ServiceIQ New Zealand Museum Awards 2017

Arts Access Award Entry Form

NB: Please use separate form for all other Award categories

In partnership with Arts Access Aotearoa, this award recognises galleries and museums that have made a particular commitment to building new audiences by becoming more accessible to disabled or Deaf people.

Nominee’s information:


Institution: ......






Project information:

Project title:......

Project team:......

Project location:......

Museums Aotearoa membership is held by:......

(individual or museum member)

We have not previously received an Arts Access Aotearoa Arts For All Award



Name (please print):......


(organisation’s director / general manager or equivalent)

Purchase Order number required YES/NO

Make your case:

To enter, please submit a report including:

  • a written description about your activities and achievements that illustrate commitment to accessibility. Including: initiatives, consultation and engagement with disabled community, increased audiences, partnerships (300 words)
  • a 1 page summary outlining how the disabled community benefitted e.g. audiencestatistics and examples, feedback from disabled and Deaf people
  • if you have an accessibility policy please attach as an appendix to your entry
  • a simple budget for your entry showing expenditure and income (including sponsorship, activity expenses and internal staff time)
  • details of who worked on the entry/project including external participants
  • photographs, plans, publicity material and other supporting graphics to a maximum of ten (10) images. Please attach a single PDF file (including all images) as an appendix to your entry.Choose one print-quality image to represent your entry in publicity etc and attach this as a separate jpeg file
  • supporting video material should be kept under 2 minutes and must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo with the URL included in your written material.

Note: electronic material must be in a singleWord formatdocument and if more than 10MBprovided on a USB drive or via file-share e.g. Dropbox. Hard copy material will not be returned

Send us your entry:

EmailSend your entry to

If submitting in hard copy, please send six copies of all material:

PostServiceIQ NZ Museum Awards

PO Box 10928

Wellington 6143

Hand/courierServiceIQ NZ Museum Awards

Museums Aotearoa

169 Tory Street


Entry Fee:

$50 (incl GST) per entry for institutions employing fewer than 5 full-time staff

$100 (incl GST) per entry for institutions employing 6-20 full-time staff

$200 (incl GST) per entry for institutions employing more than 20 full-time staff

Stay informed:

If you have any questions or need more information, contact Museums Aotearoa:

Phillipa Tocker or Talei Langley:. T(04) 499 1313.

We will keep you updated via our regular emails, Facebook and Twitter