Fourth Grade News

Huntington Seacliff Elementary Mrs. Downs/Room 27 Week 17 Jan. 23-28 Huntington Beach, CA

Mrs Downs’s Note:

Our Seacliff Gala is fast approaching on March 22nd. Our class will be donating an adorable puppy and puppy themed basket for that night’s big auction. Funds raised from this event benefit Seacliff students by supporting technology, lunch tables, library books, playground equipment, SMARTboards, our Accelerated Reader program, and our music program.

Please consider donating to our basket. You can participate by donating items that go along with our theme as well as through a cash donation which will be put towards appropriate items. We have a collection basket in our classroom. Thank you once again to our lovely room moms for coordinating this project!

I sincerely apologize, but I will not be able to get students their progress reports until Monday. Their social studies projects and PRD journal entries are taking me longer than expected to grade. :-/

Language Arts:

This week we will continue to read Patty Reed’s Doll, by Rachel K. Laurgaard. We will be reading chapters 7-11 this week and next. In case you did not know, our classroom has turned into quite a group of pioneers. We are busy writing journals from the perspective of a pioneer, as we too experience traveling on the wagon train with the Reed and Donner families. Next quiz on Ch. 6-10 is next Friday, January 31st.

Journal entries can be read on your child’s Google Drive account.

Social Studies:

We are continuing to work on our Native American group project this week. Posters will be assembled on Monday/Tuesday next week in class.

Next week we begin a fun mini-unit on California Explorers!


We are continuing to practice division. Students have been utilizing a strategy called multiplying up, also known as partial quotients, rather than the algorithm. Our test on division has been moved to next Thursday, January 30th instead of Tuesday.

Please continue to make fluency practice a priority! This is extremely important for division. Fluent students work efficiently and proficiently. Math practice packets will continue again next week for those students that have not achieved 80% mastery on MIND fluency at home.


We are continuing to study ecosystems and the interactions among living and nonliving things. We have been discussing the water cycle and interdependence of abiotic and biotic factors. Short quiz tomorrow on lessons one and two. Students can take their “ecosystem” home tomorrow as well.

We also began dissecting owl pellets this week in preparation of learning about the role of producers and consumers in our ecosystems. Students were fascinated by what they found!

Overnight Fieldtrip:

Interest Inventories were due last Friday. If you did not submit your intent, please do so immediately as we must submit our numbers and begin the next phase of our fieldtrip planning. Many of you expressed an interest in chaperoning this field trip. We will have a lottery where names of interested parents with be “thrown in a hat” and drawn randomly in order to make our selections. Thank you so much for being interested in chaperoning! Your support is needed and appreciated!

Family Art Night:

This PTA sponsored event will occur on tonight from 6:30-8:00. The featured artist is Paul Gauguin.

Upcoming Events and Important Dates:

Thur. Jan. 23: Family Art Night 6:30-8:00

Fri., Jan. 24: Science quiz

Thurs. Jan 30: Math Test Ch. 5

Fri., Jan. 31st: PRD Quiz Ch. 6-10

Mon., Feb. 10: Lincoln’s Birthday (no school)

Mon., Feb. 17: Presidents’ Day (no school)

Thurs., Feb. 20: Open House

January Character Attribute:
