The United States Federal Reserve System was established to

/ 1. / provide loans to industrialists
/ 2. / end the Great Depression
/ 3. / provide for a balanced budget
/ 4. / regulate the money supply

Congress has attempted to deal with the issue of taxing citizens fairly by enacting a

/ 1. / high tariff
/ 2. / property tax
/ 3. / sales tax
/ 4. / graduated income tax

A main purpose of President Theodore Roosevelt’s trustbusting policies was to

/ 1. / reduce corruption in government
/ 2. / save the nation’s banks
/ 3. / encourage competition in business
/ 4. / end strikes by labor unions

Since 1913, the United States banking system, interest rates, and the amount of money in circulation have largely been controlled by the

/ 1. / United States Supreme Court
/ 2. / Federal Reserve System
/ 3. / Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
/ 4. / President’s Council of Economic Advisors

A progressive income tax is based on the idea that

/ 1. / taxpayers with larger incomes should be taxed at a higher rate
/ 2. / all taxpayers should be taxed equal amounts of money
/ 3. / all income should be taxed at the same rate
/ 4. / taxation should be used to encourage social programs

A major goal of reformers during the Progressive Era was to

/ 1. / end segregation in the South
/ 2. / correct the abuses of big business
/ 3. / limit immigration from Latin America
/ 4. / enact high tariffs to help domestic industry grow

The purpose of the Interstate Commerce Act (1887), the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), and the Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) was to

/ 1. / eliminate unfair business practices
/ 2. / reduce imports from foreign nations
/ 3. / reduce the power of the unions
/ 4. / increase the power of local governments

Which law was passed as a result of muckraking literature?

/ 1. / Interstate Commerce Act
/ 2. / Sherman Antitrust Act
/ 3. / Meat Inspection Act
/ 4. / Federal Reserve Act

Muckrakers contributed to the rise of Progressivism in the early years of the 20th century by

/ 1. / challenging big government and urging a return to past conditions
/ 2. / exposing widespread corruption in business and government
/ 3. / writing favorable biographies about wealthy Americans
/ 4. / aligning themselves with the women’s suffrage movement

Which president was known as a trustbuster?

/ 1. / George Washington
/ 2. / Calvin Coolidge
/ 3. / Theodore Roosevelt
/ 4. / Dwight Eisenhower

President Woodrow Wilson supported creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 to

/ 1. / balance the federal budget
/ 2. / regulate the amount of money in circulation
/ 3. / serve as a source of loans for farmers
/ 4. / solve the financial problems of the Great Depression
During the 20th century, federal prosecutions of corporations such as Standard Oil, AT&T, and Microsoft were based on alleged violations of
/ 1. / stock market practices
/ 2. / environmental regulations
/ 3. / labor union protections
/ 4. / antitrust laws