23, Shopping Centre, New Market, T.T. Nagar
Valid upto Date: 07.11.2015
Tender No: MVS/OPEN/BPL/2014/11A
S.NO. / Name Of Unit / F.O.R. Rate / Unit1 / ALL PIN SUPERIOR QUALITY 100 GSM / 22.00 / Each Pkt
2 / ALL PIN SUPERIOR QUALITY400 GSM / 65.00 / Each Pkt
3 / BASTA CLOTH 44 X 44 / 45.00 / Each
4 / BOX FILE / 58.00 / Each
5 / DAK PAD FOUR FOLD RAGIN / 40.00 / Each
6 / ERASER PALASTO / 2.50 / Each
9 / FILE PAD 32 ONS CLTOH CORNER 10 X 14 / 15.00 / Each
10 / GUM (PEST) 300 GM (CAMEL/MOHINI) / 26.00 / Each
11 / GUM (PEST) 700 GM (CAMEL/MOHINI) / 48.00 / Each
13 / LACE WHITE IRON CLIP 24" (100 NO PER BUNCH) / 44.00 / Per Bunch
14 / LAMINATION ENVELOPE 11"X5" / 1.60 / Each
15 / LAMINATION ENVELOPE 12"X16" / 5.50 / Each
16 / LAMINATION ENVELOPE 9"X4" / 1.00 / Each
17 / LAMINATION ENVELOPE FILE SIZE 10"X12" / 3.50 / Each
18 / PENCIL HB / 3.00 / Each
S.NO. / Name Of Unit / F.O.R. Rate / Unit
19 / PERMANENT MARKER PEN / 11.5 / Each
20 / PHOTO COPIER PAPER, 75 GSM 500 SHEETS, SIZE 210 X 297 MM (A4) J.K Red / 218.00 / Each Pkt
21 / PHOTO COPIER PAPER, 75 GSM 500 SHEETS, SIZE 215 X 345 MM ((FS) J.K Red / 272.00 / Each Pkt
22 / PHOTO COPIER PAPER, 75 GSM 500 SHEETS, SIZE 297 X 420 MM (A3) J.K Red / 425.00 / Each Pkt
23 / PLASTIC FOLDER L TYPE / 11.20 / Each
24 / POKER ( TOCHA) PLASTIC / 10.00 / Each
25 / POSTIT 3 X 3 INCH (One Pad of 100 Sheets) / 30.00 / Each
26 / POSTIT 4 X 3 INCH (One Pad of 100 Sheets) / 40.00 / Each
27 / PUNCHING MACHINE 52 NO Kangaro / 60.00 / Each
28 / RULED REGISTER EIGHT QUIRE SIZE 32.5X20 CM (576 PAGES) / 122.00 / Each
29 / RULED REGISTER FOUR QUIRE (384 PAGES) SIZE 32.5 X 20 CM / 70.00 / Each
30 / RULED REGISTER ONE QUIRE (96 PAGES) SIZE 32.5X 20 CM / 25.00 / Each
31 / RULED REGISTER SIX QUIRE (576 PAGES) SIZE 32.5X20 CM / 120.00 / Each
32 / RULED REGISTER TWO QUIRE (192PEGES) SIZE 32.5 X 20CM / 42.00 / Each
33 / SCALE PLASTIC 12 LONG & 1 WIDTH / 9.00 / Each
34 / SHARPENER PLASTIC / 2.00 / Each
35 / SHORT HAND NOTE BOOK 200 PAGES 52 CSM / 19.00 / Each
36 / SHORT HAND PENCIL Apsara / 3.90 / Each
S.NO. / Name Of Unit / F.O.R. Rate / Unit
37 / SLIP PAD 7 X 11.5 ( 80 SHEET) / 30.00 / Each
38 / SLIP PAD 7 X 11.5 (40 SHEET) / 21.50 / Each
39 / STAPLER MACHINE 10 NO KANGARO / 42.00 / Each
40 / STAPLER MACHINE 10 NO MAX / 48.00 / Each
41 / STAPLER MACHINE 24 NO KANGARO / 85.00 / Each
42 / STAPLER MACHINE H P 24 MAX / 80.00 / Each
43 / STAPLER MACHINE H P 45 MAX / 160.00 / Each
44 / STAPLER PIN 10 NO MAX ( PER PK) / 6.00 / Each Pkt
45 / STAPLER PIN 24 NO MAX ( PER PK) / 9.50 / Each Pkt
46 / TAG COTTON 8" (100 NO PER BUNCH) / 11.50 / Per Bunch
47 / T-PINS 80 GM / 30.00 / Each
48 / U PIN PKT PLASTIC 26 MM (50 PIN) / 10.00 / Each
49 / U PIN PKT PLASTIC 28 MM (50 PIN) (100) / 16.00 / Each
50 / WHITE BOARD MARKER PEN (Camline) / 24.00 / Each
Name of Units who have been made agreement in above all items are given below:-
- Shree Sai Marketing, Bhopal
- Laxmi Enterprises, Bhopal
- Niraj Marketing, Bhopal
- Malti Enterprises, Bhopal
- Nayan General Store, Betul
- Maruti Enterperises, Bhopal
- Happy Nirman Udyog, Gwalior
- Pawan Traders, Bhopal
- K. M. Enterprises, Bhopal
- Himalaya House, Bhopal
- Anil Traders, Jabalpur
- Santu Printing Press, Satna has made agreement in all above said items (except following items) :-
- Eraser Plasto
- Highlighter Pen
- Permanent Marker Pen
- Posit 3x3
- Posit 4x3
- Stapler Machine 10 No. Max
- Stapler Machine 24 No. HP
- Stapler Machine 45 No. HP
- T-Pins
- White Board Marker
- Shri Ram Printing Press, Shivpuri has made agreement in all above said items (except following items) :-
- Eraser Plasto
- Highlighter Pen
- Permanent Marker Pen
- Photcopy Paper FS
- Posit 3x3
- Posit 4x3
- Stapler Machine 10 No. Max
- Stapler Machine 45 No. HP
- Stapler Pin 24 No. Max
- Tag Cotton
- White Board Marker
Terms & Conditions:-
- The above rates are inclusive of LUN Emporium services charges & applicable Service Tax on service charge and Excise duty as/if applicable, but exclusive of VAT and other taxes as applicable, which will be payable extra at actual.
- Tha above F.O.R. Rates means the rates for any destination of M.P. up to the nearest Railway station/Motor transport Godown to the Consignee.
- The goods shall be delivered to the consignee within stipulated time period from the date of placement of supply order by the Emporium. The consignee shall make his own arrangement to take delivery immediately on receipt of RR/MTR from the supplier unit and acknowledgement receipt of the goods under intimation to the Emporium.
- The Indentor / Consignee shall carry out inspection of material. The Deptt. (Indentor) will ensure that the quality of material and before realizing the payment to the supplier.
- Regarding any complaint of quality & Rates against of MVS Supply Order, consignee department needs to intimate Mrignayani Emporium, Bhopal immediately (within 7 days from date of material as mentioned on MVS Supply orders) so as to take action on the matter.
- Payment- the supplier is authorized to raise the bill against supply of MVS Supply Order of Mrignayani M.P. Emporium, Bhopal and receive payment directly from the indentor /consignee.
. 7. Payment: Rule in ( Para – 8) Payment : Rule -14 (Para -8) Note-10 of SPR provides that the payment will be made to the supplier within 45 days from date of the receipt of material in good condition failing which buyer shall be liable to the pay the amount with interest for delayed payment as per the provision of MS & MED Act 2006. The buying Officer of the concerned department will be held be responsible for payment of interest.
8. Above rates will be valid for one year from the date of issue unless revoked/extended for a further period, as per norms.
Mrignayani M. P. Emporium, BhopalPage 1