1st Pak American

Business Excellence

Awards 2018


This form must be completed by all entrants, regardless of Award Category selection.

All entries will then be considered for the prizes.

Please indicate the Award Category of your entry: (please CHECK the box next to your desired Category/Categories)

Excellence in Property & Construction Business of the Year

Excellence in Marketing Business of the Year

Excellence in Digital / Technology Business of the Year

Excellence in Creative & Media Business of the Year

Excellence in E-Commerce Business of the Year

Excellence in Professional Services Business of the Year

Excellence in Manufacturing Business of the Year

Excellence in Engineering Business of the Year

Excellence in Tourism & Leisure Business of the Year

Excellence in Retail Business of the Year

Excellence in Wholesale Business of the Year

Excellence in Hair & Beauty Business of the Year

Excellence in Health & Body Care Business of the Year

Excellence in Social Enterprise / Not For Profit Business of the Year

Excellence in Family Business of the Year

Excellence in Export Business Award

New Business Excellence Award (Less than 2 Years Old)

Women Business Excellence Award of the Year

Micro Business of the Year (10 Employees & Under)

Business Excellence Award of the Year (10-50 Employees)

Business Excellence Award of the Year (51-100 Employees)

Business Excellence Award of the Year (101-250 Employees)

Business Excellence Award of the Year (251-500) Employees)

Business Excellence Award of the Year (500+) Employees)

Excellence in Digital & Social Media Award

Apprentice of the Year

Young Entrepreneur Excellence Award (25 & Under)

Excellence in Customer Service Award

Excellence in Training & Development Award

Excellence in Green Impact Award

Chairman’s Excellence Award

Pak US Trade Excellence Award

Step 1: Participant Information

Name: / Title:
Company/Organization Name:
Company’s Industry:
Address 1: Address 2:
City: / State/Prov:
Zip/Postal Code: / Country:
Phone: / E-Mail:

About Your Company:

Annual revenues (or budget): / Number of employees:
Trade Volume to/from USA/Canada:

Brief description of company and market position, main products and services (100-250 words):

Step 2: Describe why you feel that your company should win the award for the category you are contesting for? (please refer to the “Hints & Tips for the submission” towards the end of this document)

(a minimum 250 to maximum 1500 words)

How to Enter

  1. Decide whichcategoriesyou would like to enter. You may enter as many categories as you wish.
  2. Pay your entry fee of $6,000 (that includes $500 non-refundable ENTRY fee) for per category entered, by Bank Wire, Certified Bank Cheque or through our authorized representative. Please equesting an invoice which must be settled by the entry deadline, and then email your entries and supporting information
  3. Once your entry fee has been received, you will automatically be emailed a 2018 nominees’ logo relating to the category you are entering. This can be used on your website and other marketing material.
  1. Fillout the the ENTRY FORM in its entirety also draft a written submission of up to 1,500 words explaining why you should win your chosen categories. You can also send a separate PDF file explaining this should you have more to explain.
  2. Send your submission long with any relevant supporting information such as financial results, press cuttings, customer feedback, market research etc by the entry deadline.

We will acknowledge receipt of all submissions by email and your entry and supporting information will remain confidential, viewed only by the administrators and judges. Winners will be notified within two weeks of the entry deadline.

DEADLINE: Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Have questions or issues filling out the ENTRY FORM please submit your querries or questions to Mr. Zafar K. Mirza @ Email Id : ,


What are the important dates for the Pak American Business Excellence Award?
Deadline for entries is February 28, 2018.
Short-listed candidates may be contacted between March01-07 for additional information.
Winner will be announced on March10th / 12th , 2018.

How many entries can I submit?
Each person can submit one application; however, multiple entries from one organization is acceptable.

How will the winners be selected?
Each application is judged by a judging panel of PABANA representatives. The judging panel will shortlist the candidates and may request additional information about their application.

Can I delete or change my entry after I have submitted?
Changes to your entry are allowed before the February 28, 2018 deadline.

What is the maximum number of words for each question?
Word counts range between 100 to 1500 words, depending on the nature of the question. Word limits are indicated on the entry form.

Can I supply additional information and/or supporting files with my entry?
As part of the initial screening process, it is not necessary to provide additional files or technical documentation. We only require your responses to the questions listed on the entry form.

If you are short-listed, you may be asked by the judging panel to provide additional information about your innovation.

What if I have questions about my entry and the selection process?
You may email us at :

Hints & Tips for Submissions

1. Write Your Entries Before Submitting Them
Write your entries offline, so that you have a permanent record of them. It will then take just a few minutes to submit them through our easy-to-use online submission system. Don't write your entries on the fly online - if something goes wrong with your computer or there's a momentary glitch in our online system, your work may be lost.

2. Include Supporting Materials and Links
For most categories, attaching supporting files or web URLs to your entries is optional. But westrongly recommendthat if you have no other materials to append to your entry, youat leastprovide the URL to your organization's website, so that the judges have access to some additional, basic information about your organization. Judges tend to give lower scores to nominations that have no supporting materials or links.

3. Focus on Achievements During the Eligiblity Period
The eligibility period for The 2018 Pak American Business Excellence Award extends from January 1, 2017 through Feb28, 2018. (There is no eligibility timeframe for app and website entries.) While your entries may make reference to achievements from before this period, they should focus extensively on achievements during the eligibility period. The judges will not give high scores to your entries if they don't.

4. How to Submit Entries for Multiple Clients
If you're a PR or marketing agency and you want to submit entries on behalf of multiple clients, you don't have to create separate entry-submission accounts in our online system for each client. Instead, create one account in your agency's name, with your agency's contact information and description in the account. Then begin each entry's title with the name of the client; for example, "ABC Company: Jane Smith, CEO" or "XYZ Company: The XYZ Company Website." That will be our cue that you intended to submit the entries in your clients' names, and we'll know that if they're recognized as Stevie winners the awards should be presented to your clients, not your agency.

5. Test Your Links
If you include links to online videos, images, or other supporting materials with your entries, test your links before you submit your entries. Preview an entry before your submit it, and click your links in it to ensure that they are valid and will present to the judges the content you would like them to see.

6. Video Entries and Other Media Materials
When you attach materials to your entries for judges' review, consider that judges have only a few minutes to review and rate each entry. They do not have time to wait many minutes to download materials from Hightail, Dropbox, Box.com, or similar services.Your attachments should be directly downloadable and immediately accessible to judges.
If you want the judges to review a video, we prefer that you provide a link to a hosted version on YouTube, Vimeo, or a similar service that will begin to play instantaneously when a judge wants to access it. If you absolutely cannot do that, we encourage you to upload your video file to our server.

Terms & Conditions of Entry

The following are the terms and conditions of entry to Pak American Business Excellence Awards 2018. By submitting entries to the competition you assent that you have read and agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

Entry Fees

Entry fees must be paid before entries will be submitted to judges for review.

You may withdraw one or more entries from the competition and receive a refund of entries fees paid for those entries through February 28, 2018. After that date entries may still be withdrawn, but no refunds will be issued. If for extraordinary circumstances after February 16 we must submit your entries for judgingbeforeentry fees are paid, your entries will be irrevocable and entry fees will be payable.

Acceptance of Pak American Business Excellence Awards Correspondence

Every entrant has a designated point of contact: a single person with whom we communicate about the disposition of entries submitted. We will send regular email correspondence to your organization’s point of contact, especially after Finalists are announced. Your organization’s point of contact agrees to:

  • Whitelist the email , from which most of our email correspondence will come
  • Read all email correspondence from us promptly and respond as requested or required

Maintenance of Your Entry Account Information

Your organization’s entry-submission account on The American Business Awards website, through which your entries are submitted, will contain the contact information for your point of contact, including that person’s name, postal mailing address, email address, and telephone number. Your organization’s point of contact agrees to maintain the information in this entry-submission account and update it if and when necessary.

Final Decision

In the event of a dispute as to the category in which an entry(s) will be judged, the decision of the Pak American Business Excellence Awards staff will prevail. Judges may recommend that an entry be switched to a different category, and at their discretion Pak American Business Excellence Awards staff may change an entry’s category.

Any offline materials submitted as part of your entries will not be returned.

Payment of Shipping Fees

Award winners who are not represented at the awards banquet to accept their award(s) will be assessed a shipping fee for their award(s). Only sponsors and honorary nominees will not have to pay shipping fees. Shipping fees payable will be as follows:

• U.S. $40 per Award trophy if mailed within USA
• U.S. $150 per Award trophy if mailed to Pakistan

If you are liable to pay shipping fees, they will be automatically charged to the credit card to which entry fees were charged, approximately 10 days after the awards banquet, unless you first provide us with an alternate means of payment. Your organization’s point of contact with us will receive an email in advance of the charge, noting the date that the charge will be made. If entry fees were not charged to a credit card, you will be invoiced for your shipping fees and payment is due upon receipt of your invoice. That invoice will be emailed to your point of contact.

Non-payment of shipping fees isnotan option: if you submit entries to the PABANA’s Pak American Business Excellence Awards 2018, you agree to pay the fees due if any awards you win are not accepted at the awards banquet. You maynotopt out of paying them by asking tonotreceive your awards.

See the section above headedMaintenance of Your Entry Account Information. We reserve the right to charge you shipping feestwiceif your award shipment is returned to us because the shipping address in your entry-submission account is wrong, or you otherwise did not provide us with an alternate shipping address, and your awards are returned as undeliverable to us or to one of our award manufacturers.

Publication of Pak American Business Excellence Awards 2018 Entries

The full-text of Pak American Business Excellence Award-winning entries will be published on The PABANA and Pakistan Trade House websites approximately one month after the final results are announced. Pak American Business Excellence Awards 2018 winners will be given the opportunity to redact any confidential or non-public information from their entries before publication. If you should have one or more Award-winning entries in Pak American Business Excellence Awards 2018, you agree to respond promptly to our request for edits or redactions to those entries before publication.

Failure to comply with these Terms & Conditions will render your entries ineligible. Entry fees will not be refunded.