1. Surname
  2. Name
  3. Other names
  4. Full name of father
  5. Full name of mother
  6. Sex
  7. Date of birth
  8. Place of birth
  9. Nationality
  10. Local ID or Residence number
  11. (only for Lebanese)
  12. Address
  13. Telephone
  14. Email address
  15. Mobile Phone
  16. Type and No. Of Passport
  17. Country of Issuance and Date of Issuance of passport
  18. Date of expiry
  19. Company Name and Address
  20. Business telephone
  21. Marital status
  22. Occupation
  23. Current occupation and designation
  24. Purpose of entry
  25. Length of stay
  26. References in Argentina (accommodation, contact, person, company, address, telephone, email.etc)
  27. Place of stay in Argentina (Address) and telephone
  28. Date of arrival in Argentina
  29. Date of departure from Argentina
  30. Spouse (Surname, name, nationality, DOB), Travelling with you? Yes o NO
  31. Children (Surname, name, nationality, DOB), Travelling with you? Yes o NO
  32. Have you ever applied for a visa of Argentina YES or No?
  33. When ? DD/MM/YYYY
  34. Where? City/Country
  35. Have you ever entered Argentina with Visa YES or No?
  36. When DD/MM/YYYY
  37. Length of stay
  38. Purpose of visit
  39. Do any of the following currently reside in Argentina? Spouse, Fiancé, siblings, parents, other relatives (who, address. telephone number)
  40. List the countries where you have lived more than 6 months in the last 3 years, starting with your home address.

41. Have you been denied entry into Argentina? Have you been expelled from Argentina or are you prohibited from reentering the country? YES O NO

42. Have you tried entering the Argentina avoiding migration control, or place or time not provided for this purpose? YES O NO

43. Have you ever been convicted, or been involved in any similar legal actions – even if pardoned- for a criminal offence related to ARMS TRAFFICKING, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, MONEY LOUNDERING, ILLICIT INVESTMENTS, OR ANY OTHER FELONIES PUNISHABLE WITH IMPRISONMENT FOR A PERIOD OF 3 OR MORE YEARS? YES O NO

44. Have you committed or taken part in government acts or any other acts which may constitute genocide, war crimes, acts of terrorism, crimes against humanity, or any other crime which could be tried by the International Criminal Court? Yes o NO

45. Do you have any criminal records for participating in terrorist activities or in terrorist organizations accused of crimes that could result in trial by the International Criminal Court or under Argentine Law No.23.077 (Defense of Democracy)? YES o NO

46. Have you been convicted or do you have any criminal records in Argentina for producing a forged document or making a false statement in order to obtain migration benefits for yourself or for any third parties? YES o NO

47. Do you promote prostitution or derive profit from it, or have you ever been convicted or do you have any criminal records in Argentina for promoting prostitution, deriving profit from it or for engaging in activities connected with human trafficking or sexual exploitation? YES o NO

48. Have you ever been convicted or do you have any criminal record in Argentina for promoting or facilitating the entry, stay or exit of undocumented aliens? YES o NO

49. Do you think you could be banned from entering Argentina on account of any other restrictions set forth in Argentine Law No.25871 or in Argentine Immigration Law? YES o NO

50. Place and date of application

51. Signature and full name of applicant