Third Party Fundraising Agreement

Thank you for your interest in supporting Interim Place by organizing a third party event! Interim Place asks that fundraising activities using its name and/or logo are consistent with our organizational standards. Please complete this form and submit to Interim Place for approval by mail or email to:

P.O. Box 45070

Mississauga, ON, L5G 1C9

Attention: Development Manager


  1. Event Information

Proposed Event Name: / Proposed Date:
Location: / Proposed Start and Finish Time:
  1. Event Contact Information
/ Alternate Contact
Contact Name: / Contact Name:
Mailing Address: / Mailing Address:
Phone: / Phone:
E-mail: / E-mail:
  1. Events Details


a)How will funds be raised? ______

Will 100% of the proceeds for this event be donated to Interim Place? If not, please go to 3b)

b)Please identify the percentage of fund raised that will be allocated to Interim Place ______%


  1. Fundraising and Other Goals

What is the events fundraising goal? $ ______

What other goals do you hope to achieve? Please select all that apply.

 Raise awareness on the issue of violence against women

 Begin or continue a partnership with Interim Place

 increase community engagement on ending violence against women in our community

  1. Promotion/ Marketing -How will the event(s) be promoted? Please check all that apply.

Newspaper Flyer Radio Sign  Facebook/ Twitter: Website:

Magazine BrochureTVE-MailOther: ______

  1. Interim Place’s Role

How can Interim Place help support your event? Please check all that apply.

Promotional materials


Participation Yes  orNo  Participants Role: ______

  1. Proposal of Understanding:

The following points outline the understanding of Interim Place about itsassociation with the event named above and its associated people:

  1. The event named above will be implemented in a manner consistent with the current Fund Raising Policies of Interim Place and consistent with the principles and practices outlined in the Donor Bill of Rights, the Ethical Fundraising and Financial Accountability Codefrom Association of Fundraising Professional and Imagine Canada.
  1. Interim Place will not disclose confidential information about agency donors, contacts, suppliers, etc. to the 3 party identified in this agreement.
  1. Any written promotion of the Event will clearly indicate “net” proceeds to Interim Place, not “gross” proceeds.
  1. Interim Place reserves the right to approve promotional and publicity plans as well as the use of the Interim Place’s logo. All print and Web materials, including the Interim Place name/logo, must be approved by Interim Place before final production. Please note thatInterim Place’s logo cannot be modified in any way.
  1. Under no circumstances can any service or goods be contracted using the name Interim Place.
  1. The third party organization identified in this agreement will indemnify and save harmless Interim Place and its agents/servants from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or other proceedings by whomsoever made, brought or prosecuted in any manner based upon, occasioned by or attributed to any such damage or injury arising from any fundraising/awareness efforts on behalf of Interim Place.
  1. If a liquor license is required, it must be issued in the name of the 3rd Party, not in the name of Interim Place and all promotional advertisements bearing the Interim Place name or logo will include in visible text: "Interim Place asks that you please drink responsibly".
  1. Under no circumstances will Interim Place be associated with telephone solicitation, direct mail or door-to-door solicitation for this event.
  1. Interim Place is not responsible for any expenses incurred by this Event unless otherwise specified in thisdocument and approved by Interim Place.
  1. All personal information collected in association with this event is protected under Interim Place’s privacy policies.
  1. Signatures

Third party Coordinator:

Name: ______


Date: ______

Interim Place:

Name: ______


Date: ______

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