Dear Alumni,

On behalf of the NTUSPAA-NA Board members and annual meeting organizing committee, I’d like to thank you for your participation of our San Francisco meeting held on August 5-7, 2005!

This meeting would not have succeeded if 陳志明 did not sponsor and support Taiwan’s new drug development to be part of the global new drug development initiatives. His actions as well as all your generous donations gave us encouragement to use this opportunity to call upon our top-notched expert alumni in this area from both side of the ocean. I do hope that the seeds have grown in real time. The faculty from the School of Pharmacy gave us a most updated strategy for the future of the school. I’m sure many of us have also been impressed by the familiar poem cited by Chairman 陳基旺. How many of us can have that kind of memory these days? We all hope that College of Pharmacy will become a reality in a year or two with our alumni’s continuous support, and the 6-yr Clinical Pharmacy program is clearly a giant step forward for our School in leading the pharmacy education to be consistent with the international standard. We are very proud of the persistent efforts that the faculty has made in past years!

This meeting gathering was for all alumni, but I was pleasantly surprised that there were quite a few young graduates who came to the U.S. pursuing for advanced degrees like all of us older folks did many years ago. Who said we’d have a gap in pharmaceutical talents?

We’re almost done with the accounting of all the bills. There are a few more tasks to be accomplished. We are gathering all photos in hope to make a photo album for this historic gathering. Thanks to 吳晉who volunteered to edit all pictures so please send him more if you have any precious pictures you had taken. Thanks to 陳惟永who will write up a summary of the gathering from her perspective for us. These will all be posted on the web soon.

Most importantly, to keep the tradition going, we’ll accept nominations for the board members to be voted by December as our next year’s president. Please send me your nomination ASAP so we can vote a president by year’s end.

Finally, personally I can’t thank enough the following for making all this happen-

張麗亞your professionalism in planning and emcee Saturday nite’s banquet party, 張紹廉and your daughter also provided tremendous right out of the local,

吳晉張自愛your dedication to the alumni association and valuable experiences to make the organization running so smoothly, your selections of the goodie bags were so thoughtful!

洪淑卿your outstanding effort, details and dedication to make the meeting registration, hotel and meal counts so easy for anyone.

紀秀怜your personal pharmacy experiences made the workshop so practical and yet so close to our hearts.

Another final note, thanks to all DC-based alumni’s support and my 14th classmates who gave me everything I needed to have this meeting. They are: 洪淑卿, 江美玉, 王立學, 戴洪灶, 陳惟永, 劉坤益, 陳學玫, 蔡玲婉, 林靜慧, 張育珠, 方淑蓉, 程為曼, 謝清淑, 楊振來, 楊義昌. I’ll treasure this friendship forever!

Until next time we meet again, please take care and continue your support to NTUSPAA-NA!
