This list of sources and resources in relation to post school research was produced in the journal LSIS ‘Quality Improvement’, Spring 2009
LSIS Practitioner leadership research projects
CEL’s research and development programme, led by Professor David Collinson at Lancaster University’s School of Management, is examining all the key issues in the Government’s white papers, including the Success for All Strategy and the 14- 19 Agenda.
The Research Centre, City College Norwich
The Research Centre supports practitioner-led research at City College Norwich.
The Educational Evidence Portal (EEP)
Finding the evidence you need – when you need it – can be quite challenging. To solve this problem, a wide range of bodies, including NfER, the LSC, Becta and the TLRP, have come together to create a central research library. Evidence-based practice – at the click of a mouse.
Learning and Skills Network (LSN)
As part of its mission to support education and training, the Learning and Skills Network undertakes research for policy makers, leaders and practitioners. You can also search the LSN’s extensive publications database, covering everything from how-to guides to blue skies thinking.
The Learning and Skills Research Network (LSRN)
A network of people involved in producing and making use of research in the learning and skills sector. Want to get involved in doing some research yourself, but don’t know where to start? The Learning and Skills Research Network is a good place to start, with information about events and conferences and a welcoming atmosphere for those new to research.
Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning
This research centre is funded by DCSF and conducts research that informs policy and deepens our understanding of the ways in which learning can benefit individuals and society.
Teaching and Learning Research Programme
For anyone concerned with improving the quality of learning, TLRP’s research findings have been trialled by practitioners and are ‘ready for action’ in everyday work. The Practitioner Applications section provides practical examples for schoolteachers to put to immediate use in classrooms and the commentaries use the findings of projects and other research to address major contemporary issues.
National Teachers’ Research Panel
The NTRP is an independent group of practising teachers who work to encourage and raise the profile of practitioner-based research and ensure that research in education takes account of the teacher perspective.
National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy
The NRDC is a specialist research centre conducting research and development projects to improve literacy, numeracy, language and related skills and knowledge.