Strasbourg, 19 May 2016
CEPEJ/ODJ(2016)1 Prov3
27thplenary meeting
Thursday, 30June2016 (9 am) –Friday, 1 July 2016(6 pm)
Strasbourg, Palais de l’Europe
Room 9
Draft agenda
Documents preceded by the following diagram will be submitted for examination by the CEPEJ in view of their adoption
The working documents are available on the CEPEJ restricted website
For further information, please contact:
1.Opening of the meeting
2.Adoption of the agenda
3.Information by the President, the CEPEJ members and the Secretariat
4.2014-2015 Activity Report of the CEPEJ: discussion in view of its adoption
Rapporteur: Ivana BORZOVA (Czech Republic)
Working document
2014-2015 Activity Report of the CEPEJ
[under preparation]
5.Evaluation of judicial systems
Rapporteur: Jean-Paul JEAN, Chair of the CEPEJ-GT-EVAL (France)
- 2014 – 2016 evaluation cycle
- Report“European judicial systems – Edition 2016: key data” : examination of the report in view of its adoption
- Thematic report: “The use of IT in courts” : examination of the report in view of its adoption
- Dynamic internet data base presenting all the CEPEJ information on European judicial systems (2014 data): examination of the system in view of opening it to the public
- Publication and communication strategy
- Co-operation with the European Union within the framework of the “EU Justice Scoreboard”
- Co-operation process through a peer evaluation
- Serbia
- Candidatures 2016 and 2017
Working documents
Draft Report “European judicial systems – Edition 2016: key data”
[under preparation]
Draft Thematic report “The use of IT in courts”
[under preparation]
CEPEJ dynamic data base on European judicial systems (2014)data
EU Justice Scoreboard 2016
Peer review on judicial statistics, Belgrade (Serbia), 1 – 2 March 2016 (n°17) - Visit report
6.Information on the on-going work of the CEPEJ-GT-QUAL and the court coaching programme on satisfaction surveys
Rapporteur:Fabio BARTOLOMEO (Italy), member of the CEPEJ-GT-QUAL
Working document
Report of the 19th meeting of the CEPEJ-GT-QUAL
[under preparation]
7.Information on the on-going work of the SATURN Centre and the court coaching programme on judicial time management
Rapporteur: Jacques BÜHLER (Switzerland), Chairman of the CEPEJ-SATURN
- Discussion of the draft Implementation Guide: Towards European timeframes for judicial proceedings
- Discussion of the draft Compilation of definitions used by the CEPEJ working groups
- CEPEJ Court coaching programme on SATURN tools
- France (Avignon) : discussion on the establishment of a predictor of processing time
Rapporteur: Jacques BÜHLER (Switzerland)
- Greece (Thessaloniki)
Rapporteur: Jacques BÜHLER (Switzerland)
- Malta
Rapporteur: Francesco DEPASQUALE (Malta)
- Other on-going work
Working documents
Draft Implementation Guide: Towards European timeframes for judicial proceedings
[under preparation]
Draft Compilation of definitions used by the CEPEJ working groups
[under preparation]
Report of the 19th meeting of the CEPEJ-SATURN
[under preparation
Presentation document of the court coaching programme in France
Report: "Implementing the SATURN time management guidelines in the Administrative Court of First Instance of Thessaloniki (Greece)" and comments from the President of the Court
8.Co-operation between the CEPEJ and the other bodies of the Council of Europe
- Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE)
- Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE)
- European Committee on Legal Cooperation (CDCJ)
- Steering Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC)
- Steering Committee on Human Rights (CDDH)
9.CEPEJ co-operation programmes
- Albania – Support to the efficiency of Justice (SEJ) – Joint programme with the European Union
- Horizontal Facility for South-eastern Europe – Albania and Kosovo[1] - Joint programme with the European Union
- Programmatic Co-operation Framework for the countries of the Eastern partnership - Azerbaijan and Republic of Moldova - Joint programme with the European Union
- Croatia - Improvement of the way cases are handled by the judicial system and introduction of SATURN time management tools in the courts – Co-operation with the EEA/Norway Grants
- Turkey- Developing mediation practices in civil disputes– Co-operation with the Swedish agency (SIDA)
- Towards Strengthened Democratic Governance in the Southern Mediterranean – Tunisia and Jordan - Joint programme with the European Union
- Programme to support the justice sector reform - improving the functioning of justice in Morocco using the tools of CEPEJ - Joint programme with the European Union
The CEPEJ members are invited to examine the progress in the cooperation programmes (see the document mentioned below). The CEPEJ members acting as experts involved in these programmes, as well as the Secretariat, are prepared to answer any questions that may be put to them during the meeting.
- Assessment of the functioning of the judicial system in Latvia
Rapporteur: Aija BRANTA(Latvia)
Working document
State of the implementation of the CEPEJ cooperation programmes
[under preparation]
10.Last developments within the European Union in the judicial field
Rapporteurs: Frans van der DOELEN (The Netherlands) and Ladislav DUDITS (Slovakia) on behalf of the outgoing and incoming presidency of the European Union
11.European Day of Justice
Information by the Secretariat
12.Renewal of member(s) of the Bureau
As the Vice-President of the CEPEJ, Irakli ADEISHVILI (Georgia), is no longer a member of the CEPEJ, the Vice-Presidency is now vacant. The CEPEJ members wishing to be candidates to this position are requested to indicate it to the Secretariat before 30 June at 12:00.
If the new Vice-President is to be selected among the current Bureau members, a post of Bureau member would become vacant and should then be filled. The CEPEJ members wishing to be candidates to this position, when appropriate, are also requested to indicate it to the Secretariat before 30 June 30 at 12:00.
Elections will be held on Friday 1 July am.
13.Observers to the CEPEJ
Organisations which have been granted observer status with the CEPEJ are entitled, if they wish, to make an oral presentation of their current activities relevant to the CEPEJ and/or submit a written information to the Secretariat which could be distributed during the meeting.
14.Any other business
General reference documents
Report of the 26thplenary meeting of the CEPEJ
Report of the 27thmeeting of the Bureau
CEPEJ Activity Programme 2016 - 2017
[1] *All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nation's Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.