CIS 118 Intro to LINUXClass Exercise
Week 1
Exercise 1: First time
1)Login to the school network (Windows)
2)Go to Start, Run, putty, type in host type CSC.OAKTON.EDU.
Login with the supplied ID and Password
3)Change your password with the passwd command
4)Change your account information: chfn –h <Home Phone #> -p <Cell Phone #>, enter password.
5)finger your user id
6)See who is logged into the system
7)finger someone else (no jokes please)
8)See what directory you are in the pwd command
9)See what the contents of your directory is with the command ls –a
10)w, who, users to get LOGGED in information
Exercise 2: More fun, communicating
1)Write a message to a lab partner or instructor
-write “userid”
-send some text (keep it clean)
-Ctrl D…. To end the message
2)talk to a lab partner with command talk “userid”
-lab partner responds talk “you@csc”
-send some text (keep it clean)
-end conversation with Ctrl C
3)Turn off interactive mode with mesg n
4)Repeat 1, 2 – what happens?
5)Use command mail rjtaylor to start an email to the instructor.
-Subject: Test Email
-Message: This is a test.
-. to end E-Mail.
6)Send an email to your lab partner
7)Echo “I there!” | mail
Exercise 3: More interesting stuff…
1)Issue the following commands. Discuss the results:
set, tty, who, whoami. uname, hostname, ps, cal, date, uptime
2)bc – basic calculator. Enter 2*3, (6*5)/2, (18-12)/3, Ctrl D to exit
3)run the man command against who, finger, passwd, set, tty, who, whoami. uname, hostname, ps, cal, date, uptime, bc
Exercise 4: No fun (just kidding), editing a file (vi)
1)review of vi commands.
2)vi practice file from p. 160 of text. (Lab 0)
Exercise 5: Capturing UNIX command output
1)script, ls –al; exit, cat typescript | mail –s “Exercise 5” ,
2)cat typescript | printer 2625 .profile
Exercise 6: Terminal control:
1)Hit up and down arrows, several times .
2)Type in sleep 60, Ctrl C, ps
3)Type in sleep 60, Ctrl Z, ps, fg 1
4)Clear screen with command clear
5)Logout with Ctrl D, logout, or exit