Courses: Integrated Math 2 PRINT NAME: ______
Stevens High School
School Year: 2017-2018
Instructor: Mr. Jeff Barnes email
Phone: 394-4051
Text: Core-Plus Mathematics
Expectations of Students in the Classroom
- Show respect for everyone in class.
- Attendance is vital toward continuity and development of subject matter - be in class every day!
- Ask questions! Be inquisitive! Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Sometimes the biggest gains in knowledge come from making mistakes.
- Bring books, notebooks, pencils and calcuators to class (this includes ID’s.
- Promptness is a requirement – be in class when the bell rings. You will be tardy otherwise. You may have 3 tardies per semester without penalty. Your 4th tardy will result in detention (1-4 hours @ teacher’s discretion).
- Work and/ or remain at your desk until the bell rings.
- Follow school rules!No use of CELL PHONES! No I-pods or any other electronic deviceCell phone per school policy.
Throughout this course you will be asked to contribute to mathematical conversations and work with others. Your understanding of mathematics and ability to make sense of concepts greatly increases if you listen to others, explain your ideas, and ask questions. Even if you are unsure of an idea, your thoughts are important and valued. You are also asked to respect others’ thoughts. Without struggle and disequilibrium there will be not growth; expect to work hard and know that it’s ok to struggle sometimes.
Notebook etc.
One of the following options:
- 1-1.5 inch three ring binder with loose leaf graph paper and 3 divided sections
- OR 3 subject notebook and a folder for handouts
- Scientific Calculator
- This book uses a graphing calculator for many problems. You do not need to buy one.
- Assignments will be given. Will be on the board or the look at the homework page.
- It is your responsibility to obtain homework assignments missed while absent. This must be done during the appropriate time frame. . Some work may be graded individual.
- Homework is due when the tardy bell rings! Must be done completely.
- Show all your work. Mistakes can’t be assessed if your solution process is not shown.
Tests, Quizzes:
- Tests and quizzes make up approximately 80% of your grade. The remaining 20% of your grade is from daily work/Participation/Journals.
- All tests and quizzes can be made up outside of class time. Make-up times must be scheduled ahead of time Tests will be given at the end of each unit. A minimum one-day notice will be given preceding a test.
- All work must be shown on tests and quizzes.
- Tests will be handed in after the class reviews them.
Grading Procedures
Grades will be determined by the school grading scale:
A = 93 - 100%B = 85 - 92%C = 77 - 84%D = 70 - 76%F = below 70%
Grades are non-negotiable. Standard rounding rules will be used when necessary.
Final year-end grades will be a weighted average of your quarter grades and the final test.
Quarter grades90%
Final test10%
Miscellaneous Information
- No late assignments or incomplete work will be accepted for credit.
- Tests and quizzes must be made up after an absence. No credit will be given if the absence is unexcused.
- Excused absence policy: you are allowed the number of days missed plus one to turn in assignments or make up tests. Work is due by 3:30 P.M. on that day.
- Cheating will not be tolerated! If you are caught cheating on homework, quizzes or tests you will receive no credit for that material.
- Extra help times are from 7:30 – 8:00A.M. every morning and on most afternoons until 3:30. Please make use of this time!!!!! My planning period is 8th period.
- All test/quizzes must be done by 8:10 AM. This is for make-up or coming in to finish a test/quiz unless you email or call to let me know otherwise.
I am excited to be working with each and every one of you and look forward to a great year. If you dedicate yourself to working hard and staying on top of your current understanding of the material, you will do just fine! Please inform me of any concerns as soon as they arise and feel free to ask questions anytime. You have a lot to offer and great successes to achieve. Let’s make this a successful year!
I have read the handout and agree to the requirements and conditions set forth.
______(Student) ______(Date)
______(Parent) ______(Date)