2 0 1 2 | S R C R E C O G N I T I O N A W A R D S
Think your SRC does an awesome job at representing students?
Has your SRC completed a successful special project in your community?
Do you think your SRC deserves R E C O G N I T I O N?
Then apply for the VicSRC's SRC RECOGNITION AWARDS!
Schools often spend so much time, effort and money on producing sportsmen and women, academics and musicians, but very little on student representatives.
Why?Because these activities can earn the school plaques, trophies and flags, and SRCs cannot. We’ve introduced SRC Recognition Awards in response to a resolution at the 2009 VicSRC Congress and to combat this problem.
We believe that it’s important for successful SRCs and projects to be recognised, allowing student representatives to make an even greater contribution to their schools and their communities. It also gives SRCs something to work towards, inspiring bigger and better projects and a greater sense of fulfilment.
The awards are being offered in the following categories…
- The Connect Award for Integration, recognising SRCs that are strongly connected to the school's decision-making processes that are strongly responsive to student needs and voices, and that is linked strongly with the School Council/Board and its committees.
- The Second Strike Award for Enterprise, recognising SRCs that through use of strategic planning and strong leadership structure have completed a highly successful school or community project
- The VASSP Award for Informed Representation, recognising SRCs that are truly democratic and fully representative of students
- The VISTA Award for Outstanding Teacher Adviser seeks to recognise and highlight the support that teachers provide to student councils.
So what happens if we win?
Your SRC will be presented with a plaque and will receive a one-year free membershipto the VicSRC, normally valued at $70 and a free training dayfrom Second Strike for your SRC to the value of $375. We may even use an interview with your SRC to create a case study outlining SRC best practice!
On the next page you will find an application form for all categories of this round of SRC Recognition Awards. Applications are due in last mail Friday 29th June 2012. Finalists will be contacted inmid-July and winners will be announced and awards presented at the 2012 VicSRC Congress on Saturday August 4th.
Good luck with your application!
Sufi Salieh and Sam McClelland
SRC Recognition Awards Coordinators
VicSRC Student Executive 11/12
On the following pages, please explain why you believe that your school’s SRC deserves an SRC Recognition Award.
Remember, the VicSRC encourages SRCs to place lesser emphasis on fundraising for charity and rather to act primarily as a voice for the student body, working for changes and improvements within the school.
For the ConnectAward, think about how your SRC is involved around the school and particularly, in its decision making processes, how your SRC represents students and action taken, how your SRC continues to be supported and its plans for the future. This award is sponsored by Connect - a bi-monthly magazine supporting active student participation in primary and secondary schools throughout Australia.
For the Second Strike Award, write about the project your SRC completed, the processes your SRC went through to make it happen, any problems your SRC encountered and how they were resolved, and the outcomes of the project. Does your SRC have a logo? If so, tell us about it! This award is sponsored by Second Strike - Australia's leadership and SRC training company for primary and secondary schools.
For the VASSPAward, explain how your SRC ensures it is fully representative of the entire student body at your school. Consider describing processes such as elections, surveys and communication with both students and decision-makers within the school. This award is sponsored by the Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals (VASSP) -the professional association that supports state secondary school principals and assistant principals in Victoria.
The VISTA Award for Outstanding Teacher Adviser seeks to recognise and highlight the support that teachers provide to student councils. We recognise the difficult balance between actively leading and controlling the operations of the student council whilst wanting to facilitate, support and coach students to take the lead. This award is sponsored by the Victorian Institute of SRC Teacher Advisors – The peak professional association for teachers working with student councils, across government, catholic and the private sectors.
Please attach any documents you believe would support your application. These may include constitutions, strategic plans, diagrams, photographs, certificates, meeting minutes or anything else that you believe would show that your SRC is deserving of an Award. These will not be returned, so please do not send originals.
Please note: Schools may apply for more than one award however a separate application must be lodged for each.
Should you find that the space provided is not sufficient, please feel free to attach additional sheets. Applications should be neatly handwritten or typed.
We highly recommend that students are involved in writing your awards application. Extra credit will be given for applications written by students.
Once complete, post applications to:
SRC Recognition Awards
Victorian Student Representative Council
C/- Youth Affairs Council of Victoria
Level 2, 180Flinders Street
Melbourne 3000
Applications must be received by last mail Friday 29th June 2012.
Applications received after this date may not be considered.
Award Sponsors
Supporting Student Participation
Supporting Partner:
Part One – SRC Details
School Name:
Postal Address:
Suburb: Postcode:
SRC Name:
Student Contact:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Teacher Advisor:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Is your school a member of the VicSRC? Note: this will not affect your eligibility for an award (please tick)
If not, would you like information on how to become a member? (please tick)
Office Use Only
Part Two – Award Details
Award Area (please tick):
OConnect Award for Integration
OSecond Strike Award for Enterprise
OVASSP Award for Informed Representation
OVISTA Award for Outstanding Teacher Adviser
Please explain why you believe that your school’s SRC deserves an SRC Recognition Award. Make sure you refer to the criteria for each award on page 2.