Third Meeting of the UCDSU Executive
UCDSU Boardroom
Wednesday 21st September 6pm
In Attendance:
Conor Viscardi (Chair)- UCDSU President [CV]
Lexi Kilmartin - Education Officer and Deputy President [LK]
Luke Fitzpatrick- Campaigns and Communications Officer [LF]
Cian Casey- Graduate Officer [CC]
Liam Brady- Arts and Human Sciences Officer [LB]
Lida Petra O’Shea- Engineering and Architecture Officer [LPOS]
Sean Kilgarriff- Science Officer [SK]
Francis Roche- Arts and Human Sciences Officer [FR]
Joseph Millerick- Agriculture and Vet Officer [JM]
Jonathan Byrne- Business and Law Officer [JB]
Eoghan Mac Domhnaill - Irish Languages Officer [ED]
Meeting opened at 18.10
- Introduction
- Apologies
Rebecca Hart - Health Sciences Officer
Roisin O Mara - Welfare Officer
- Approval of Minutes from Exec 2
Approved and passed
- Item for approval (speaking times see item 6 a)
●Proposed by CC - speaking times in Exec
●Five minutes/two minutes president/sabbat
●More speaking rights to CV as he needs to go into more detail
●Secretary would keep timing and alert speakers if they went over allocated time
●Passed in favor
●In immediate effect
- Updates from sabbatical team(reports circulated and taken as read)
- President
●Outline of organizational review pitched at last exec
●Proposal that could be circulated
● Position of lead corporate service role is vacant.
●This will also be redefined name wise to be more accessible
●To be circulated when ready.
●Meeting with Ivan Griffin to look at making a partnership between ucd and aircoach as an alternative mode of transport.
●Idea of a shuttle bus from heuston to aid commuters from Kildare, Laois, Offaly, Carlow.
●Parking not under pressure,there was ideas facilitate modest park and ride system from nearby areas if necessary but there is currently no pressure on system in place.
●Trad tuesday was a success, busking finalised
●Mind body soul to take place next monday. Outline of schedule for the day given. Running one day only. Condensed event this time around but will be expanded in coming semesters.
- Welfare
- Graduate
●Grad connect was success large turnout
●Class rep forms coming in as planned.
●After party took place at same time as Trad Tuesday and so was overshadowed.
●Meeting space in Smurfit building, Blackrock has been sorted. Fulfills mandate
●Planning on sending out an email for recruitment of class reps since difficulty being there to lecture address in person.
- Education
●Will be absent with CV next week in Brussels for conference
●Looked into module intake for LB
●Resit fees/ repeat fees reduction and changes - will keep exec updated on progress
●Discussion of capping for repeat fees will be brought to attn at next meeting
- C&C
●Mind body and soul, graphics underway
●Working with ENTS, certain difficulties. Missing crew but current crew not enaging fully in work so presenting challenges,
●Freshers tent taking up much of week.
●Reminder about postering being on tomorrow.
●Currently looking at expanding deals and associations ENTS has with businesses and also broadening horizons as to the type of events run.
In terms of idea generation - where did these ideas for new events come from? [CV]
We pitched it to ENTS oursleves. [LF]
- Updates from College Officers (reports circulated and taken as read)
- Ag and Vet [JM]
●Class rep nom under pressure, difficulty finding large amounts people to speak to. Some lectures have had poor attendance.
●Talked to Fiachra at campus services - Ventilation. Has improved somewhat.
●Took over Ag Food page on Facebook from Alison Dowley.
●Setting up Keeping It Country Ag Radio
Vet reps very low have you worked on that? [LF]
We have interacted but vets have a very busy schedule. [JM]
Third years are out on placement and that can cause difficulty [CC]
Even if they aren’t making social events they should still be represented [LF]
What is the feedback on asking people to go for class rep? [CV]
They think it’s my job! [JM]
It’s the higher years that need to be filled [CV]
- Arts and Human Sciences x 2 [LB & FR]
●Pushing for class reps through lecture addresses, have been asked for forms after presentations so a very good response.[LB]
●Trying to get across argument for module intake increase with Politics and History in particular.Upcoming meeting with Dir of Admin Services may shed light on this situation. [LB]
I suggest you make a pitch. [CV]
International spots arent been taken or used and it’s a missed opportunity for Irish students. Not currently being redistributed. [LB]
●I have been ill so only made two lecture addresses. Newman basement yet to reply. Struggling with getting reps from older years.[FR]
Emails sent out to all class reps from past [LF]
Third years keen [LB]
Move tent SU stand to building might better engage people. SU shops may take pop ups either. This can apply to everyone [LF]
I’ll get back to you all on budgets for this [CV]
- Business and Law [JB]
●Freshers tent
●International buddy event with international board
●lecture addressed and ran out of forms, will improve this tomorrow.
●Stage four law page to be set up
- Eng and Arch [LPOS]
●Extension of Winging It- working with Joshua Gorman on a help system that is Eng specific and then another Arch specific one. Will circulate the pages to Exec and First Years.
●Met up with Eng Soc.
●Class rep recruitment good in Eng, will address first years Friday. Not as much response from Arch.
●School of planning now part of Eng and Arch, creates some constituency problems.
There has to be a constituency referendum. [LF]
There’s a frame in place for when a ref is run. E-voting is also to be run out in the second semester. [CV]
- Health Science [RH]
- Irish Language [ED]
●Apologies for absence at last meeting.
●Much time in summer spent prepping for Irish Day. Planning on keeping day on campus. Engage in new ways such as with a snapchat filter..
●Last sat at meeting for Bord Na Gaeilge, v positive responses for class rep from this.
- Science [SK]
●Book sale run this week. Funds go back to those who gave in the books, sorted out first years with cheaper alternative.
●Been handing class rep forms.
●Grad connect.
●Lecture addresses for class rep. Will look at doing pop up stand also.
●Grading system for comp sci has changed, causing upset.
We are working on that through meeting with the head of Compu sci [LK]
●Module feedback guide needs to be up and running. Anonymous for privacy.
Myself, Shane and Shaun meeting to be had about recycling bins in science. Waste management are very keen on the idea. Theres a facebook page for book swapping too called UCD book exchange. This is a good Alt to book fairs.
- Big projects/ Initiatives updates
- Alternative Careers Fair
- Update [LK]
●Jobios pulled out earlier this week as they want to do another project in the spring with all their universities. They were supposed to be facilitating employers at the fair. Asked if they can facilitate speed networking with employers. Very close to event now and it will be hard to find an alternative.
- Class Rep Campaign
- Update
●Postering like last year.
●Leaflets being distributed on campus, more direct and opens the chance to talk to students.
●Realize monday before deadline will be busy, dedicate the day to working on the class rep camp.
●Staff should have got email on Reps..
- Strategy
●Lecture addressing is key but classes are missed. Word of mouth is important so engaging with the students directly and individually to spread the word is key.
●Listed full consistencies, these don't need to be targeted now. Data breakdown wasn't in from Arts yet. Listed Consistencies that are missing reps- these need to be targeted. Arts, Ag and B&L need particular attention.[LK]
●In terms of a pitch pushing the idea that ‘you get out what you put in and there's not that many hours needed’. They need only sit twice a month at council. Explain there is an event manager to assist with stressful job such as running parties. [LF]
●Suggests a roster for postering to balance the workload. [LF]
●We won’t be postering every week anyway. [LK]
●Leave it as it is then. [LF]
- Timetable (Lexi)
●I’m going to circulate notes on that. There's also a timetable of lectures for addressing on google drive. [LK]
- Plan for the week
●We will be away in Brussels [CV & LK]
●ENTS updates will come in throughout the week, Dominoes ball tickets coming in. [LF]
- Items for approval
- Speaking times (Cian)
- Item for discussion to be added to the agenda (Lexi and Cian)
- Items for noting
- European Parliament Visit
- Class rep of the month
Not applicable
- UCD for Choice
●March 12.30 at Ambassador theatre on Saturday, down to Garden of Remembrance.
●UCD for choice is a subsidiary group [LF]
●This is to prevent dictating to students, it's about empowering students voices to actively participate in the campaign. [CV]
●Vouchers for free coffee have been cut down due to the abundance of them. If needed for events you'll have to ask in advance. [LF]
●Currently organizing discount cards for the SU shops for SU College Officers [CV]
Fin 19.40