2League Specific Rules & Guidance
2.1Liability and entry fee
2.2League and cup
2.3Setting up the kit
2.5Additional players (ringers)
2.6Rearranging fixtures
2.8Refereeing and submitting score sheets
2League Specific Rules & Guidance
2.1Liability and entry fee
All teams on entering the league agree that it is at their own risk and agree to pay a £5 fee per player.
The 'entry fee'will only be payable once during the summer season.
Fees are used to cover the cost of our affiliation with Volley England, to purchase new equipment when required including net systems and spares and outdoor balls and also the cost of the all cups, trophies, medals and other prizes.
Any team whohas not paid theirfees in full by the end of Match week 4 of the first half of the season will be deducted 1 league point per player and will not be entitled to win the league or the cup.Team captains are responsible for collecting and submitting the fees for all members of their squad that are submitted to the organisers.
Ordnance Survey is not liable for any injuries that occur whilst playing volleyball. Ordnance Survey Volleyball Club is affiliated by Volley England and has Public Liability insurance.
2.2League and cup
The league will be organisedinto two stages as long as there is sufficient time to complete all fixtures. Inthe Stage1all teams will play each otheronce and all fixtures must be completed to enable Stage 2 fixtures to be arranged.Stage 2 will be regrouped into a Premiership andChampionship divisionbased ontheir league position in Stage 1. Points from Stage 1 do not carry forward to Stage 2.The top 4 teams from stage 1 go into the Premiership and the remainder go into the Championship where you play each team in your league twice (home and away). There will be trophies for Leagues winners, Cup Winners and Player of the Season.
A player from the Premiership cannot play for a team in the Championship.
A knock-out cup will run simultaneously with the league.
2.3Setting up the kit
The home team is responsible for setting up the kit.
- Make sure the net runs along the centre white line.
- Place the posts equidistant from the outside court marking.
- Ensure pegs for the guy ropes are hammered into the ground so they are not exposed and angle them away from the court(this is to ensure the guy ropes don’t pull the pegs out during play)
- Move all bags and equipment away from the edge of the court to avoid players tripping over them
Please inform Simon Hughes/James Terry when the lines need remarking.
The away team is responsible for returning the kit. Please make sure the locker room is left tidy as other sports clubs also use this space, and in accordance with the notice on the wall inside the room.
The degree of compliance to the rules is at the discretion of the referee. The average level of skill of the two teams should be taken into account. However, both teams should be treated identically, whether or not they share the same level of skill. Referees should make their expected level of compliance to rules clear to both teams at the start of the game. The individuals who referee the matches have had no formal refereeing training and under no circumstances should they be subjected to any abuse by players. A referee can deduct 5 game (rally) points if they are sworn at and should mark this in the notes section on the score sheet.We promote fair play and enjoyment and will not tolerate unfair treatment towards referees or opposing teams.
The home team is responsible for collecting the key, getting the kit outand putting it up in sufficient time so that the fixture can start at the allocated time (12:20 or 12:40). The away team is responsible for taking the net down and returning the key. The keys and sign in sheet will be with Alan Parvin in L0F1RB9.
The games shall be scored using "rally point" scoring; that is, the team that wins a rally scores a point whether they served to start that rally or not.
Before each match the referee carries out a toss of the coin to decide who serves first and the sides of the court in the first set. The winner of the toss chooses:
- the right to serve, or
- the side of the court
To ensure matches complete within lunch hours (12:00-14:00), each set will last 20 minutes. If the score is tied at the end of the 20 minutes 1 more point will be played to result in a winner. Two 20 minute sets will be played in the match. After each set the teams change ends. If each team wins a set a 3rd and final set will be played to 11 points but it must be won by 2 clear points to a maximum of 13. The first team to get 11 points and 2 clear of the other wins the match.However, no 3rd set will go past a 13-12 score line.
If the match goes to a 3rd set a further coin toss willtake place to decide on service end side of court.
Match points are awarded as follows; 3 points for a win, 0 for a loss. If teams tie on points in the final table, then the league will be decided on:
- Most sets won
- Least sets lost
- Most games won
- Biggest points difference
Teams with 4 or less players must have all players on court during a match (except through injury). Teams with more than 4 players may choose to field a minimum of 4 players and rotate extra players on in rotation or as substitutes.
If the league splits into Premiership and Championship, players from teams in the Premiership cannot play for teams in the Championship but players in the Championship can play in the Premiership
2.5Additional players (ringers)
If you have 3 players or lessavailable to play,you can enlist the help of an extra player(s)without consent from the opposing captain, as long as the total number of players for that team does not then exceed 4.
If a team already has 4 or more players, they can add extra players up to a maximum of 6 as long as both captains are in agreements.
If you have any unregistered players (have not paid their £5 subs) that are not guest players (as per the rules stated above), 1 point per player will be deducted. This will be at the discretion of the Committee.
As in 2.4, players from teams in the Premiership cannot play for teams in the Championship but players in the Championship can play in the Premiership
2.6Rearranging fixtures
If either team cannot fulfil their fixture they mustinform both the captain and vice captain of the opposing team, the team responsible for providing the referee and<Create shared email for all fixture changes and scores> via email. You must give reasonable notice if you cannot fulfil a fixture (preferably 24 hours’ notice, though if illness is cited then notice may be the same morning as a fixture). If you know in advance that you won’t be able to field a squad for one of your fixtures please send <new email>to rearrange the fixture.
The re-arrangement of fixtures is done at the mutual convenience of both teams and the referee and checking with <new email>that a court is free. Rearranged fixtures should be played on a Monday or Friday at either 12:20 or 12:40. To ensure all fixtures are played or a result decided, if a fixtureis cancelled by the same team more than twicedue to a lack of players, without consent from the captains, the opposing team will be awarded the victory 2-0 (25,0;25,0).
- A fault on the centreline is only a fault if the whole foot goes over the line or any other part of your body touches the opposing team’s side of the court.
- A service fault is called if the server’s foot is touching any part of the service line or they are outside the side lines of the court.
- Upon service, if any player’s foot is touching or outside any of the court lines then that team loses service and the point.
- A net touch is only a fault if the tape at the top of the net is touched or a player distorts the net to their own or their team’s advantage.
- For safety reasons there will be no hitting of the ball with any part of the body below the waist. If the ball is hit with a part of the body below the waist then that team lose the point.
2.8Refereeing and submitting score sheets
Referees should submit a scanned/electronicfully completed score sheet to <new email>by the end of the day on which the fixture was played, or by the end of the week at the very latest. Failure to submit a fully completed score sheet by the end of the week will result in 1 league point being deducted from the refereeing team. Score sheets must be submitted via e-mail.
Referees please fill in all parts of the match report form including the player of the match, including Player of The Match.
Teams designated to supply a referee should do so. If a team does not supply a referee they should find someone who can or 1 league point will be deducted from the refereeing team.
If a referee turns up more than 5 minutes late the refereeing team will be deducted 1 point.
Captains are responsiblefor ensuring referees are provided and including the refereeing team in emails about your fixtures, including rescheduled fixtures.
If a team doesn't turn up at all, after they confirm that they can play, the match will be awarded to the opposition,2-0 (set scores will be 25:0, 25:0).
Teams must be punctual. If a team has confirmed they can play and do not show up ready to play 5 minutes after the scheduled start time they lose the first set 25:0. If they fail to show up 10 mins after the scheduled start time they forfeit the 2nd set 25:0 and the match 2:0