My Learning Plan
This is what My Learning Plan looks like after you have signed in.
- If you have not made any Activity Proposals (for Flex workshops), that section will be empty.
- You may click on any of the links on the blue task pane, on the left side of the screen.
- My Portfolio will eventually contain all of your information regarding Act 48, Flex hours, etc.
- This is where you can see your PDE records; Personal Goals, and eventually Personal Day Requests.
ACTIVITY CATALOGS is our Flex Workshop Listings
- Click on District Catalog to search for workshops.
- You will be able to search by date, building, curriculum area, presenter, etc.
- Allows you to view a month at a time and search for approved workshops
- Allows you to Quick Add an event
- Allows you to print a month or as many months as you want
Fill-In Forms currently unavailable.
- Will be used for Conference / Leave Requests and Personal Leave Requests, which will first be forwarded to your building principal for approval, and then be sent to Anne Callahan in Personnel.
Activity Proposals - Flex Workshop
- Used to create Flex Workshop Proposals
- Complete each blank, white section, beginning with Workshop Title, then Workshop Description – in this section, note the specific audience: grade level, building, etc.
- SKIP URL for workshop description
- Choose a Meeting Date
- Enter a start and end time
- Enter a location
- PROVIDER – You must Select Rose Tree Media School District from the pull-down menu or it will not go through.
- Professional Development Hours is usually 3.75. This is the total number of hours for your workshop.
- Click on as many of the RTM Professional Development Goals that apply
- Click on as many of the Purpose(s) that apply to this workshop,
- Add any comments that you feel would be beneficial to those viewing this offering.
- Click on either SUBMIT or SAVE AS DRAFT
- If you SAVE AS DRAFT, you can still go back, edit, and submit later.
- You can also delete a proposal as long as it has not YET been accepted.
My Info
- My Personal Goals – you can enter your own goals here with detailed descriptions and deadlines
- My User Profile -
Check to make sure your first and last name is correct.
- Select Email Notification Preferences by clicking YES or NO for each of these choices.
- You can choose how many days in advance you would like to be reminded of an upcoming event.
- Make sure your email address is correct.
- Select whether you wish to receive your email in HTML (recommended) or not.
- Select the building(s) you work in
- Select Department(s) if appropriate
- Select your grade level(s)
- Click on SAVE when finished.
You will get a message that says FORM SAVED with an option to RETURN TO MAIN.
File Library – lets you view your own files that have been saved to MLP or the District’s saved files to MLP.
Change Password – Click here to change your password.
- You will be prompted to enter your current password, then your new password, and retype the new password, then hit SUBMIT. information sheet sfw 10-9-05 1