Things you will need:

·  Instruments

o  Set them up in the front of the room where they can be seen

·  A current male and female student

o  Bring kids to recruit kids. Choose older, well-spoken, nice looking kids.

·  The Be Part of the Band, Elementary Style video

·  Screen/projector/sound system

o  Use the best sound system available

·  Documents (enough copies for every child)

o  Frequently Asked questions

o  Band flier

o  Information sheets

Presentation (20 Minutes):

·  Have music playing as students enter (use current/pop music with horn sections)

o  i.e. The band FUN

·  Let them listen as they enter

·  Introduce yourself and explain why you are there (4 minutes)

o  Be enthusiastic and excited

o  Present band as a privilege that they GET to now be a part of because they are older

·  Show Be Part of the Band

·  Introduce students

o  Let them talk for 1 minute each about their band experience

o  Have them include, “I was not sure when I was in 5th grade, but I am so glad I did it now. I know some of you are unsure, but TRUST ME, it is incredible.”

o  If you can’t bring students along, bring a taped interview OR use segments from the student portion of Be Part of the Band

·  Talk about exciting things for next year (new instruments, concerts, etc.)

o  While you are doing this, have your current students or teachers hand out materials

·  Remind students that it is much easier to stop participating in band after they have started rather than to try to join after everyone else has started.

·  Leave 2 minutes for questions.

·  Ask students to take the materials home to their parents.

·  Thank them and tell them you can’t wait to see them next year as a part of the band!