journal Template
This Journal Template accompanies the Pure Confidence E-Book.
Your name
Date you started this Journal
1.It all begins with you
Which specific areas of your life do you want to change?
Which one area shall we focus on for this activity?
What are your thoughts and feelings about this area of your life? Note down your thoughts and feelings for at least 3 days using the space below.
Thought/ Feeling / Date2.Self-awareness under the spotlight
What ha4ve you been writing about?
If there are there any themes emerging, what are they?
What is this telling you about your levels of confidence?
On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is ‘I am very confident’ and 1 is ‘I am totally without confidence’; where would you place your current confidence level generally?
Why is your score on the scale not lower?
Why is your score not higher?
What are you learning about your self-awareness?
What is your Primary Focus Goal?
What one area of your life, if you could improve it, would make the biggest difference to your self-confidence?
4.Making a self-connection
How could I turn what I've written and my negative thoughts into positive and confident statements?
How could you think more positively and confidently about your Primary Focus Goal?
5.Living from the inside-out
Why do you want to improve your confidence?
What would a boost in confidence give you that you haven't got already?
Eliciting your values
What are the most important things in life? E.g. health, family, money, etc.
What do I stand for as a human being?
What am I passionate about?
Write your values down below and give them a priority. 1 = your highest value; 10 = your lowest
Value – things that are most important to you / Priority of importance (1= highest value, 10 = lowest)6.Under my Thumb
Self-limiting beliefs
Do you hold any negative and self-limiting beliefs about yourself and your self-confidence? Write them down here:
7.Stepping out from the shadow
Write your biggest negative, self-limiting belief below e.g. ‘I have no confidence’.
Where is the evidence or proof for this negative self-limiting belief coming from?
Now rewrite is as a positive e.g. ‘in certain situations I am very confident, especially when I know a lot about the subject’.
How can you think and believe more about the positive belief in your daily life?
8.Strengths, Skills and Special Talents
Pull out your Journal. Turn to the page ‘Strengths, Skills and Special Talents’. Write down at least 20 strengths, skills, talents and abilities that you possess and use regularly. Don’t make them too vague, keep it simple and any quality, even a very small one, must go down in your Journal. Examples may include punctuality, friendliness, attention to detail and so on.
9.Going for the Goal
My Confidence Goals
Now provide your responses to the following questions:
Why do I want to improve my confidence?
What will the more confident me look like? What will I be doing differently?
What will I be saying and how will I be acting differently from now?
What measure will I use to check whether I’ve achieved your goal?
Your 10 Goals for Building Confidence
Goal / DateNow pick one from the 10 that you think would have greatest impact on your confidence.
Re-write that goal here:
Now write at least 10 things you can do within the next 24 hours to achieve this goal.
Goal / Time when you’ll do this (within the next 24 hours)Now start working on your goals. I mean Now!
10.Reflect, review, re-commit
After taking any action, reflect on it. Ask yourself these questions:
What did I do?
What worked?
Why did it work?
What didn’t work?
Why didn’t it work or when did it stop working?
What am I learning?
What will I do differently next time?
What is the key learning for me that my action revealed to me?
How will I apply this learning moving forward?
11.Small steps log
When you take an action, note it down here on this template.
Action I took / When I took it / What happened and what did I learn?pg. 1