A Look & See Scavenger Hunt As you walk on the trails in the woods you’ll see wooden stakes with numbers on them. How many of the items listed below can you match to the numbers on the stakes? Be sure to stay on the trail. And, please, don’t pick anything!
#___Deer are creatures of habit. Do you see the path they have created by walking through the woods along the same route day after day?
#___ Birds and squirrels build there homes (nests) in trees and bushes. Nests may be made from leaves, mud, feathers, twigs, or even just be a hole in a dead tree. Do you see any nests?
#___ Some birds eat insects and berries. Do you see the bright red berries growing on the branches of the Prickly Ash bushes? Watch out for the thorns!!!!!!
#___Wild grapes grow on vines that climb up and over the trees in the woods.
Do you see any grape vines? The fruit is green until it ripens turning a dark purple.
#___ Some plants, like poison ivy, make us itch if we touch them. In autumn you will see white berries as the green leaves (3 in a clump) turn to yellow then red. Look – but don’t touch!!!
#___Moss grows in cool damp locations. Do you see any soft moss on logs on the ground?
#___Apples grow on trees. Delicate white & pink spring flowers develop into delicious summer fruit. People and deer enjoy eating apples. Do you see any apple trees?
#___American Indians used the bark (which is the skin of the tree) from white Paper Birch trees to build their canoes and shelters. Do you see any Paper Birch trees?
#___ A tree’s skin is called bark. Do you see any trees with rough bark?
#___ Other trees have smooth bark. Do you see any smooth barked trees?
#___ In spring, sap moves through the center of a Sugar Maple tree’s trunk. This colorless liquid drips into buckets hung on the tree through a small hole drilled in the trunk. The sap is boiled until becoming the dark sweet syrup we eat on pancakes. Do you see the Maple trees?
#___ Before toy stores existed, children made their dolls from items that were easy to find in nature. Can you see any of the white berries that they used for doll’s eyes?
#___ The glacier was a huge sheet of ice covering the land. When it melted, rocks that were frozen in the ice dropped. Do you see a boulder the glacier left in the Welcome, HOME woods?
#___ Hundreds of ants live and work together in colonies. Do you see a sandy hill they call home?
#___The umbrella like plant in the woods is a May Apple. Peek under the floppy leaves in the spring to see a white flower. In the summer you will see a small green “apple”. DO NOT eat this fruit. In autumn the leaves turn yellow. Can you see any of these umbrella plants?
# 3Deer are creatures of habit.
# 8 Birds and squirrels build their homes (nests) in trees and bushes.
# 1Birds eat insects and berries.
# 6Wild grapes grow on vines that climb up and over trees in the woods
# 0Some plants make us itch if we touch them
#12 Moss grows on rotting logs in cool damp locations of the woods.
#13Apples grow on trees.
# 2American Indians used the bark from white Paper Birch trees to build canoes.
# 4 Some trees have rough bark. Do you see my rough skin?
# 9Others have smooth bark. Do you see my smooth skin?
#10 In the springtime, sap moves through the center of a Sugar Maple tree’s trunk
#11 The glacier was a huge sheet of ice that covered the land in this area of Wisconsin.
# 7 Ants live and work together in colonies
#14The umbrella looking plant in the woods is a May Apple.
Welcome, HOME Bed and Breakfast 4260 W Hawthorne Dr (Hwy Y) Newburg WI 53060
262 675- 2525