This information will not be turned it. It will only be used to help students calculate their personal carbon footprint.
- Go to
- Scroll down and click on: CALCULATE MY FOOTPRINT NOW!
- Create a username and password you will remember, for example your school ID and password
- Answer these questions with a parent.
- How many miles per gallon does my family’s car get? ______
- When I go out with my friends, I travel about ______miles per week.
- When I go out shopping, for sports, after-school activities, etc., I travel approximately ______miles per week.
- I live ______miles from school.
- In the last year, I took ______airplane flights. (Count round trip flight as 2 flights!)
- How many hours? ______or total miles? ______
- How many stops? ______
- How many miles do I travel for vacations, etc.? ______
- How many people live in your home? ______
- How many square feet is your home? ______
- How many months per year do you warm your home? ______
- How do you heat your home? GasElectricWoodCoalSoal
- When the heat is on, at what temperature do you keep your home? ______
- In the cold season:
a. I use a lot of heat to keep my room very warm at night.
b. I use some heat in my room, and also keep warm with extra blankets.
c. I mostly use blankets to keep warm at night.
- To heat my room at night:
a. I use a plug-in electric heater
b. I use our home heating system
c. I don't use heat in my room at night at all
- To keep our home cool in the warm season, we use a cooling system (fans or air conditioning) ______months per year.
- To keep our home cool in the warm seasons, we use:
a. Mainly fans. How many fans? ______
b. Mainly central air conditioning.
c. Mainly individual room air conditioning units (ones that fit in widows).
d. We don’t use any of these.
- When the cooling system is on, what is the average temperature in your home? ______
- In addition to cooling our home, I cool my room with a fan ______hours per day.
- In our home, we have:
- How many compact fluorescent light bulbs (the curly bulbs)? ______
- How many incandescent light bulbs? ______
- How many LED light bulbs? ______
- On average, how many hours per day do you use light bulbs? ______
- When I am not home, and I'm the last to leave a room:
a. I always turn the lights off
b. I usually turn the lights off
c. I rarely turn the lights off
d. I always leave the lights on
- While I'm brushing my teeth:
a. I leave the water running the whole time
b. I turn off the water until I need it
- How is water heated in your home (gas water heater, electric water heater, etc.)? ______
- How many times do you bath or shower per week? ______
- How long are your showers? ______
- Has your family installed low water volume/dual flush toilets to save water? ______
- How do you wash your dishes?
a. we use a dishwasher just about every day, whether or not it's full.
b. we use a dishwasher when it is completely full.
c. we wash dishes in a basin of water and rinse under running water.
d. we wash dishes in a basin of water and rinse turning water off between dishes.
e. we wash the dishes under the faucet, leaving the water running constantly.
f. we wash the dishes under the faucet, leaving the water running constantly.
- When we wash our clothes we usually use hot, warm, or cold water? ______
- To cut the grass on our lawn, we use a:
a. manual push mower
b. gas pusher mower
c. electric push mower
d. tractor mower
e. don't cut/don't have grass
- For yard work (other than mowing grass) we use:
a. gas powered weed wacker
b. electric powered weed wacker
c. hand clippers/pull weeds by hand
d. no yard work
- To collect fallen leaves on our property, we use a:
a. gas powered blower
b. electric blower
c. rake
d. we don't collect leaves
- When we collect yard waste (leaves, branches, mowed grass), we:
a. throw in trash
b. taken for mulching/compost
c. mulch/compost it ourselves
d. don't collect yard waste
e. burn it
- How many grocery bags do you throw away per week empty or with garbage? ______
- When I use a printer, I print on:
a. fresh paper one sided
b. fresh paper two sided
c. recycled paper one sided
d. recycled paper two sided
- How many hours per day do you charge your cell phone? ______
- How many hours per day do you watch television at home? ______
- How many hours do you actively use your home (desktop) computer per day? ______
- When you are not using your desktop computer:
a. leave it on with the screen on
b. leave it on with the screen off
c. turn it off
d. don't have a desktop
- How many hours do you actively use your laptop per day? ______
- When you are not using your laptop computer:
a. leave it on with the screen on
b. leave it on with the screen off
c. turn it off
d. don't have a laptop
- I actively use my other major home electronics (stereo, musical instruments, etc) ______hours per day.
- When your not using your other electronics:
a. leave them on all the time (standby mode)
b. leave it on some of the time (standby mode)
c. Turn them off
d. I don't own other such electronic equipment.
- How many average calories do you consume per day? ______
- Each week approximately how many do you eat?
- Eggs (including in deserts) ______
- Milk products ______gallons
- How many times a week do you eat:
- Vegetarian meals ______
- Fish or chicken ______
- Beef ______
- Pork or other mammals ______
- Organic food ______
- We eat in-season, locally-grown food:
a. most of the time
b. some of the time
c. rarely or never
- Do you compost your vegetable scraps at home? ______
- How often do get food to go from restaurants or fast food restaurants per week? ______
- Do you use your own container or use the containers from the restaurants? ______
- How many times a year do you burn wood indoor or outdoor fires? ______
- How many logs do you typically burn? ______
- Do you buy new or used clothes? ______
- How much money do you spend on clothes? ______
- Do you choose to buy items with minimal or no packaging?
a. often
b. sometimes
c. rarely or don't think about it
- How often do you drink store bought plastic water bottles per week? ______
- When shopping:
a. I use my own reusable bag
b. sometime use my own reusable bag
c. I get my bag from the cashier
- I by (or get as gifts) new electronics (iPod, phone, DVD player, TV, etc) approximately:
a. once a month
b. once a season (4x per year)
c. twice a year
d. once a year
e. less than once a year
- How much of the flowing materials do you recycle at home (always, sometimes, or never):
- Glass ______
- Plastic ______
- Paper ______
- Tin/Aluminum ______
- How much of the flowing materials do you recycle at school (always, sometimes, or never):
- Glass ______
- Plastic ______
- Paper ______
- Tin/Aluminum ______
- Before I throw things away (containers, aluminum foil, bottles, etc.) or recycle them I reuse them:
a. whenever I can
b. sometimes
c. rarely or never