Sick Leave Policy
(Company Name) shall provide the following program to assist employees who are absent from theworkplace due to illness or injury. Employees have a responsibility to make every effort toensure that they return to work in a state of health and well-being which will enable themto perform their job to the best of their abilities.
This Policy Shall:
- Provide an outline for employee sick leave accrual;
- Discuss the required reporting procedures for sick leave;
- Determine Return to Work guidelines;
- Outline the requirements for Long-Term Disability.
Sick Leave Accrual
- (Company Name) employees will accrue sick days at a rate of X days per month to a maximum of XXX days.
- Employees are eligible to receive their full salary while absent from work due to illness orinjury up to a maximum of XXX consecutive calendar days.
- Employees requiring sick leave shall contact their immediate supervisor as soon as possible, indicating the reasons for absence and an expected return to work date.
- Employees will report any illness or injury attributed to the workplace to the Supervisor(or designate) as soon as possible.
- An employee is obliged to inform the Supervisor (or designate)as soon as reasonably possible of his/her absence due to illness or injury, his/her expectedreturn to work date, and any change to his/her expected return to work date.
- After an absence of five (5) days, and when requested thereafter by (Company Name), the employeemust provide a written statement to the effect that the employee is under the care of aMedical Doctor, the employee's ability to attend and perform work, and the estimated dateof return to work. Consistent with its obligations under the CanadianHuman Rights Codeandthese Policies, (Company Name) shall not abuse its right to request medical verification of illness bymaking unnecessary requests for medical documents.
- (Company Name) reserves the right to require medical certification of illness or injury, and informationrelevant to the employee's ability to attend and perform work either from the employee,his/her Health Care Professional and/or from a medical examination by a Health CareProfessional mutually agreed upon by (Company Name) and the employee, whenever (Company Name) considerssuch action necessary. Should there be no agreement between the employee and (Company Name) within five (5) days, such medical examination will be carried out by (XXX Name of Doctor / Hospital XXX). The costs associated with the medical examination referred to in this sub-clause will be paid by (Company Name).
- Nothing in this clause shall permit nor allow any disclosure of medical information from the appropriate Health Care Professional other than the results of specific examination referredto herein.
- Any employee that fails to report an absence, and is away from work for two (2) or more consecutive days may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Return to Work (RTW)
- If there is a recurrence of the same or related illness or injury during the first four (X) weeksfollowing an employee's return to work on a full-time basis from sick leave, the employeeis entitled to the unused portion of the original period of sick leave.
- (Company Name) will provide reasonable accommodation for the employee who may be able to return towork on a part-time basis with or without restrictions.
- Prior to a return to work following an injury or illness-related absence of more than X weeks(XX days), the employee will provide a written statement to Human Resources from their Medical Doctor that outlines:
a)The employee is able to return to work on a full-time basis without restrictions; or
b)The employee is able to return to work, with the nature and duration of any work restrictions described.
- Employees returning to work with restrictions must contact and work with Human Resources prior to coming to work.
- For employees who are absent from the workplace due to illness or injury, (Company Name) will support a proactive and collaborative return towork program. Employees have a responsibility to participate in such a program, ifpossible, in light of their medical condition. The program will involve the joint efforts of theemployee,the employee's Medical Doctor, the Supervisor (or designate), and Human Resources.
- If the return to work program involves assessments of physical ability by Human Resourcesor an independent third party, the costs of these assessments shall be paid fully by (Company Name).
- In all cases, the return to work program shall be consistent with the parties' duty toreasonably accommodate an employee's handicap, short of unreasonable hardship.
Long Term-Disability
If an absence due to illness or injury continues beyond the total number of accrued calendar days of sick time,the employee may qualify for benefits. For a disability resulting from workplace injuries or illnesses, the WCB will pay theemployee directly. The employee may also qualify for Canada Pension Disabilitybenefits.
Acknowledgment and Agreement
I, (Employee name), acknowledge that I have read and understand the Sick Leave Policy of (Company Name). I agree to adhere to this policy and will ensure that employees working under my direction adhere to this Policy. I understand that if I violate the rules set forth by this Policy, I may face legal, punitive, or corrective action.
Name: ______
Date: ______
Witness: ______
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