Third Part Verification Supplier Listing Conditions

National Disability Services Industry Development Fund

  1. National Disability Services (NDS), on behalf of the Department of Family and Community Services; Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) is to implement a system for ADHC funded disability service providers to be able to demonstrate, through external third party verification, that they meet the practice requirements of the New South Wales Disability Services Standards.
  2. Your organisation asserts that it has the expertise and qualifications to carry out the services and has expressed an interest to NDS in relation to the provision of those services.
  3. NDS has relied on your representation in the expression of interest and is prepared to include your name, address and contact details on their contact list to assist ADHC funded Disability Service Providers in NSW to identify appropriate organisations to undertake the verification process.
  4. You acknowledge that NDS gives no warranty and make no representation that any disability service provider will utilise your services. The services, the verification process and any associated activities are carried out at your sole risk.
  5. It is a condition of listing that you comply with each of the following:

(a)You warrant that all information provided to NDS in your expression of interest (EOI) is accurate, complete and up to date and is not, in any way, misleading or inaccurate. You acknowledge that NDS has relied upon that information in agreeing to place you on the supplier list.

(b)You will notify NDS immediately there is a material change to any of the information provide in the EOI.

(c)You have, and will maintain all relevant authorities and approvals from any relevant body and are appropriately accredited and qualified to provide the identified services.

(d)You have transparent mechanisms in place to ensure you will not verify any works undertaken by you or works undertaken at your direction or control.

(e)You will provide the services to any ADHC funded disability service provider:

(i)in a professional, courteous and responsible way.

(ii)with due care and skill and to the best of your knowledge and expertise.

(iii)in accordance with:

(A)the agreement with the disability service provider

(B)any standards, business rules or administrative procedures set or suggested by ADHC or NDS; and

(C)any codes or guidelines relevant to the provisions of the services.

(f)You will ensure that when carrying out the services under any agreement with an ADHC funded disability service provider that you do not cause any unreasonable or unnecessary disruption to the routines, procedures or responsibilities of the service providers, ADHC or NDS.

(g)You will maintain confidentially in relation to any information that you obtain from NDS or a funded service provider in relation to their respective business operations or any other aspect of their corporate affairs.

(h)You will attend any information briefing sessions facilitated by NDS or ADHC and participate in any evaluation activity in order to ensure a consistent and effective approach to the program by organisations providing services to funded service providers.

(i)You notify NDS or any complaints by funded service providers in relation to any aspect of the service.

(j)That you will identify and report any conflicts of interest that may arise and will not verify any work, document or process that has been supplied by you to the ADHC funded disability service provider with which the conflict has arisen.

(k)You will supply evidence to NDS in relation to verification processes undertaken by you in respect of disability service providers to assure NDS that such service have been delivered to the standard and cost agreed to in any agreement between you and the funded disability service provider. NDS shall treat any information provided in accordance with its obligations under the Privacy Act.

(l)You will provide to the disability service provider

(i)a copy of any verification statement confirming a positive outcome;

(ii)a copy of any verification statement notifying the funded disability service providerof negative outcomes and follow up action to address gaps in meeting the disability service standards or requirements of ADHC.

(m)You agree that, if, in the reasonable opinion of NDS, you breach any of these conditions you may be removed from the listing.