FA #2 SCE 4311– Developing and Teaching a 5E Learning Cycle Lesson with CERR
FA#2– 5E Learning Cycle Lesson Development

This field assignment is a culmination of what you have learned about inquiry teaching throughout the semester & in SCE 4310 —including your homework assignments, information from journal articles that you have read; your microteaching experience(s); classroom and outside activities, and inquiry learning modeled in our classroom.

This is a course assignment that serves as a sample of your learning for the entire semester.

This field assignment includes the following:

  • Investigation of field school’s outside resources and possible environmental-oriented lessons
  • Development of a concept map or conceptual flow of your concept
  • Pre-assessment of students’ knowledge of your concept through face-to-face interviews
  • Analysis of the information (data) from the interviews
  • 5E Lesson --Based on the analysis of the interview data (what the students know and/or don’t know) of your concept, develop a 5E inquiry lesson plan that utilizes outside resources for the EXPLORE part of your lesson.
  • Include the use of a CERR framework/KLEWS Chart
  • Utilize strategies presented in What’s Your Evidence
  • Utilize a science talk strategy/9 Talk Moves
  • Completion of a Lesson Planning Worksheet that will be reviewed in class and by the professor
  • Teaching your lesson to the five students you interviewed or teaching the lesson to an entire class containing the five children you have interviewed.
  • Analysis of your lesson and teaching
  • Reflection on the effectiveness of your lesson and of your teaching

You will be identifying one concept from your course and/or school-based experiences on which to focus work in FA#2. You are strongly encouraged to utilize outdoor spaces and resources in your lesson. For this one concept, you will want to connect it with the national NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) and the Florida Science Standards. Use the Science Literacy Maps where useful & helpful. YOU WILL DEVELOP A UNIT PLAN OF 4-5 Lesson Cycle Sequences. You will develop 6-10 questions to ask five students as individual face-to-face interviews as a pre-assessment.

You will use a semi-structured interview format so as to follow-up student responses to your structured questions with further questioning to help you discover student understanding of the selected concept. The goal is to find out what students know and understand or don’t know or understand about the selected concept. Using this interview information you will develop a 5E learning cycle inquiry lesson as a part of the UNIT PLAN to teach your concept. You will also develop five interview questions directly from your 5E lesson that will serve as the post-assessment for your students after you have taught your lesson.

FA#2 is composed of three sections. Section A will have its own due date. SECTIONS B & C will be submitted together along with the graded Section A toward the end of the semester.

  • SECTION A: Pre-assessment – Concept Interviews [52 points]
  • SECTION B: Planning & Teaching an Inquiry Science Lesson [37 points]
  • SECTION C: Post-assessment, Analysis and Reflection [83 points]

SCE 4311: FA 2— SECTIONA: Pre-assessment – Concept Interviews [52 pts]

Section AInstructions

I. Identify one concept (i.e., narrow down the focus concept for your 5E lesson plan) from resources such as the Interdependence of Life scipack or one of your other outside activities (Section A) to investigate students’ understanding, knowledge, conceptions and alternative conceptions.

II. Identify from the National NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) the Disciplinary Core Idea(s) and the Performance Expectations [see link to online resources, in your library in the ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Collection] that relate to your concept.

III. Identify from the Florida Science Standards any of the Big Idea(s) and benchmarks that relate to your concept.

IV. From information in #’s II and III (above) create a conceptual flow (graphic) or a concept map for your concept from grades K-5. (10 points)

V. Based on this information, develop 8-10 interview questions that will give you information on student’s understanding, knowledge, conceptions and alternative conceptions on your concept. Ask what or how questions that will give you the most information. Avoid “yes” or “no” questions.

VI. Interview five students using your 8-10 interview questions on this concept. You will use a semi-structured interview format so as to follow-up student responses to your structured questions with further questioning to help you discover student understanding of the selected concept. Write the transcript of each student’s answer after each of your questions.

VII. Analyze your interview data. Based on your data, discuss the student’s conceptual development thus far, reflecting on the national and Florida standards, as well as the information from Implications. Each question should be discussed in paragraph form of 4 – 6 sentences.

--Where are these students in terms of development of this concept? --What should their conceptual level be for your assigned field school grade level? --What are their conceptions? --What are their alternative conceptions? and --What you would do as the next steps in developing the concept with the students.

SCE 4311: FA 2— SECTION A: Pre-assessment – Concept Interviews [52 pts]

Instructions and Scoring Guide (Include as cover paper.) Name ______


School info required: name & address of school, name of field teacher, grade level, location in school, date and time of interview. (1 point)

Part I. Your concept. Identify the concept that you will be investigating. Write the concept as a compete sentence. (3 points)

Part II. National NGSS Standards. List the Disciplinary Core Idea(s) and the Performance Expectations that include your concept with the code and the written explanation. (5 points)

Part III. List all Florida Standards Benchmarks with the code and the written explanation for grades K-5 for your concept and Big Idea. (5 points)

PartIV. From information in #’s 4 and 5 (above) create a conceptual flow (graphic) or concept map for your concept from grades K-5. (10 points)

Parts V – VI. Interview Questions and student responses. Develop 6-10 questions regarding the concept you have selected to investigate and teach in FA#2. These questions should help give you an insight into the student’s understanding and knowledge related to the concept. For each of five students, write the student’s first name and age, the interview question followed by student’s complete (verbatim) answer. Include your probing questions. Include (copies of) all hand written field notes or transcript for this assignment. (10 points)

____ 1. Interview five children. For each child (2 points for each child): Child #1

Child #1, age 00

1. a question b. student’s response

2. a. question b. student’s response

10. a. question b. student’s response

____ 2. Interview five children. For each child (2 points for each child): Child #2 ____ 3. Interview five children. For each child (2 points for each child): Child #3 ____ 4. Interview five children. For each child (2 points for each child): Child #4 ____ 5. Interview five children. For each child (2 points for each child): Child #5

Part VII. Analysis of Interview Data. Each of the following questions should be discussed in paragraph form of 4 – 6 sentences. Write the questions, then the paragraph response. Response to the questions should be supported with specific evidence from the interview data. (17 points)

--Where are these students in terms of development of this concept? (3 points) --What should their conceptual level be for your assigned field school grade level? (3 points) --What are their conceptions? (3 points) --What are their alternative conceptions? (3 points) and --Based on your interview information, how would you structure an inquiry lesson to meet the students’needs? What you would do as the next steps in developing the concept with the students. (5 points)

COMMUNICATION ____ Spelling & punctuation - check (.5 point possible) TOTAL POINTS = ______( 52 points possible) ____ Grammar check (.5 point possible) Rubric for FA#2 – Section A

Complete school site info information. / 1.0 pts
Information missing / .5-1.0 pts
Part I / Your concept is stated and explainedwhat you expect students to know for their grade level. / 3.0 pts.
Concept not stated / 0
Extent of concept not identified for students’ grade level / 1.0-2.0 pts.
Does not identify simple concepts leading to more complex concepts / 1.0-2.0 pts.
Part II / Information from Pedagogical Implications or web search / 5 pts.
Conceptions not identified / 2.0-3.0 pts.
Misconceptions not identified / 2.0-3.0 pts.
Should include one or two paragraphs / 2.0-4.0
Part III / NGSS Standards / 5 pts.
Disciplinary Core Standards listed / 2.0-3.0
Performance Expectations listed / 2.0-3.0
Part IV / NGSSS Benchmarks, K-5 / 5 pts.
All grades are not included / 2.0-3.0
Benchmarks are not written out
Part V / Conceptual Flow / 10 pts
Graphic format / 3.0
Concepts are hierarchical (build on each other) / 2.0-5.0
Concepts are stated in a complete sentence / 2.0-5.0
Part VI-VII / Interview questions and student responses. / 10 pts.
Five students are not interviewed (each student @ 2 pts)
There are not at least six interview questions / 2.0-3.0
Lack of probing questions, if appropriate / 1.0-3.0
Field notes or transcript not included or info on how responses were collected / 2.0-3.0
Use of “yes” or “no” questions (not acceptable) / 2.0-3.0
Part VIII / Analysis of Interview Data / 17 pts.
All five questions not addressed (3 pts per question) / 1.0-2.0 pts.
Response is not supported by interview data (evidence) / 1.0-2.0 pts.
Response is not at least 5 sentences / 1.0-2.0 pts.
Student needs are not identified / 2.0-3.0 pts.
Inquiry lesson is not described / 2.0-3.0 pts.

FA #2 - SECTION B: Planning andTeaching An INQUIRY Science Lesson[37 pts]

Instructions and Scoring Guide (Include as cover paper.) Name ______

Section B (37 Points)

School info required: name & address of school, name of field teacher, grade level, location in school, dates and times of planning & teaching lesson.

Part I. Pre-Planning the lesson [Do first]. Submit as Part of Section A.

___ 1. Complete Lesson Planning Worksheet [LPW] (including Four Levels of Educational Outcome Diagram/Worksheet (i.e., Content, Thinking Skills, Cognitive Task, Habits of Mind). ____2. Discusswith professor and classmates BEFORE you teach your lesson. (Microteach this lesson plan).

Part II.Prepare the lesson. (31 pts.) Directions: Prepare an inquiry science lesson to teach a small group of children (5 students) or a full class of children at your school placement site.

____3. Write all of the school site info & other info related to planning the lesson, including: name of school, name of teacher, grade level, location in school, class or home where the lesson planning takes place, dates/times of each task. (1 point) ____4. Answer the following three questions for your lesson: 1) What do you want the students to know?; 2) How will you know that they know it?; 3) How will you get them there? (5 points)
____5. Write your 5E lesson plan for your concept included here including all the major components of a Science Lesson Plan. [Topic, Overview, NGSS, FL Science Standards, Four Levels of Educational Outcomes, CERR, Procedures , 5 E Learning Cycle Phases (detailed), Safety Considerations, Curricular Integration, Differentiation Strategies, ESOL Strategies and Resources . Your 5E inquiry lesson plan should include theC-E-R-R format. Follow 5E Inquiry and Learning Cycle Rubric. [INCLUDE THE FINAL DRAFT FOR FINAL GRADING] (25 pts.)

ENGAGE Include question and claim. EXPLORE inquiry investigation with detailed procedure; collect data (evidence) EXPLAIN analyze data from the investigation; interpret the data; use data to answer the question EXTEND students discuss and debate data results EVALUATE Have each student write a Scientific Explanation including the question, claim, evidence, their reasoning and rebuttal.

Part III. Teaching the lessonand Verification(6 pts.) Directions: Teach your inquiry lesson to the five students whom you interviewed for FA#2-Section A or teach the entire class at your school placement site. Attach the teacher’s observation note signed and dated verifying the completion of this assignment (structure your note with input from cooperating teacher).

____6. Write all of the school site info including: name of school, name of teacher, grade level, location in school where the teaching tasks take place, date/time. (1 point) ____7. Observation /Verification form and commentary from co-operating teacher. (5 points)

SECTION C. Evaluating Student Learning via Scientific Explanation (83 Points)

Part I. (22 points)

a. How did you introduce C-E-R-R to your students? (4-5 sentences) (5 pts)

b. What did you originally state that you wanted students to “know and be able to do” as a result of your lesson? (2 points)

c. Include each student’s (not group) written scientific explanation (from C-E-R-R). (5 pts)

d. Analyze and describe the student learning as evidenced by his/her written scientific explanations? Include specific examples. (5 pts)

e. Include student work or samples of student work (artifacts) other than the CERR chart for this lesson. ( 5 points)

Part II: Reflection and Analysis of Lesson and Teaching. (59 pts.) After teaching your lesson, reflect and analyze your lesson.

a. What other strategies did you use that was presented in “What’s You Evidence?” book (e.g., KLEWS or KWL, etc)?

How did you use it? What were its pros and cons? 4-5 sentences (5 pts)

b. How did planning the Four Levels of Educational Outcomes contribute to the effectiveness of your lesson? (4-5 sentences) (5 pts)

c. What other additional instructional/managerial/technological strategies did you use? Describe at least two strategies (different than Part II. a) and the pros and cons of each one. (4-5 sentences) (6 points possible)

d. How did you help students understand the concepts (at least 5-6 sentences)? (5 points possible)

e. What kind of questions did you ask? List questions and identify/classify type (divergent or convergent)--at least four questions with type. (8 points possible)

f. What science talk strategies did you use as your students were discussing their data in the Explain portion of the lesson? (5 points possible)

g What would you do differently next time and why? What didn’t work? What would you do differently? Describe using at least 5-6 sentences. (5 points possible)

h. What would you keep the same next time and why? Describe using 5- 6 sentences. (5 points possible) What worked well?

i. In at least a half a page, describe what you have learned from this field assignment and what strategies you will continue to use in future science lessons. (10 pts)

j. What were your analysis and findings of the post-interview sessions for your 5 children sampled who participated in your lesson? (5 pts)

Part III. COMMUNICATION (2.0 pt.) ____ Spelling & punctuation - check (1 point possible)
____ Grammar check (1 point possible) TOTAL POINTS = ______, Sections B & C (120 points possible)

Rubric for FA#2 SECTION B & C

Part I / Results of pre-assessment interviews / 5 pts
1. / Your concepts / 1-2 pts
2. / Summary of analysis of student interviews / 1-2 pts
3. / Focus of lesson to address pre-assessment findings; include the investigable question / 1-2 pts 1-2 pts
Part II / Pre-planning the lesson / 10 pts
4. / Complete information in Planning Four Levels of Educational Outcomes
Content / 1-3 pts
Thinking skills / 1-3 pts
Cognitive task / 1-3 pts
Habits of Mind / 1-3 pts
Part III. / Prepare the Lesson / 41 pts
5. / School site data (1) / 1 pt
6. / Three questions (5) / 1-2 pts X 3
7. / 5E lesson plan / (10 pts)
Topic / 1-2 pts
Lesson overview / 1-2 pts
NGSS / 1-2 pts
FL Science Standards / 1-2 pts
5E lesson plan with CERR / (25 pts)
Use 5E format
Invesitgable questions / 5 pts
Claim / 5 pts
Inquiry investigation / 5-10 pts
Detailed procedure included / 1-5 pts
How and what data collected / 1-5 pts
How data is recorded / 1-5 pts
Student discussion / debate of data / 1-5 pts
Student’s written Scientific Explanation including question, claim, evidence and reasoning / 5 pts
Materials / 1-2 pts
Safety Considerations / 1-2 pts
Curricular Integration / 1-2 pts
Differentiation Strategies / 1-2 pts
ESOL strategies / 2-3 pts
Resources / 1-2 pts
Part IV. / Teaching the lesson and Verification / 10pts.
8. / School Site info / 1 pt.
9. / Observation / Verification form and commentary from co-operating teacher / 0-5 pts.
Lesson should implement findings of concept development from FA#2 Section B. / 2-5 points

Rubric for FA#2 Section B (continued)

Part I. / Evaluating Student Learning via Scientific Explanation / 29 pts.
a / Introduction of CEER / 5 pts
Detailed explanation / 0-3 pts
4-5 sentences / 0-3 pts
b / Statement of what students should know and be able to do / 2 pts
c / Each student’s CERR chart filled in and completed / 5 pts
Chart for each of five students / 0-5 pts
All three parts of chart (question, claim, reasoning/explanation) / 0-5 pts
d / Analysis and description of student learning / 5 pts
Details of student learning / 0-2 pts
Specific examples / 0-2 pts
e / Student work samples or artifacts from the lesson / 5 pts
Part II. / Reflection and Analysis
a / What’s My Evidence strategy explanation / 5 pts
Name and description of strategy / 1-2 pts
Evaluation of strategies: pros / 1-2 pts
Evaluation of strategies: cons / 1-2 pts
4-5 sentences / 1-2 pts
b / Effectiveness of Four Levels of Educational Outcomes / 5 pts
Reasons for using Four Levels / 1-2 pts
4-5 sentences / 1-2 pts
c / Instructional Strategies Used / 6 pts
Two strategies not identified / 3 pts
Evaluation of strategies: pros / 1-2 pts
Evaluation of strategies: cons / 1-2 pts
d. / Discussion of how you helped students understand the concepts (5-6 sentences) (5) / 2-4 pts.
Paragraph is not at least 5-6 sentences / 1-2 pts.
Specific ways you helped students
e. / What kinds of questions did you ask? (8) / 8 pts
List questions asked (minimum four) / 5-8 pts
Questions identified as convergent or divergent / 2-3 pts
f / Science talk strategy / 5 pts
Identify/describe strategy/strategies used
Describe how strategy was used
Describe how successful the strategy was
g / Analysis of lesson: discuss what you would have done differently and why / 5 pts.
Reason(s) not given / 2-4 pts.
Paragraph is not at least 5-6 sentences / 2-4 pts.
h. / Analysis of lesson: discuss what you would keep the same and why / 5 pts.
Reason(s) not given / 2-4 pts..
Paragraph is not at least 5-6 sentences / 2-4 pts.
i. / What you have learned / 10 pts
Identification of what was learned
Reasons certain strategies will be used