Authors / College of Teachers
Kate Lunn
Policy Lead / College of Teachers
Date Ratified by
College of Teachers / January 2015
Status / Ratified
Last Review Date / January 2017
Policy Number / CVSE doc 31
The Calder Valley Steiner School provides Steiner Waldorf education based on the educational philosophy of Dr Rudolf Steiner.
The school is committed to supporting children to achieve a good level of attendance during the school terms. 90% is the target of attendance of the current academic year.
The purpose of this policy is to set out the schools expectations around attendance and what the procedures are if a child’s attendance is poor.
This policy is in line with OFSTED and SWSF guidance and expectations.
Best Practice - Timekeeping
- The importance of timekeeping will be explained by the Teacher on admission.
- A home school agreement will set out the basic mutual expectations.
- If a child is ill, the school expects the parents to let the school/teacher know before the start of the school day, on each day of illness.
- Children are expected to be in school at 8.50 for the class to start punctually at 9am. This shows respect for the importance of the education, the teacher and other students.
- The registers will be taken at 8.45am. Registers will then be taken to the office.
- If a child is not here when the register is taken they will need to report to the office and will be marked in as late.
- If the school has not been informed of a child’s absence the parent will be contacted within 30 mins of the registers being taken. This is good safeguarding practice.
- The teacher/Administrator will ensure the recommended codes are being used in the registers.
- Regular lateness will be discussed with the parent on an informal basis. With explanation of the disruption that lateness causes to the rest of the class.
- Any reasons for the regular lateness will be identified and the teacher and parent will meet to discuss solutions.
- If the lateness persists the problem will be taken to the College of Teachers for discussion.
- The schools identified lead for attendance will meet with the parent and teacher if needed.
- A child’s absence will be included in their end of term reports.
Best Practice – Attendance
- The school does not offer part time education therefore children are expected to attend 5 days a week unless they are too poorly to attend.
- Parents must let the school know before the start of the school day, if their child will be absent from school.
- The recommended code will be used in the register.
- Parents will be aware of the schools policy on attendance.
- Regular absences on certain days or chunks of absence with little explanation will be discussed on an individual basis with the parents. (Over 10%)
- The teacher will give parents an explanation of the importance of attendance.
- Reasons for regular absences will be identified and discussed.
- Any solutions for poor attendance will be identified.
- The teacher and parent will agree a target for attendance for the following half term.
- If the poor attendance continues the concerns will be discussed by the College of Teachers.
- The Schools identified lead person for attendance may meet with the teacher and parent if required.
- If attendance does not improve, the result may be a child being removed from the School Admission Roll.
- The school will inform the Local Education Authority Officer that it is no longer meeting the educational needs of the child due to the poor attendance.
- Absence will be shown on a child’s report.
Best Practice – Application for Authorised absence
- A parent must put the application in writing to the College of Teachers.
- The College of Teachers will decide if the circumstances warrant the leave authorisation to be granted.
- The parent will be informed of the decision.
- The school fully recommends that for pupils whose attendance continues to deteriorate, despite any interactions, that there needs to be a multidisciplinary discussion with regard to the child’s needs, barriers to education, work already undertaken and whether there are other appropriate providers that may be better able to provide education for the child (including home education).
- The attendance policy will be on the school web site so parents may refer to it for guidance.
Monitoring Compliance.
- Each child’s attendance record will be included in reports
- All concerns regarding attendance will be documented.
- All staff will work in line with this policy.
- All staff will complete the registers by 9.15 am and return them to the office at stated in the policy.
- All staff will be aware of the guidance in this policy.
- This policy will be reviewed regularly and will be altered in line with any new OFSTED or SWSF guidance/regulations.
- The school will identify a lead for attendance.
- The College of Teachers will work within this policy’s guidance.
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