IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery Conference
18 - 21 November, Brisbane, Australia
This is a sample title for an extended abstract submitted for NRR 2018
Familyname, I.*, Familyname, I.** and Familyname, I.*
*This is the first and third author’s address
**This is the second author’s address
Keywords: Three keywords separated by; semi-colons
Summary of key findings
This is the first paragraph – text set with no indent. This is our preferred style for all first paragraphs after headings [11pt Times New Roman] with a 6pt space after the paragraph. The submission is limited to three A4 pages including all text, figures, tables and references. Your extended abstract should follow the headings as set out and please do not change the page margins.
Background and relevance
This is the first paragraph – text set with no indent. This is our preferred style for all first paragraphs after headings [11pt Times New Roman] with a 6pt space after the paragraph. The submission is limited to three A4 pages including all text, figures, tables and references. Your extended abstract should follow the headings as set out and please do not change the page margins.
This is the first paragraph – text set with no indent. This is our preferred style for all first paragraphs after headings [11pt Times New Roman] with a 6pt space after the paragraph. The submission is limited to three A4 pages including all text, figures, tables and references. Your extended abstract should follow the headings as set out and please do not change the page margins.
This is the first paragraph – text set with no indent. This is our preferred style for all first paragraphs after headings [11pt Times New Roman] with a 6pt space after the paragraph. The submission is limited to three A4 pages including all text, figures, tables and references. Your extended abstract should follow the headings as set out and please do not change the page margins.
Table 1.1 This is a style for Table Titles. “Table 1.1, 1.2 etc” should be in bold. Table captions should appear above tables. [9pt Arial]
Figure 1.1 This is a style for Figure legends. “Figure 1.1, 1.2 etc” should be in bold. Figure legends should appear below figures.[9pt Arial]
This is a style for references (9pt Arial).
Andrews, J.F. (1993) Modeling and simulation of wastewater treatment processes, Water Science and Technology, 28(11/12), 141–150
Billing, A.E. and Dold, P.L. (1988a) Modelling techniques for biological reaction systems, Water SA, 14(4), 185–192
Freguia, S. (2010) Organics oxidation, In:Bioelectrochemical Systems. From extracellular electron transfer to biotechnological application, IWA Publishing, ISBN: 9781843392330.
Pikaar, I. (2011) Development of high rate electrochemical methods for the removal of sulfide from wastewater, PhD, The University of Queensland.
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Presenting Author
Please attach a photo of the presenting author. / Dr IamFamilynameAuthors Affiliation
Is the presenting author an IWA Young Water Professional? Y/N
(i.e. an IWA member under 35 years of age)
Bio: This is the short bio for the presenting author of the paper for both Oral and Poster papers. The bio should be short and engaging.