Summer Reading 2016
English 10, Encore Academy – Mrs. Brooks & Miss Guitner
Mrs. Brooks: Miss Guitner:
Read the novelAnthem by Ayn Rand and complete the following tasks. You may buy the book, borrow it from a friend, or check it out of the library. You can even read it online for free at Project Gutenberg – Google it!It is our expectation that this work is 100% completed by Friday, August 19. We will use this novel as the basis for our first unit of the year, including in-class notes, assignments, and assessments.
Your task
1)Answer the two essay questions below. Please note that one essay should be completed BEFORE you read the novel, and the second should be completed AFTER. Each should be answered in a well-written paragraph of 6 or more sentences including a topic sentence, specific details, and a concluding sentence.
2)Answer the chapter questions as you read the novel. You should carefully think about each question and answer it fully, using textual evidence when appropriate.
3)The essays and chapter questions should all be answered electronically in a Google doc, ideally on your school account. You will share your work with your teacher in the first week of school.
4)Academic integrity is vital. All writing should be your own work. Using other people’s words or thoughts as your own is plagiarism. Anyone found plagiarizing, cheating, copying, or misrepresenting their work in any way will receive a ZERO.
Essay 1: BEFORE reading the novel (10 points)
The transition from adolescence to adulthood involves developing a personal identity, a sense of self. Write a well-developed paragraph that explains what makes you uniquely you. Consider your views on life, what is most important to you, future goals and dreams, the role of friends and family, your favorite hobbies, sports, music, literature, movies, etc.
Essay 2: AFTER reading the novel (10 points)
Review your pre-reading essay. Which of your personal values, goals, and favorites would be allowed in the society portrayed in Anthem, and which would not? Why would any of your personal values, goals, and favorites be forbidden in the society portrayed in Anthem?
Chapter Questions (52 points)
Chapter I
- (a) Give 3 specific characteristics of the society where the novel is set. (b)Would you want to live in this society? Explain why or why not.
- In this chapter Equality states that it is very unusual for men to reach the age of 45. Offer two possible explanations as to why life expectancy is so short in his society.
- Clearly, Ayn Rand intended Equality to stand out from his “brothers.” Give 3 ways Equality is different, both physically and mentally.
- Why do you think the Council of Vocations assigns Equality the job of street sweeper? Is it due to error, incompetence, or a more sinister motivation? Explain.
- “And now there is nothing here save our one body, and it is strange to see only two legs stretched on the ground, and on the wall before us the shadow of our one head.” In this quotation, why do you think Equality says “we” when he clearly means only himself?
Chapter II
- Reread the account of Liberty 5-3000. What character traits are revealed in this brief description?
- Find 3 examples of the ways in which this society tries to obliterate each individual’s mind (and self) by not allowing personal choices, desires, and values.
- Of the whole range of feelings possible to man (joy, excitement, anger, embarrassment, etc.), why do you think this society’s government likes its citizens to constantly feel fear?
- In your opinion, what word do you think the forbidden word is? Give evidence from the novel to support your choice.
Chapter III
- What does Equality discover in this chapter?
- Describe four ways in which it would help society and make life easier or more enjoyable.
Chapter IV
- (a) What does the word “Unconquered” mean? (b) Explain how this is an appropriate new name for Equality.
Chapter V
- Equality understands his invention will benefit mankind greatly; however, this was not his main motivation in conducting his experiments, and it is not the primary source of the great joy he experiences. (a) Why did he continue pursuing his experiments? (b) What does he hope to accomplish? (c) Why is he so happy?
- Why is it important that Equality wants to see his own image at this point in the novel? How does it represent a change in his character?
Chapter VI
- The old locks and lack of guards in the Palace of Corrective Detention indicate that previous prisoners never tried to escape. Why not?
Chapter VII
- Outline four of the Council’s reasons for rejecting Equality’s invention.
- What do you think the real reasons are behind the Council’s rejection and fear of the gift?
Chapter VIII
- (a) What is Equality experiencing for the first time in this chapter? (b) How does it make him feel?
- What does the Uncharted Forest symbolize in Anthem? (Hint: Related to #18!)
Chapter IX
- In this chapter, Equality questions the morality of his former society. Give 2 examples of what he was previously taught was right or true, then explain how he now feels about each one.
Chapter X
- (a) Describe the house and its contents. (b) Explain why Liberty and Equality find it so strange and unique.
Chapter XI
- What great discovery does Equality make in this chapter?
- What does Equality now realize is the proper goal and purpose of his life?
Chapter XII
- Look up the myth of Prometheus. Why is that a suitable new name for Equality?
- Look up the name Gaea. Why is that a suitable name for Liberty?
- Prometheus reaches the important realization that “To be free, a man must be free of his brothers.” Give 2 examples from real life that support that statement.
**Note: Remember to complete your second essay when you finish reading!!