1. Generally, how are books arranged in the BRCC Library?

A.alphabetically by topic, then by author, then by title

B.alphabetically by title

C.by the Dewey Decimal System

D.by Library of Congress Classification

E.Don’t know

2. When searching a database, such as the Library Catalog, what is TRUNCATION?

A.Shortening a word to find more hits (Example: searching for “punish” instead of “punishment”)

B.Using a symbol to replace a letter or letters anywhere within a word (Example: “wom?n” finds “woman” &” women”)

C.Using a symbol at the end of a word or word root (Example: “quot$” finds “quota”, “quote”, “quotes”, “quotation”, etc.)

D.Using a more general word to find books on your specific topic (Example: Searching for “punishment” to find information on “death penalty”)

E.Don’t know

3. Which Boolean expression would you use to find records that contain BOTH terms?

A.art NOT Greek

B.art AND Greek

C.art OR Greek

D.art PLUS Greek

E.Don’t know

4. Which Reference resource provides only geographical information and data about places?





E.Don’t know

5. Which of the following characteristics is NOT typical of a JOURNAL?

A.Lots of advertising to fund expensive research

B.Lack color, with few or no photos

C.Articles are ‘peer-reviewed’ by professionals in the field

D.Long, in-depth articles

E.Don’t know

6. Which of these types of resources does NC LIVE provide?

A.Magazine and Journal Articles


C.Art Images

D.All of the above

E.Don’t know

7. I clicked on the “Books and Literature” category on the NC LIVE homepage. How can I search all of these databases at once?

A.The Quick Search will search everything I need.

B.Select the “books” category in the search box, type in your search terms and click the “Go!” button

C.There is no way to search multiple databases in NC LIVE

D.Don’t know

8. What type of search capability does NetLibrary provide that the Library Catalog does not?

A.Full text search

B.Subject search

C.Title search

D.Author search

E.Don’t know

9. Which of the following statements about Internet Subject Directories and Internet Search Engines is TRUE?

A.Subject Directories are maintained by people; Search Engines by computer programs

B.Subject Directories and Search Engines index in the same way

C.Search Engines are always“for-profit” ventures; Subject Directories are always “non-profits”

D.Don’t know

10. When determining the Authority behind a Website, which of the following is NOT a consideration?

A.Is the author qualified? An expert?

B.What is the domain? (.gov, .edu, .com, .org, etc.)

C.Is the page designed neatly? Is the information easy to locate?

D.Is the page sponsored? If so, by a reputable institution?

E.Don’t know