Evaluation of Clinical Placement Site

To: Clinical Students Who Were Placed on Outside Practicum (2008-2009)

From: Bob Gore

Re: Evaluation of Placement Site

Name of Placement Site:


Primary Supervisor:

What were your primary responsibilities?

How many clients did you see during the semester (direct service provision of any kind)?

How many clients did you observe someone else assessing or treating?

What assessment instruments did you learn to administer?

Were there other test instruments that you had hoped to learn about but did not?

How many hours per week of on-site work did this placement site require?

Was there flexibility in the days and times you could chose to work? []Yes []No

Was there on site training/instruction in test administration, scoring, or interpretation? []Yes []No

Were there enough patients/clients to complete the course requirements? []Yes []No

How often did you meet for supervision on site?______

Did you feel you were given enough supervision?______

Was your supervisor available for consultation at other times (other than your scheduled supervision time)?

What did you learn most from your placement?

What were your major disappointments or frustrations regarding your placement site?

Would you recommend this placement to one of your classmates who was interested in getting more testing experience? Why or why not?

Are you continuing in this placement site through the summer? []Yes, by choice []Yes, because it is required of me []No

How much congruence did you perceive between your learning experience at the placement and what you are learning in academic training courses (515 and 595)?

[] 595 and placement were completely congruent

[] Mostly congruent

[] Sometimes congruent

[] Rarely congruent

If not, is there some way in which better congruence can be achieved?

Overall, in terms of your clinical development, was the practicum/placement experience a valuable one?

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Absolutely – Yes / Yes, Some Improvements Needed / Somewhat Valuable / Of Minimal Value / Of No Value

Overall, in terms of your scientific/research development, was the practicum/placement experience a valuable one?

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Absolutely – Yes / Yes, Some Improvements Needed / Somewhat Valuable / Of Minimal Value / Of No Value

Please complete this and return to Bob Gore. Thanks.