SW District E-alert, April 27,2016
For our Calendar of Events and the Fine Print about this publication, please scroll to the end of this email.
This e-alert and recent e-alerts are available on the SW District pageof the Conference website.
“I said to the almond tree, 'Sister, speak to me of God.' And the almond tree blossomed.” -Nikos Kazantzakis, Author, 1883-1957
Reminder! This Friday is the DRA’s last day. Applications are now being accepted for this position. Click here for the job description and how to apply.
Last One! Bishop's Town Hall Meetings.Bishop Johnson has announced possible changes to the Eastern PA Conference’s six districts. Read her statement and plan on attending one of the Town Hall meetings (they are all identical, so please feel free to attend on another District if that is what your schedule demands).
- Tonight, April 27, 2016–7:00 pm– Quakertown UMC
New!Saatman Education Grant.The Saatman Memorial Fund was established in 1974 by the will of deceased Mrs. Estelle D. Saatman, who was a member of Frankford Memorial. Mrs. Saatman specified that her legacy be invested and that the interest income be used to aid or assist individuals who wish to study for the Christian Ministry in entering upon and completing their education.Click here for more information.
Reminder!May 21, Pastoral Transition Workshop.The conference will offer a Pastoral Transition Workshop on Saturday, May 21, from 9:30 amto 12:30pm at West Lawn UMC, 15 Woodside Ave, Reading. The Rev. David Woolverton will facilitate this important learning event for pastors and churches undergoing a church and pastoral change. Please RSVP no later than May 16 to Felicia Anderson, .
Reminder!Vocational Intern Program.One of the exciting opportunities for people to explore their call to ministry is the Vocational Intern Program. The program provides a ministry experience for 10 weeks,during which they will be exposed to many different types of ministries. The intern receives a $3,000.00 stipend (50% is reimbursed by the Board of Ordained Ministry at the completion of the internship). If you would be interested in having an intern serve at your church or if you would know of someone in your congregation who could benefit by serving as an intern, please contact Pastor Matt Heckman at 717-273-0525 or . The deadline to apply is May 15, 2016.
Reminder!May 24, Church Refugees: Why Are a Growing Number of People DONE with Church but not Their Faith? 9:30 am to 3:30 pm, First UMC, 420 Saylor Street, Schuylkill Haven, PA. Meet Dr. Josh Packard, who recently completed a major study about the exodus from the American Church. Learn why folks who have devoted a life time to the church are leaving, what we are losing by their departure, and where they are going. Dr. Packard will also share how we might re-engage those who have left and steps we can take to prevent others from leaving: end result -- a healthier church. In addition to the three sessions Dr. Packard will lead, we will have a panel of practitioners, leaders from churches who are already applying some of the principles Dr. Packard will be teaching.This event is presented by the NW District but is open to clergy and laity from all districts. The $20 registration fee covers the cost of your lunch and a portion of the costs of the event. Participants in this workshop will receive 0.4 CEU’s.Register on-line and read more about Josh Packard and the Dechurched Project.
Reminder!Annual Conference registration closes on May 13. Click here for details.
Reminder!The SW District will be holding a prayer vigil throughout General Conference. Please see the email sent on April 12 regarding this event, or contact Julie Perkowski at nd include in the subject area Questions for General Conference Prayer Vigil.
Calendar of Events
For a schedule of Sexual Ethics Workshop, click here
For information about the Changing Racism training, click here
May 3Clergy Workshop and Luncheon, 8:30 am
DoubleTree Resort, Lancaster
Registration for this event is closed
May 10-20General Conference, Portland, Oregon
May 14Safe Sanctuaries and Mandated Reporter Training
First UMC, 29 E Walnut Street, Lancaster
Registration is now on-line only
June 5 District Conference, Leola UMC. 3:00 pm
June 16-18, 2016Annual Conference, The Marriott, Lancaster City
July 7-10, 2016NEJ Youth Rally, Lancaster
More details to come
July 10-15, 2016Northeast Jurisdictional Conference
The Marriott, Lancaster City
October 1Adjourned Session of Annual Conference
Bethany UMC’s Macungie Campus
The Fine Print
Editorial Policy of the Southwest District E-Alert.The Southwest District E-alert is published on an as-needed basis on Wednesdays. Articles will appear once as New information; thereafter, they will be Remindersor Calendar Items. Spaghetti dinners, fundraisers, concerts, VBSs, bazaars, etc. are included only on the Local Church and ConneXion Events page.
The E-Alert is sent to Pastors and Church Offices on the Southwest District and to lay people who have requested having their names added to the distribution list. Please feel free to copy any article for your church’s bulletin or newsletter. To unsubscribe, please send an email ith the word “Unsubscribe” in the subject line. Appointed clergy may not unsubscribe.
All articles and announcements should be sentto the District Resource y 3:00 Tuesday afternoon for consideration. Articles should be in the body of an email or an attached Word document (please no PDFs). Submissions made by telephone willnotbe accepted. Articles may be edited for clarity and space. All decisions regarding publication are made by the District Office.