February, 2017
Welcome back to the monthly newsletter for the Section/Area Staff and Regional Commissioners in AYSO Section 14. Each month you will be receiving this newsletter informing you of what is going on within AYSO Section 14. If you have any items that you would like to see in the newsletter, please email those items to These should include announcements of tournaments, coach and referee courses etc. I hope that you enjoy!
This month’s issue includes
1) Recap of AYSO Section 14 State Games
2) Recap of AYSO Sections 14/5 Expo- Nashville TN
3) New Section Staff
4) New Section Conference
5) New Section Tournament
6) National Open Tournament July 14-16
7) Weston Blast Soccer Tournament
8) Budgets
10) AYSO Section 14 Hall Of Fame
Recap of AYSO Section 14 State Games
Our 2017 AYSO Section 14 State Games were played January 13-16 2017 at Village Park in Wellington Florida. 69 teams competed in the tournament ranging from age groups U10-U19 with boys and girls divisions. The championship teams were as follows:
U10B- R1370 Gally
U10G- R345 Salmeron
U12B- R660 Bahri
U12G- R805 Gallegos
U14B- R660 Yanovych
U14G- R660 Bly
U16B- R345 Cerreta
U16/19G- R345 Rodas
U19B- R345 Moise
We also award sportsmanship awards for exemplary behavior and sportsmanship by players, coaches and fans alike. Those winners were as follows:
U10B- R901 Demeza
U10G- R864 Matthews
U12B- R864 Weinstock
U12G- R345 Perez
U14B- R805 Fredrick
U14G- R450 Cepero
U16B- R345 Perez
U16/19G- R1370 Pennell
U19B- R1548 Barraza
R1370 Pennell won the overall sportsmanship award and the trophy goes to the Boynton Beach region for this year.
Recap of AYSO Sections 14/5 Expo- Nashville TN
AYSO sections 14 and 5 came together from January 27-29 in Nashville TN to put on the 2017 Section Expo where participants were able to take courses in coaching, referee and management tracks. National Executive Director Mike Hoyer also gave an update about various upcoming programming to all the participants. We also had a presentation from registration and website provider Blue Sombrero. Special thanks to Rose Arsenault, Pat Henderstein and Harvey Henderstein for arranging for the extra-curricular activities.
The Section Expo’s are annual event of course offerings to help volunteers get the most and provide the most from their volunteer activities. All section, area and regional board volunteers are suggested to attend the Expo’s as well as coaches and referees. The cost for the Expo’s are budgetable regional expenses.
I also want to thank new regional commissioners Thomas Carlesso (R1580) and Elias Da Silva (R1624) for attending the Expo.
New Section Staff
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the following individuals to the AYSO Section 14 Staff:
Pat Henderstein – Section Conference Administrator
Harvey Henderstein- Section Coach Administrator
John Rodriguez- Section Webmaster
Thank you to these individuals for providing their expertise to our Section, Area, Regions and most of our kids.
New Section Conference
We are in the process of putting together a section conference which will be an additional enhancement of the annual Expos. This conference will be for all of Section 14 and will provide discipline specific training for all required board positions : Registrar, Treasurer, Safety Director, Coach Administrator, Referee Administrator and CVPA. We will also offer an intermediate coaches course and referee courses. This will also provide everyone an opportunity to exchange ideas within the section. We are looking to have the conference in mid- summer prior to the beginning of the fall season for optimum benefit. The conference will also most likely take place in the West Palm Beach/Boca Raton Area. More details will be forthcoming in the coming months and newsletters.
New Section Tournament
Our section is putting together a new tournament which will run annually each summer. We are hoping to have the inaugural tournament take place this summer. It is our intention to have this tournament open to all registrants with multiple flights and possibly have adult divisions as well. There will not be a lottery system. If a team wants to register, they can and assure of being in the tournament. We are pursuing having the tournament at the International Polo Grounds in Wellington Fl, the same location as this past AYSO National Games. More details to follow via direct email announcements and the monthly newsletter.
National Open Tournament July 14-16
The AYSO National Office has announced plans to have an open tournament in Lancaster CA from July 14-16 2017. This tournament would be open to all teams and have divisions for the core program, Extra programs, AYSO United and adult league teams. We will include more information as it become available.
Weston Blast Soccer Tournament
AYSO Region 644 Weston FL has announced the fourth annual Weston 3v3 Blast at the Weston Regional Park on March 26, 2017.
This is a one (1) day tournament for ages 5-Adult; anyone can participate. There's a 6-player roster maximum. You do not have to register under your current club or current coach to enjoy the fun. Any adult can register to coach a team.
Tournament will consist of:
- Minimum of 4-games played by each team
- Free tournament t-shirts for all 3v3 participants
- Awards and medals for the top 3 teams
- GotSoccer ranking award points and system
-This tournament is a qualifying tournament for the Disney 3v3 Soccer Championship at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex, January 2018
Early Bird Registration is $185 ends March 7th, 2017
The registration fee is only $210 (registration closes on Monday, March 20, 2017 at midnight)
To register you should go to www.ayso644.org
Please remember that all regional, area and sectional budgets are due to the national office by June 1, 2017. Please start putting your region and area budgets together in February and March ahead of your registrations. Please send a copy of your regionally approved budget to your area director at the same time as you file it with the national office. If you need help with compiling your budgets please contact your area treasurer for help. Budgets must be submitted in order to be in compliance with Section and National. Failure to timely file a budget may prove to be an impediment to getting additional programming to be approved and signed off on.
The 2017 NAGM will be held June 23-25 2017 in Newport Beach California. The NAGM is the only National Business Meeting where the executive members (RC’s AD’s and Section Director) place a critical role in the decisions of our organization. Each executive member will vote on proposed amendments to the national Bylaws and Rules and Regulations as well as the National Board Members and National President. The NAGM is a budgetable item and should be attended by all RC’s and AD’s. If you cannot attend you may provide a proxy by filling out the proxy and submit either to National directly or to a designee attending (mostly your AD). Registration began January 10, 2017 and runs through May 11, 2017 for early registration. Full price registration runs through June 1, 2017. For more information go to www.aysonagm.org
AYSO Section 14 Hall Of Fame
Our history is one of our best assets. As such we have determined that it is very important to not only recognize our current volunteers and leadership but also our past volunteers for what they have done to lay the groundwork for us. We will be putting together a panel to compile a list each year for possible inclusion in our Section Hall of Fame. We will be putting a set of criteria together shortly and the panel will compile a list of nominations from the executive members in our section. The panel will evaluate the nominations based on the criteria set forth and vote on the current year’s hall of fame. It is our intention to award the Hall of Fame recipients at our Section Conference or Expo
So Long From the Sunshine State
Richard Schwartz
Section Director 14