Sunday, The Fourth Sunday

April 21, 2013 in Easter

The Uniting Church in Australia

The Parish of Rockhampton South



Today, the fourth Sunday in Easter, is traditionally called Good Shepherd Sunday, so our psalm today is Ps. 23. John 10 begins with various statements about Jesus as shepherd, but our reading today, John 10:22-30, moves on to Jesus’ statement that “the Father and I are one.” Jesus’ care for us, his shepherding, is the work of God. This is not something we can prove by a mathematical formula, but only something experienced by faith. As Ps. 23 reminds us, God does not protect us from the ills the flesh is heir to, but rather sustains our faith in every eventuality.

Daily Psalm: Psalm 148: “The glory of the Lord is above heaven and earth.”

Daily Scripture Readings: “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it -“

Mon: John 13:31-35: challenged by the fact that everyone will know that we are disciples of Jesus if we have love one for another.

Tues: Acts 11: 1-18: thankful for the way the Holy Spirit was given to people at Caesarea.

Wed: Acts 21:1-6: thirsty for the faith which sees that all things are being made new and seeking that gift from the spring of the water of life.

Thurs: Colossians 2:16-23: holding fast to Christ the head, from whom the whole body, the Church, nourished and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows with a growth that is from God.

Fri: Colossians 3:1-11: putting to death whatever is earthly, fornication, impurity, passion, evil desire, greed, which is idolatry, anger, wrath, malice, slander and abusive language.

Sat: Colossians 3:12-17: clothing ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience, bearing with one another.

We extend a warm welcome to any visitors or newcomers

with us today. Please give us an opportunity to get to know

you after the Service.

Sunday, April 21

11.30am Congregation Meeting in the South R’ton Church (please see separate notice).

5.00pm Fellowship at Gracemere followed by fellowship tea – Rev Glenn.

Monday, April 22

6.30pm Craft Night in the small hall – painting round coasters (cows).

Tuesday, April 23

9.15am Play Group in the small hall – Drawing.

9.30am Indoor Bowls in the large hall – all welcome.

10.00am Pleasant Tuesday Morning at Gracemere Gardens in the Hostel Lounge.

7.30pm Elders and Pastoral Carers meeting in Sagnol House.

Wednesday, April 24

7.00pm Stillness & Meditation in the South R’ton Church with Rev Jennifer.

7.00pm Indoor Bowls in the large hall – club night.

Thursday, April 25

10.30am Gracemere Aged Care Facility, Gracemere Gardens, Combined Service – Rev Glenn Ingram.

3.30pm - 7.00pm BYO Barbecue on Mt Archer (please see separate notice).

Friday, April 26

9.30am CAMEO in the small hall.

7.00pm – 9pm Youth Group at South R’ton.

For Your Diary

Tuesday, April 30

9.15am Play Group in the small hall –.General Play.

9.30am Indoor Bowls in the large hall – all welcome.

Wednesday, May 1

9.00am Adult Fellowship Croquet Morning. Commencing with morning tea at 9.00am. $8 for use of equipment and morning tea.

7.00pm Stillness & Meditation in the South R’ton Church with Rev Jennifer.

7.00pm Indoor Bowls in the large hall – club night.

Sunday, May 5

5.00pm Fellowship at Gracemere followed by fellowship tea – Rev Glenn.

Tuesday, May 7

9.30am Indoor Bowls at Kent Street. Proceeds to Blue Nurses – all welcome.

7.30pm Discipleship & Personal Development Committee meeting at the Campbell Street manse.

Wednesday, May 8

9.30am Blue Care Auxiliary meeting in the small hall.

Friday, May 10

7.00pm – 9.00pm Youth Group at North R’ton.

Tuesday, May 14

7.30pm R’ton Development Committee meeting in Sagnol House.

Prayers in response to John 10:22-30

We give thanks for –

·  Jesus’ attendance at the temple in Jerusalem,

·  the questions about his messiahship,

·  the gift of eternal life to Jesus’ sheep.

We pray for –

·  places of worship and those who gather there,

·  an understanding of what Jesus’ words teach us,

·  faith to respond to the words of eternal life.

We give thanks for –

·  the sense of awe which places of worship create,

·  the memory of past events which encourages worship,

·  the unity of the Father and Jesus.

We pray for –

·  tourists visiting famous places of worship,

·  services being planned for Anzac Day,

·  all that is done to reconcile separated churches.

We give thanks for –

·  works of service which encourage people to thank God,

·  community support for not-for-profit organisations,

·  Rockhampton Churches Together.

We pray for –

·  Australian Defence Force personnel serving in distant lands,

·  the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea, a partner church of the Uniting Church in Australia.

·  the people and churches in Djibouti and Somalia.

Prayer: Shepherding God, our Father,

whose care for your sheep

was made known to us by your son, Jesus,

quicken our response to his self-sacrificing love,

so that, gathered together as his body,

we may continue his presence in the world

by being indifferent to status and success

and by serving humanity through selfless love,

to the glory of your holy name. Amen.