Amendment #1
This amendment was removed as the CCRI President Designee position was placed on the below committees. Please see Committee Membership lists.
Proposed new amendment:
It is proposed that the CCRIFA President or his/her designee be provided membership inclusion on the following Governance committees:
- General Education Committee
- Program-Based Review and Assessment Committee
- Academic Advisory Committee
- Resource Management Committee
- Educational Spaces
- Academic Computing Committee
- Student Advisory Committee
Per CCRIFA Contract, Article II (F), “The President of the Association or her/his designee shall be a member of the President's cabinet with full voting rights and shall serve on all college-wide committees dealing with budgetary or academic concerns and all committees dealing with curriculum with full vote on any such committee…”
Amendment #2
Include Chairs committee as an official academic committee of CCRI Governance
Review, deliberate, and vote on academic policy which affects one or more disciplines and/or departments for the purpose of collaborating with other academic governance committees, and advising the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Chairs Council/Chairs Committee brings together the elected representatives of every academic department for the purpose of discussing policies which affect academics across the institution. The Chairs collectively are well informed about the impact a policy may have on other disciplines. For example, a policy may affect Nursing in one way, but Psychology in another way. There is no other committee where this expertise is gathered to review academic policy.
Membership: Vice President Academic Affairs, Department Chairs (22), Deans of Academic Divisions (4), Representative from Student Government (2) as appropriate, CCRIFA President/designee.
Amendment #3
Article X - Amendments
a)When there are proposed amendments to the existing Governance system, a notice of the proposed amendments will be circulated electronically to the CCRI community.
b) The President or his/her designees will chair/host an open forum with video links to all four campuses to answer questions about the proposed changes.
c)Within two calendar weeks of the open forum, the college community will have one week to vote on the proposed changes.
d)A proposed change will take effect if it receives a majority of those voting.
Article X - Amendments
a)When there are proposed amendments to the existing Governance system, a notice of the proposed amendments will be circulated electronically to the CCRI community.
b)The President or his/her designees will chair/host an open forum with video links to all four campuses to answer questions about the proposed changes.
c)Within two calendar weeks of the open forum, the college community will have one week to vote on the proposed changes.
d)A proposed change will take effect if it receives a majority of those voting.
e)Amendments may only be submitted and voted on once per year and must be submitted by December 1.
The current procedures for submitting and voting on amendments is very time consuming and important. This will allow amendments to be submitted and discussed once per year in February-March.
Amendment #4
Article III: Responsibilities ofMembers
a)Committee members will be elected according to the designated slotsindicated in the descriptionsofeachcommittee,withtheexceptionofpositions thatareappointedpositions.
b)Memberswill be elected iftheyreceivea simplemajorityvote.
c) Memberswillservetwoyearterms on eachcommittee.In theinitial year oftherevised Governancestructure,andoncethecommitteemembersareelected orappointed,the Committeewillvoteonwhichpositions areoneyear inlength andwhicharetwo years in length in ordertoestablish aprocessbywhich committeereplacementsarestaggered,allowing fora smoothtransitionofcommitteework. Theresultsofthisdecisionwillbenotedintheminutes of theinitialmeeting of thecommittee.
d)Membersmayrunforasecondterm,buttheymaynotservemorethantwoconsecutiveterms (maximumoffouryears)onthesamecommitteewithouttakingayearoff,withtheexception of appointed committee members (special considerations will be given to smaller departments).
e) Memberstermswilllastthroughthedateareplacementmemberhasbeenelected/appointed andbegins servingonthecommittee.
Remove Article III, 1, c
III.1.d (“e” will become the new “d”)
Members terms will last through the date a replacement member has been elected / appointed and begins serving on the committee
All committee members should be subject to the same term limits, regardless of if they are appointed or elected, so as not to disenfranchise elected members. Additionally, this allows for appointments of term limited members should vacancies still exist after the election cycle is complete.
Amendment #5
Remove Academic Affairs Coordinator from the following committees and replace with the Director of Instructional Technology and Online Learning:
- Distance Learning Advisory Committee
- Academic Computing Committee
Rationale: The new Director of Instructional Technology and Online Learning will be responsible for academic technology initiatives.