General Affairs
Information systems
Release note
This general EUCEG release note list all the different releases of the following items:
- Data dictionary
- XML Creator tool
- XML messages Validation by EUCEG.
For the different topics you will see easily the current version of the document/tool, what are the updates made in this last version compare to the pervious one and where is the previous version located in CIRCABC
Document History
Version / Date / Comment / Modified Sections / Document archive1.0 / 16/06/2016 / General Release note for EUCEG project initial version
1. TPD_submission_data_dictionary_electronic_cigarettes 1.0.2
2. XSD 1.0.1 (already published the 07/06/2016)
3. XML Creator 1.1.2 / All / For tobacco:
For e-cigarette :
1.1 / 27/06/2016 / General Release note for EUCEG project update version
1. XML Creator 1.1.3 / 3.XML CREATOR RELEASES
Version / Release Date / Updates / Previous versionTPD_submission_data_dictionary_electronic_cigarettes 1.0.2 / 15/06/2016 / The priority of the following fields has been changed in the electronic cigarettes data dictionary. In this version of the data dictionary, the priority is optional.
64 : Ingredient_CLP_Acute_Tox_Oral
65 : Ingredient_CLP_Acute_Tox_Dermal
66 : Ingredient_CLP_Acute_Tox_Inhalation
67 : Ingredient_CLP_Skin_Corrosive/Irritant
68 : Ingredient_CLP_Eye_Damage/Irritation
69 : Ingredient_CLP_Respiratory_Sensitisation
70 : Ingredient_CLP_Skin_Sensitisation
71 : Ingredient_CLP_Mutagen/Genotox
72 : Ingredient_CLP_Carcinogenity
73 : Ingredient_CLP_Reproductive_Tox
74 : Ingredient_CLP_STOT
75 : Ingredient_CLP_STOT_Description
76 :Ingredient_CLP_Aspiration_Tox
(related to the changes made in the ecig_products.xsd version 1.0.1 ) / TPD_submission_data_dictionary_electronic_cigarettes 1.0.1
Published the 07/06/2016
2. XSD releases
Version / Release Date / Updates / Previous version1.0.1 / 07/06/2016 / 1. Modifications in the "products.xsd" to correct the list of values for some CLP fields: (values in bold have been added)
ü New values for the CLP Acute Tox Dermal : 1,2,3,4
ü New values for the CLP Acute Tox Inhalation: 1,2,3,4
ü New values for the CLP STOT: 1,2,3
In the "products.xsd":
<xs:simpleType name="AcuteToxDermalCodeValue">
<xs:documentation>Defines a toxicity code.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="3"/>
<xs:enumeration value="4"/>
<xs:simpleType name="AcuteToxInhalationCodeValue">
<xs:documentation>Defines a toxicity code.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="3"/>
<xs:enumeration value="4"/>
<xs:simpleType name="StotCodeValue">
<xs:documentation>Defines a toxicity code.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="3"/>
2. Modification in the "ecig_products.xsd" to allow the ecigarette products with product type 3 or 5 or 8 or 9 to be submitted without ingredients:
In the "ecig_products.xsd"
<xs:element name="Ingredients" minOccurs="0"
<xs:documentation>The list of product ingredients.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="Ingredient" type="EcigIngredient" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
</xs:element> / 1.0
For tobacco:
For e-cigarette
3. XML CREATOR releases
If you have already installed a version in your computer before to change it please consult the document Procedure to install the TDP XML creator tool.pdf a new section has been added: 3. HOW TO INSTALL A NEW VERSION OF THE TPD XML CREATOR TOOL.
Version / Release Date / Updates / Previous version1.1.2 / 15/06/2016 / 3 bugs have been fixed in this new release
1. The XML submission cannot be validated without the "Manufacturer" is completed in the "product details" part. In the XSD, the manufacturer is optional this issue has been fixed now a submission can be validated.
2. The value of the "PackageUnits" element was not completed in the XML submission
3. The value of the "PackageNetWeight" element was "-1" if the field was not completed in the TDP XML creator tool. / 1.1.1
(First release)
For tobacco :
For e-cigarette
Current version / 27/06/2016 / 9 bugs have been fixed in this new release
2. The "FL number" field does not allow for punctuation or more than 4 characters.
3. If a submission contains several ingredients, when the user navigate between the different ingredients the details of the ingredient are not correctly displayed
4. When adding a second “other” emission, the "other" emission of the other Emission is overwritten.
5. The "AirflowAdjustable" element cannot be in the XMl is the product type is 7
6. The "WickChangeable" element cannot be present in the XMl if the product type is 7
7. The Microprocessor" element cannot be present in the XMl if the product type is 7
8. In memory data is lost after the "heap space out of memory error"
9. If there are a lot of other ingredients, sometimes when the user edits and scrolls down in the list, the details shown are not the values of the selected line
10. Wrong format for the number fields / 1.1.2
(Second release)
For tobacco :
For e-cigarette
4. Validation bug fixes (no impact on XSD)
Some problems can be found in the business rules validation part of the EUCEG system, we will give you an overview of the updates that have been done in the validation.
Issues fix in acceptance / Issues fix in production / Updates , bugfix on the business rules validation13/06/2016 / 13/06/2016 / 1. It was impossible to submit the tobacco product XML without the TNCO emission data although the fields are optional.
2. Error message "ERR-RULES-0013-0009" was returned when the function 'Other ' was selected and the "Other Function" field was completed.