Criterion / Standard A / Standard B / Standard C / Standard D / Standard E / No evidence
Knowing / The student:
•demonstrates a thorough knowledge of how the TAB works, odds, betting and percentages. / The student:
•demonstrates a working knowledge of how the TAB works, odds, betting and percentages. / The student:
•demonstrates a working knowledge of aspects of how the TAB works, odds, betting and percentages. / The student:
•demonstrates a partial knowledge of aspects of how the TAB works, odds, betting and percentages. / The student:
•effectively uses given rules, operations and procedures to carry out simple, familiar tasks / •uses given rules, operations and procedures to carry out simple, familiar tasks / •uses given rules, operations and procedures to carry out simple, familiar, often- rehearsed tasks / •uses given rules, operations and procedures to carry out parts of simple, familiar, often-rehearsed tasks / •follows some given rules or operations or procedures in relation to simple, familiar often-rehearsed tasks
Applying / The student:
•interprets and analyses a variety of different contexts involving how the TAB works, odds, betting and percentages. / The student:
•interprets a variety of different contexts involving how the TAB works, odds, betting and percentages. / The student:
•interprets different contexts involving how the TAB works, odds, betting and percentages. / The student: / The student:
•identifies the familiar mathematics within these contexts / •identifies the familiar mathematics within these contexts / •identifies some of the familiar mathematics within these contexts / •recognises some of the familiar mathematics within different contexts
•develops strategies, then selects and applies suitable rules and procedures to successfully carry out tasks / •follows learned strategies, then selects and applies suitable rules and procedures to successfully carry out tasks / •follows simple learned strategies, then selects and applies suitable rules and procedures to successfully carry out some tasks / •uses given rules and procedures to successfully carry out aspects of some tasks / •follows given rules or procedures to partially carry out aspects of some tasks within different contexts
Explaining / The student:
•uses basic mathematical and everyday language effectively, in both familiar and different contexts / The student:
•uses basic mathematical and everyday language in both familiar and different contexts / The student:
•uses basic mathematical and everyday language in familiar contexts and some different contexts / The student:
•uses some basic mathematical and everyday language in familiar contexts / The student:
•uses some basic mathematical or everyday language in simple, familiar contexts
•presents detailed responses that logically explain their mathematics / •presents responses that logically explain their mathematics / •presents responses that explain their mathematics / •presents responses that partially explain their mathematics

Criteria sheet: Take A Chance - TAB simulation D2