventions.

Parents are encouraged to attend reviews and to play a full part throughout the process.


Only a very small proportion of pupils require a Statement of SEND. A statement of SEND is for those children with severe and complex needs who require frequent, regular and daily involvement, support, specialist teaching , equipment beyond that provided in a school’s setting. Where there is robust evidence that the additional interventions and provision at Action and Action Plus have not been successful in meeting the child’s educational needs, an application will be made to the LEA for a statutory assessment of need.

Where it has been agreed that a Statement of educational need has been granted, the objectives outlined in the Statement will be followed by the school in conjunction with any specialist services.


Reviews of pupils at School Action and School Action Plus are carried out towards the end of each term. Pupils are fully involved. Parents are invited, but if they cannot attend, they may arrange to meet the class teacher at a later date. TAs are invited to provide input to the meeting. Copies of the review form are sent to parents who are unable to attend. New Provision maps are also sent to parents at the start of each term.

Annual Reviews

For pupils with statements, an Annual Review Meeting has to be held in addition to the regular termly reviews. At this meeting, consideration is given to whether the statement should continue, and whether provision/strategies should be maintained or amended. It should set new long-term objectives for the following year. Annual Reviews are normally held during the school day. All relevant professionals, including those who contributed to the original statement, are invited to attend or submit a written report.


Interventions take place on 3 levels:

  • Wave 1 intervention: Quality first teaching

This features high quality, inclusive teaching to meet the needs of all learners within the normal curriculum. It focuses on focused teaching with sharp lesson objectives, high levels of interaction and engagement for all pupils, appropriate use of teacher questioning and modelling, emphasis on talk for learning and high expectations of all pupils.

  • Wave 2 interventions: time limited intervention programmes

This is intended to provide highly focused ‘catch up’ programmes in small groups, built into mainstream lessons or outside of and in addition to whole class lessons e.g Springboard.

  • Wave 3 intervention: increasingly individualised intervention programmes in very small groups or one to one e.g toe by toe.

This may involve specialist teacher input or individually focused interventions for individuals or a small group. These are most effective when operated intensively over a period of weeks.

Roles and Responsibilities

Provision for pupils with SEND is a matter for the school as a whole. It is each teacher’s responsibility to provide for pupils with SEND in his/her class, and to be aware that these needs may be present in different learning situations. All staff are responsible for helping to meet an individual’s special educational needs or disabilities, and for following the school’s procedures for identifying, assessing and making provision to meet these needs.

The governing body in co-operation with the Headteacher, has a legal responsibility for determining the policy and provision for pupils with special educational needs - it maintains a general overview and has appointed a representative (the SEND governor) who takes particular interest in this aspect of the school.

Governors must ensure that:

  • the necessary provision is made for any pupil with SEND
  • all staff are aware of the need to identify and provide for pupils with SEND
  • pupils with SEND join in school activities alongside other pupils, so far as is reasonably practical and compatible with their needs and the efficient education of other pupils
  • they report to parents on the implementation of the school’s SEND policy through the School Profile
  • they have regard to the requirements of the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs (2001)
  • parents are notified if the school decides to make SEND provision for their pupil
  • Governors are fully informed about SEND issues, so that they can play a major part in school self-review

Governors play a major part in school self-review. In relation to SEND, members of the governing body will ensure that:

  • they are involved in the development and monitoring of the school’s SEND policy, and that the school as a whole will also be involved in its development
  • SEND provision has a yearly action plan and is an integral part of the School Development Plan
  • the quality of SEND provision is regularly monitored

The Headteacher has responsibility for:

  • the management of all aspects of the school’s work, including provision for pupils with special educational needs
  • keeping the governing body informed about SEND issues
  • working closely with the special educational needs co-ordinator
  • the deployment of all special educational needs personnel within the school
  • She/ he also has overall responsibility for monitoring and reporting to the governors about the implementation of the schools’ SEND policy and the effects of inclusion policies on the school as whole.

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is responsible for:

  • overseeing the day to day operation of the school’s SEND policy
  • co-ordinating the provision for pupils with special educational needs
  • ensuring that an agreed, consistent approach is adopted
  • liaising with and advising other school staff
  • helping staff to identify pupils with special educational needs
  • supporting class teachers in devising strategies, drawing up provision maps, setting targets appropriate to the needs of the pupils, and advising on appropriate resources and materials for use with pupils with special educational needs and on the effective use of materials and personnel in the classroom
  • liaising closely with parents of pupils with SEND in conjunction with the class teacher, so that they are aware of the strategies that are being used and are involved as partners in the process
  • liaising with outside agencies in conjunction with the class teacher, arranging meetings, and providing a link between these agencies, class teachers and parents
  • maintaining the school’s SEND register and SEND records
  • assisting in the monitoring and evaluation of progress of pupils with SEND through the use of existing school assessment information, e.g. class-based assessments/records, end of year QCA tests, SATs, etc
  • contributing to the in-service training of staff
  • managing TAs
  • liaising with the SENDCos in receiving schools and/or other primary schools to help provide a smooth transition from one school to the other

Class teachers are responsible for:

  • including pupils with SEND in the classroom, and for providing an appropriately differentiated curriculum. They can draw on the SENDCo for advice on assessment and strategies to support inclusion
  • making themselves aware of the school’s SEND Policy and procedures for identification, monitoring and supporting pupils with SEND
  • giving feedback to parents of pupils with SEND.

TAs work as part of a team with the SENDCo and the teachers, supporting pupils’ individual needs, and helping with inclusion of pupils with SEND within the class. They play an important role in implementing Provision Maps and monitoring progress. They contribute to review meetingsand help pupils with SEND to gain access to a broad and balanced curriculum.

TAs should:

  • be fully aware of the school’s SEND policy and the procedures for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with SEND
  • use the school’s procedures for giving feedback to teachers about pupils’ responses to tasks and strategies.

Lunch time supervisors are given any necessary information relating to the supervision of pupils at lunchtime. They may meet the SENDCo in relation to behaviour management and other issues for particular pupils.


All schools in Buckinghamshire receive funding for pupils with SEND in the following ways:

•the base budget which covers teaching and curriculum expenses, as well as the cost of the SENDCo

•the delegated budget for Specific learning difficulties and moderate learning difficulties.

•other specific funds e.g. Standards Fund allocations, Children’s Fund.

The headteacher, SENDCo and the governors of the school regularly monitor the needs of pupils with SEND. Resources are allocated according to need. The resources available include TA help, teacher time and materials, external agency advice and support. These are dependent on the school’s SEND budget. Any money allocated as a result of statutory assessment is spent according to the terms outlined in the resulting statement of SEND. The school has a continuing commitment to purchase appropriate resources for pupils with SEND.

At EdlesboroughSchool all teaching staff are fully qualified teachers who are able to teach pupils with SEND. Additional training for teachers and TAs is made available when necessary and appropriate, particularly training to meet the needs of an individual pupil.

Teaching assistants have been assigned to classes in order to support children with SEND. Class teachers have a timetable to show where the TA is specifically assigned to children with SEND.

The school has access to the expertise of LEA services and other agencies if required. The Rainbow Room is specifically allocated for use by specialist teachers and teaching assistants for individual and small group work. A selection of resources is stored in the rainbow room and available for use by teachers and TAs. In addition, shared areas around school are used as additional learning spaces.

The school has been adapted to provide easy access for wheelchairs and has disabled toilet and washing facilities.

Edlesborough is committed to making good use of ICT to promote and enhance curriculum access for pupils with SEND through the use of ICT programmes for learning and to enable pupils with SEND to develop greater independence in their learning. A number of ICT programmes are available for use by pupils with SEND.

Co-ordinating and Managing Provision

At EdlesboroughSchool:

  • sharing of expertise is welcomed and encouraged
  • Special educational needs is a part of the school development plan
  • the SENDCo meets regularly with TAs to review provision
  • the SENDCo ensures that regular meetings are held, normally once a term, to review provision, and that parents are invited
  • there is regular informal contact between all staff to monitor individual pupils and to discuss concerns
  • pupils are involved as far as practicable in discussions about their targets and provision
  • the SENDCo ensures that the following information is easily accessible to staff:

the school’s SEND policy