Think Tac Toe

Evaluate an environmental issue associated with energy sources or the atmosphere, and analyze the causes, effects, and solutions.

Prepare a special weather report describing ozone depletion (the causes, effect, and solutions) or investigate how wind is caused by pressure. / Join the polar bear challenge and create a video analyzing how to reduce your carbon footprint. / Design and implement an experiment that simulates the greenhouse effect. Analyze and publish results and understanding of the greenhouse effect in a typed 2-page report or trifold presentation board.
You may also propose your own experiment on a researchable question relating to energy sources, the greenhouse effect, or climate change.
Create a children’s book, brochure, or PSA describing what is the impact of fossil fuel consumption and suggest how humans reduce any impact? / Suggest your own project relating to energy sources, ozone, the greenhouse effect, global climate change, or gas laws. / Draw a diagram, create a diorama, prepare a digital image, or build a model windmill that illustrates typical energy uses and energy alternatives in a typical home. With the visual, include a written explanation on the advantages and disadvantages of the energy sources, and include energy usage and efficiency comparisons.
Create an infographic on sources of energy. Include the advantages and disadvantages of each type of energy, and analysis on whether each energy source is a viable long- or short- term solution to our energy needs. / Create an infographic on the greenhouse effect, global climate change, or ozone depletion. The infograph should include credible facts and graphs, and be visually attractive. / Write a persuasive essay or prepare a public service announcement on global climate change and analyze whether global climate change is a man-made issue. Support your position with factual evidence, including graphs and historical analysis.


·  You may work in groups of 1-3 people.

·  Research should be done at home, but you will have 1 period to work with your group.

·  Due Date: 2/15/12