Meeting held at the Penwortham Community Centre at 7.15pmon Monday 23January 2017.

Present:CouncillorsD Bretherton, D Howarth,AE Pimblett, R Taylor, Mrs C Wooldridge,D Wooldridge and T Young.

In attendance:Steve Caswell, Town Manager and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)

Marie Dardis, Democratic Services Officer

29.Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Hancock.

Councillor Hancock was substituted by Councillor Young.

30.Declarations of Interest

Councillor Young declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the sponsorship request from Middleforth C of E Primary School item (minute no. 33) due to being a governor at the school, and left the meeting during the consideration of and voting on this item.

31.Minutes of the Last Meeting

RESOLVED:that the minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 28 November 2016be approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman.

32. Monitoring of Income and Expenditure

3/4 Year Accounts – to End December 2016

The Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) presented a report on these accounts.

RESOLVED:i)that the report on the monitoring of income and expenditure for the first 3/4 year to the end of December 2016 be approved.

Councillor Young left the room for this item.

33. Request for Financial Support from Middleforth C of E Primary School towards a School Defibrillator

The committee considered a request from Middleforth C of E Primary School for £200 towards the cost of purchasing a defibrillator for the school. Following a short discussion Councillor Howarth suggested sending the school a grant application form to complete and return to this committee for consideration. Councillor Mrs Wooldridge suggested sending the school information detailing how MoorHeySpecialSchoolreceived a defibrillator for their school.

Councillor Watkinson informed the committee that he was involved in a campaign for schools to gain access to this life saving equipment and encouraged all schools to purchase a defibrillator.

RESOLVED:i)that a grant application form be sent to Middleforth C of E Primary School along with information on how Moor Hey Special School purchased their equipment; and

ii)that consideration of the matter be deferred until further information is received from Middleforth C of E Primary School.

Councillor Young rejoined the meeting.

34.Request for Financial Support from Penwortham in Bloom

The Committee considered a request from the Penwortham in Bloom Committee for a donation of £250 towards the running cost of the project. It was suggested that the committee complete and submit a grant application form inline with the town council’s policy on awarding community grants.

RESOLVED:i)that a grant application form be sent to the Penwortham in Bloom Committee for completion; and

ii)that consideration of the matter be deferred until further information is received from the Penwortham in Bloom Committee.


(The meeting finished at 7.40pm)

The minutes of this meeting will be published on the website