Central Gwinnett High School
CP Physics
Name: Robert Streck
Room #: 709
Course Title and Description:
This is a one year advanced college preparatory level course in introductory physics. All areas of physics will be introduced. Students will be asked to think creatively, to manipulate simple formulas, and work both independently and collaboratively. Students will also be expected to master all skills outlined in the physics section of the Gwinnett County Academic Knowledge and Skills(AKS) handbook.
Conceptual Physics, Prentice Hall Cost: $71.00
Units of Study:
Topic / Chapter(s) / AKSCharacteristics of Science / 1 / 1-8
Kinematics 1-D / 2 / 9
Kinematics 2-D / 3 / 8,10
Dynamics & Forces / 4-6 / 11,12
Universal Gravitation / 12-13 / 13
Circular Motion / 9,11,14 / 13,17
Momentum and Impulse / 7 / 16
Energy, Work, and Power / 8 / 14,15
Class Procedures and Policies:
1. Please refer to the student agenda book for information on the following:
A. Make-up work
B. Tardy policy
2. CGHS late work policy
3. CGHS cheating policy
4. All students must be in their assigned seats when the bell stops ringing. Role will be taken by seating arrangement. Students are to remain in their seats unless instructed by the teacher.
5. All students will receive 3 passes per semester to use the restroom.
6. Bring all needed materials to class. You will not be permitted to go to your locker.
7. Be respectful of the teacher, other students, and property.. Do not deface any lab benches or equipment or sit on the lab tables. All students are expected to use language appropriate in the learning environment.
8. Use lab equipment only as instructed. Observe all safety rules. Any student who does not follow directions in lab will be removed from the lab immediately.
9. No food or drink in the classroom.
Academic Study:
Grading Scale:
A= 90-100 B= 80-89 C=74-79 D= 70-73 F= 69-0
Grading Procedure:
Tests……………………………………………..…..…..…20% of total grade
Quizzes..………………………………………….……..…30% of total grade
Daily practice and class work…..……….…………10% of total grade
Comprehensive final exam………………………...20% of total grade
Benchmark………………………………………………...5% of total grade
Lab..………………………………………………...………15% of total grade
Progress Report Dates:
Six week progress report dates: September 24 November 5
Central Gwinnett High School
564 W. Crogan Street
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046
Phone: 770-963-8041
August 10, 2009
Dear Parents / Guardians:
Your signature and initials below indicate that you have read syllabus for CP Physics. If you have any questions, please contact me at Central Gwinnett High School or by email.
I look forward to working with your Child.
Robert Streck
Science Dept CGHS
Email address:
Parents, please initial each line, sign below, and return.
_____ My son or daughter has permission to view media committee approved instructional videos.
______I authorize (name) to email me at the address provided below with grade, attendance, or conduct concerns about my son or daughter.
______The first PTA meeting is August 27
______Progress reports will be issued on September 24, November 5, February 11, and April 15
Student's signature______
Parent / Guardian's signature______
Parent / Guardian: Please provide an accurate telephone number where you can be reached between the hours of 7:00 AM and 3:00 PM ______.
Please provide an e-mail address if one is available (Please print clearly!) ______.
***Please initial above if you give teacher permission to mail grades to this address.
This form is to be returned to his/her teacher no later than ______.