Board of Mental Health & Chemical Dependency Professionals

Minutes – 03/22/2006

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Cannon Building / STATE OF DELAWARE / Telephone: (302) 744-4500
861 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite 203 / DEPARTMENT OF STATE / Fax: (302) 739-2711
Dover, Delaware 19904-2467 / DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION / Website:


MEETING DATE AND TIME: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 at 12:00 p.m.

PLACE: 861 Silver Lake Boulevard, Dover, Delaware

Conference Room A, second floor of the Cannon Building

MINUTES APPROVED: April 26, 2006


Russell Buskirk, LCDP, President

Michael Kriner, LCDP, Vice President

Carmetah Murray, Public Member, Secretary

David Ciamaricone, LPCMH

Dr. James Wilson, LPCMH

Daniel Cherneski, LMFT

Robert Doyle, Public Member

Division Staff/Deputy Attorney General PRESENT

Kay Warren, Deputy Director, DPR

Chris Spizzirri, Deputy Attorney General

Timothy Oswell, Administrative Specialist II




Dr. John Walker, LMFT

Dr. James Walsh, LPCMH

Dawn Brown, Public Member

Vera Murrell, Public Member


Mr. Buskirk called the meeting to order at 12:13 p.m.


The Board reviewed the February 28, 2006 minutes for approval. Dr. Wilson made a motion, seconded by Ms. Murray to approve the minutes as amended. Motion unanimously carried.


There was no unfinished business before the Board.


Voluntary Treatment Option (VTO) Presentation

Ms. Warren presented the board with a power point presentation of the Voluntary Treatment Option available for licensees with substance abuse problems. This program provides an opportunity for regulated professionals to confidentially access professional help for their chemical dependency (alcohol or drugs) impairment. Board members will forward suggestions for events where the Division may make presentations of the VTO program to the Board’s administrative specialist. Program forms and information are available at Mr. Kriner agreed to be the Board designate for the VTO program. Mr. Doyle made a motion, seconded by Mr. Ciamaricone to approve Mr. Kriner as the designate. Motion unanimously carried.

Review of Application for LPCMH Licensure by NAMP Certification – Vasanthy Chennat

The Board reviewed Ms. Chennat’s application for LPCMH licensure by certification from the Northamerican Association of Masters in Psychology (NAMP). The NAMP was approved as a certifying organization at the Board’s December 13, 2002 meeting. The board noted that Ms. Chennat’s application reflected that she had only obtained 3,000 of the required 3,200 post-master’s professional counseling experience hours. Mr. Ciamaricone made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kriner to table Ms. Chennat’s application for verification of an additional 200 hours of post-master’s professional counseling experience hours. Motion unanimously carried.

Review of Application for LPCMH Licensure by NBCC Certification – Nicole Randick

The Board reviewed Ms. Randick’s application for LPCMH licensure. Mr. Kriner made a motion, seconded by Ms. Murray to approve Ms. Randick’s application. Motion unanimously carried.

Review of Application for LPCMH Licensure by NBCC Certification – Mariella Roberts

The Board reviewed Ms. Roberts’ application for LPCMH licensure. Mr. Doyle made a motion, seconded by Mr. Cherneski to approve Ms. Roberts’ application. Motion unanimously carried.

Review of Application for LPCMH Licensure by NBCC Certification – Joseph Limmina

The Board reviewed Mr. Limmina’s application for LPCMH licensure. Dr. Wilson made a motion, seconded by Ms. Murray to approve Mr. Limmina’s application. Motion unanimously carried.

Review of Application for LPCMH Licensure by Reciprocity – Mani Thomas

The Board reviewed Mr. Thomas’ application for LPCMH licensure from South Carolina. Dr. Wilson made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kriner to approve Mr. Thomas’ application. Motion unanimously carried.

Review of Application for LMFT Licensure by Reciprocity – Joan Hoffman

The Board reviewed Ms. Hoffman’s application for LMFT licensure by reciprocity from Maryland. Mr. Cherneski made a motion, seconded by Ms. Murray to approve Ms. Hoffman’s application. Motion unanimously carried.

Establish Subcommittee for LMFT Forms and Rules

Mr. Cherneski agreed to participate in the subcommittee for the development of forms and rules and regulations for the marriage and family therapist license. Mr. Kriner made a motion, seconded by Ms. Murray to approve the subcommittee. Motion unanimously carried.


There was no correspondence for the Board to review.

Other Business (for discussion only)

There was no other business before the Board.

Public Comment

There was no public comment.

Next Meeting Date

The Board will hold a meeting on April 26 22, 2006 at 12:00 p.m. in Conference Room A of the Cannon Bldg, 861 Silver Lake Blvd, Dover, Delaware, 19904.


Ms. Murray made a motion, seconded Mr. Kriner, to adjourn. Motion unanimously carried. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Timothy E. Oswell

Administrative Specialist II