Services and Events September 2016
1stThursdayFeria / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Sacred Space
2nd Friday
Lucian Tapiedi & Martyrs of Papua New Guinea / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Offeren / 6pm Evening Prayer
Gregory the Great / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
4th Sunday
Trinity 15
Civic Service
11am & 3.30pm The Cathedral Voluntary Choir / 8am Holy Eucharist
11am The Cathedral Eucharist
Mass: Delibes Messe breve
Psalm: 1
Motet: The Father’s Love, Lole
Hymns: 368, Take my life, 339, 394
Preacher: The Dean
Voluntary:Toccata, Dubois / 3.30pm Choral Evensong
Psalm: 121
Office Hymn:250 (t.321, Magda)
Setting:Stanford in Bb
Anthem:Come down O love divine,
Hymn: 336
Voluntary: Fanfare, Whitlock
5th Monday
Boys Voices / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Choral Evensong
Psalm: 75
Setting:Sydney Watson in F
Anthem:And now another day is
gone, Leonard Blake
Hymn: 245
Voluntary:Intermezzo (Sonata no.
6), Rheinberger
6th Tuesday
Feria / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Stillness & Prayer
7pm Holy Eucharist
7th Wednesday
Feria / 9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Evening Prayer
8th Thursday
The Nativity of the BVM / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
9th Friday
Girls & Layclerks / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Offeren / 6pm Choral Evensong
Psalm: 88
Setting:Second service, William Byrd
Anthem:O salutarishostia, Edward
Hymn: 140
Voluntary:Fugue sopraMagnificat,
J.S. Bach
10th Saturday
William Morgan
Boys, Girls, Layclerks / 9am Morning Prayer
10am Come and be a Chorister Morning
12noon Solemn Eucharist
Mass: Charles Stanford in C & F
Psalm: 145. 3-13a
Motet: Love divine, Howard
Hymns: God has spoken (Calon Lan); Tydi a wnaeth (Pantyfedwen); Lord for the years.
Preacher: The Dean
Voluntary: Final (Hommage à Paris),
Hosking / 6pm Evening Prayer
11th Sunday
Trinity 16
11am The Cathedral Consort / 8am Holy Eucharist
11am The Cathedral Eucharist
Mass: KleineOrgelmesse, Franz
J. Haydn
Psalm: 51.1-10
Motet: Laudate Dominum, W.A.
Hymns: 107, 294, 463(ii)
Preacher: The Precentor
Voluntary: Overture to the Occasional Oratorio, Handel / 3.30pm Evening Prayer
(Cathedral Choirs at S Ethelwold’s Church, Shotton)
12th Monday
Boys Voices / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Choral Evensong
Psalm: 89. 35- 45
Setting:Second Service, Phillip Moore
Anthem:Ave Maria, M. Cousins
Hymn: To God be the Glory
Voluntary:Trio Sonata no. 1(ii), Bach
Cyprian / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Stillness & Prayer
7pm Holy Eucharist
Holy Cross / 9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Evening Prayer
9pm Sung Compline
Feria / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
Ninian, Bishop
Girls & Layclerks / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Offeren / 6pm Choral Evensong
Psalm: 98; 99
Setting:George Dyson in F
Anthem:Agnus Dei, Karl Jenkins
Hymn: 382
Voluntary: Variations on AlleinGott,
J.P Sweelinck
Feria / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
Trinity 13
11am Boys & Layclerks / 8am Holy Eucharist
11am The Cathedral Eucharist
Mass: Mass of St Thomas, David
Psalm: 113
Motet: Walk humbly with your
God, Malcolm Archer
Hymns: The Kingdom of God (Hanover); 390 (Wareham 493); Who is on the Lord’s side (Rachie)
Preacher: The Canon Chancellor
Voluntary: Hymn Prelude on Darwell’s 148th, Whitlock / 3.30pm Evening Prayer
Boys Voices / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Choral Evensong
Psalm: 104. 24-35
Anthem:A grateful heart, Mary
Hymn: 377
Voluntary:Salix, Percy Whitlock
SsMrrs & Miss of Australasia / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Stillness & Prayer
7pm Holy Eucharist
Matthew, Apostle / 9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Evening Prayer
Feria / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
Ember Day
Girls & Layclerks / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Offeren / 6pm Choral Evensong
Psalm: 107. 23-43
Setting:Collegium Regale, Herbert
Anthem:A Gaelic blessing, John Rutter
Hymn: 446
Voluntary:Rhapsody in Db, Howells
Ember Day / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
Trinity 18
Music Festival
11am Boys, Girls & Layclerks
3.30pm Boys & Layclerks / 8am Holy Eucharist
11am The Cathedral Eucharist
Mass: F. Schubert in G
Psalm: 146
Motet: : For he is our peace,
Philip Stopford
Hymns: 475, 364(Calon Lan), 352
Preacher: The Dean of St David’s
Voluntary:Toccata, Lanquetuit / 3.30pm Choral Evensong
Psalm: 135. 1-14
Office Hymn:437
Setting:Short Service, Richard
Anthem:Lift up your heads,
William Mathias
Hymn: 353
Voluntary:Recessional, Mathias
26th Monday
Lancelot Andrewes
Boys & Layclerks / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Choral Evensong
Psalm: 111
Setting:Fourth Service, Adrian Batten
Anthem:Beatimundocorde, Grayston
Hymn: 408(i)
Voluntary:Ciacona, Storace
27th Tuesday
Vincent de Paul / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Stillness & Prayer
7pm Holy Eucharist
Feria / 9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Evening Prayer
29th Thursday
Michael & All Angels / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
30th Friday
Jerome, Dr
Girls & Layclerks / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Offeren / 6pm Choral Evensong
Psalm: 126; 127
Setting:Richard Shephard in F
Anthem:Jesus came when the doors were shut, Thomas Tomkins
Hymn: 252
Voluntary:Hymne au Soleil, Vierne
The Very Rev’d Nigel Williams
Dean / The Rev’d Canon Rex Matthias
Precentor / The Rev’d Canon Michael Balkwill
Residentiary Canon
Alan McGuinness
Director of Music / John Hosking
Assistant Director of Music / Cathedral Website:
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