This document outlines the process for dealing with non-compliance with the University of Leeds financial regulations.
- Insufficient detail entered onto expense form
Dates and times of business trip not provided (times as well as dates are required to establish subsistence limits)
Start point and destination not clear
Expense claims received for subsistence costs for people other than the claimant and there people are not individually on the claim form.
No signature by claimant (visitors/students)
No authorised signature or inappropriate authorised signatory (visitors/students)
No cost object (visitors/students)
No student number (students) / The University reserves the right to refuse to process and pay expense claims that are incorrectly prepared or insufficiently supported with original receipts or documentation / Scan the expense claim form and email to budget holder/authorised signatory detailing what part of the expense form has been completed incorrectly (manual claims for visitors/students)
Email claimant or authorised signatory (for staff claims made using e-expenses)
Finance Office to keep a log of all returned and non compliant forms and use for finance reporting of non-compliant claims
- Late submission of claims
Authorisation required as detailed in approval Annex A. Appeals against the decision to be made to Faculty Dean
Finance Office to log late claims and to report as non-compliant
- Submission of receipts with claim
No receipts, credit card receipts, credit card statement or photocopies of the receipts submitted / Original receipts (not credit card vouchers or credit card/bank statements or photocopied receipts)must be obtained for expenses for which reimbursement is being claimed.
The University reserves the right to refuse to process and pay expense claims that are incorrectly prepared or insufficiently supported with original receipts or documentation / If Finance Office have already received/had sight of the receipts (e.g. if the expense form has got lost being sent back to the claimant) - authorised by the Finance Office.
No original receipts provided – “Expense claims submitted without receipts” proformato be completed by claimant/UoL engager (for students/visitors) and Faculty Finance Office to seek approval as per approval Annex A. Appeals against the decision to be made to Faculty Dean
Finance Office to keep log of all non compliant claims and include these claims on Finance report.
- Accommodation
- London – up to £140 maximum incl breakfast & VAT]
- Elsewhere in UK up to £90 maximum per night incl breakfast & VAT
- Overseas – up to £120 maximum per night incl breakfast & VAT
- Any variation from these rates must be pre-authorised by the employee’s Dean or Head of School/Service or nominee.
Students/Visitors – case to be made by University engager. Case to be considered by Faculty Dean.
Claims to be logged as non-compliant
- Subsistence
- 5-10 hours - £20 maximum per day
- Over 10 hours - £25 maximum per day
- Overnight 24 hour stay - £30 maximum per day
Any appeals to be considered by Faculty Dean
Subsistence limits are daily limits and will be applied on a strict daily basis (ie unused subsistence limits cannot be accumulated and used at the end of a trip. remittance advice regarding automatic scale back
Students/Visitors – case to be made by University engager. Case to be considered by Faculty Dean
Claim logged as non- compliant
- Value for Money
If not booked via Faculty Procurement then there is a responsibility on the employee to book well in advance and to obtain fares and accommodation that represent value for money on behalf of the University. / University employees- automatic scale back to rate that could have been obtained if booked through the Faculty Procurement Office (note to be made regarding scale back in e-expenses system -included in remittance advice to the claimant)
Students/Visitors – case to be made by University engager. Case to be considered by Faculty Dean
Non compliance to be logged by the Finance Office
- Books and Publications
Claim will not be paid for books and publications for personal use only. Claim to be logged as non compliant
- Exchange rate conversation
Appeals to be considered by Faculty Dean
- Business Entertaining
Business need not demonstrated
No external parties present (ie all UoL employees)
Cost not reasonable or represent value for money / All business entertainment must be necessary for the business needs of the University in order for reimbursement to be made.
Business entertaining costs may be reimbursed when supported by itemised receipts (not credit card receipts) for the expenditure incurred and authorised by the Dean of Faculty/Head of School
The following information must be stated on the claim:
- the name(s) of all attendee(s),
- the organisation(s) which they represent, and,
- the purpose of the business entertainment.
Approval for Business Entertaining costs should be pre-authorised / Finance Office to reject claims that do not comply with University financial regulations. The claimant is advised by email of any changes made.
Claim logged as non- compliant
Appeals to be considered by Faculty Dean
- Mileage
Mileage claimed from home to work and work to home
Lower rule not applied when calculating mileage
Mileage claimed is for more than the distance actually travelled / The mode of travel should be based on availability, timing and cost. The most cost efficient manner which meets the business needs should be used, whilst considering safety and environmental impact.
Costs of journeys between home and the normal place of work (the University) cannot be claimed as a business expense.
If a business journey (away from the normal place of work) commences or ends at an employee’s home, the employee may only claim the lower of:
- The distance actually travelled, or
- The distance which would have been travelled if the journey had started or ended at the employee’s normal place of work.
Appeals to be considered by Faculty Dean
Finance Office to reject claim (or part of claim)
Finance office to email claimant/engager and if necessary reduce the claim so that the lower rule applies
Finance Office to automatically process claim if with a tolerance of 5% (when using AA Auto route). If over 5% the Finance Office will email the claimant to query the mileage. Claim will be paidif reasonable explanation is received otherwisethe claim will be scaled back. Appeals to be considered by Faculty Dean
- Authorised signature
Authorised signatory is not senior to the claimant / The appropriate authorised signatory within a Faculty/School/Service is responsible for authorising staff expense claims. / Claim to be rejected with a rejection note to explain that the authorisation is not appropriate(e-expenses for staff)
Claim to be returned to engager to provide appropriate authorised signature (students/visitors)
Claim to be logged as non compliant
- First Class Travel
- Value of claim is below £1
Annex A - Approval Matrix
A)Late submission of claims, beyond 6 weeks-approval matrix
Less than 1 month / Finance Office1 month to 3 month / Faculty Financial Accounting Manager
3 to 6 months / Faculty Finance Manager
Over 6 months / Faculty Dean or delegated authority
B)Submission of claims without original receipts - approval matrix
Up to £25 / Finance OfficeUp to £100 / Faculty Financial Accounting Manager
Up to £500 / Faculty Finance Manager
No limit / Faculty Dean or delegated authority
University of Leeds N:\Education&Social-Sciences&Law\Faculty-Office\Faculty Finance\Financial Procedures to review / 1