Web Portal Working Group


1.1. Mission

The Electronic Data Exchange Working Group (EDEWG) shall convene a Web-Portal Working Group (WPWG). The WPWG shall include all electric distribution companies (EDCs) required to submit smart meter technology and implementation plans and may include other interested stakeholders. The WPWG is tasked to develop a standardized solution for the acquisition of historical interval usage and billing quality interval usage data via a secure web-portal, as specifically directed and detailed within the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission’s (PaPUC’s) Smart Meter Procurement and Installation Order entered December 6th 2012 at Docket M-2009-2092655. These standard solutions are then to be incorporated within each electric distribution company's smart meter technology and implementation plan. The standardized solutions for historical interval data and billing quality interval data acquisition via a secure web-portal are to be completed, not implemented, by March 1, 2014 and March 1, 2015 respectively.

This Charter expressly recognizes that the mission of this EDEWG sub-group is beyond the traditional scope of typical EDEWG tasks. However, the PaPUC placed this mission upon the EDEWG in effort to leverage the significant technical expertise of the EDEWG membership.

1.2. Scope

The WPWG shall operate as a sub-group of the EDEWG. The Web Portal Working Group task shall be to formulate, but not implement, a standardized design, format, and interface for the sharing of smart meter data, as specifically detailed in section 1.1. This task will include, but may not be limited to, deciding on characteristics for the following:

  • Type of web host, including minimum security protocols
  • Method(s) of access for users
  • Specific customer information available
  • Methods and formats for the export of information
  • Potential methods and limitations on batching for electric generation suppliers (EGSs) or authorized parties
  • Methods for customer privacy protection consistent with existing Commission rules and regulations. Methods to be considered include opt-out protocols and methods for customers to authorize the access of usage information by a third party.
  • Any variances in functionality between customer, customer authorized representative, and EGS user-interfaces
  • A potential recommendation for implementation options and ongoing support plans.

1.3. Intended Users

The web portal will be primarily intended for licensed EGSs and customer-authorized third parties.The PaPUC has not directed that this web portal usurp existing or potentially future EDC online customer communication platforms. However, discussion of customer interactions with the utility relative to sharing usage with authorized third parties could potentially affect the web portal standards developed as part of this effort.

1.4. Regional and National Standards

The WPWG shall leverage any appropriate NIST and/or NAESB standards in the development of this secure web-portal. Additionally, the WPWG shall leverage any protocols developed by the Green Button Initiative.


2.1. Members

Participation in the WPWGis mandatory for Pennsylvania EDCs required to submit smart meter plans by Pennsylvania law. Participation is optionalby all PaPUC licensed EGSs and other service providers in the electricity retail market in the Commonwealth.

2.2. Membership List

Aworking group membership list will be maintained by the working group lead. All working group members are required to contact the working group lead to be added to or removed from the membership list. Such requests can be sent to the following e-mail address:


2.4. Guests

Working group conference calls and in-person meetings are open to all guests.


3.1.Regular Monthly Meeting

A regular monthly meeting of the WPWGshall be scheduled by the leadershipand notice shall be provided to WPWG membership, via the e-mail account,of the virtual or physical location, time, and agenda. EDCsshall have representation at normal meetings.

WPWG Leadership may cancel or reschedule a meeting due to conflicts or other reasons.

3.2. Ad Hoc Meetings

When necessary, WPWG Leadership may schedule meetings to address topics needing attention.



The PaPUC directive for the WPWG is to propose a standard solution. Consequently, the WPWG shall work to reach a uniform final document. As non-consensus issues arise, prudent discussion will be harbored. However, in order to meet the timeline issued by the PaPUC, the PaPUC Staff member of the WPWG Leadership will ultimately determine the option to choose based on WPWG discussion of non-consensus items.

All parties who fail to have their non-consensus platforms incorporated into the WPWG solution will be availed the option to make their positions public when the standard solution is issued to the entire EDEWG.


5.1 Final Report

The WPWG, as a sub-group to the EDEWG, shall issue its completed and proposed standards tothe entire EDEWG membership. Upon a consensus agreement, the standards will be filed with the Commission. If EDEWG does not reach a consensus on the proposed standards, WPWG Leadership will catalog all of the EDEWG membership positions. Subsequently, EDEWG membership will issue a report to the PaPUC which details the WPWG proposal and the various EDEWG membership positions toward that proposal.