Comparing/Contrasting Cultures ResearchReport
The Basics:
- We have studied a variety of cultures this year. This research report will allow you to take whatever you’ve found most interesting and learn more about it.
- You may choose to investigate any of the topics below as they relate to any area of the world (other than America)
- The purpose of the essay is practice at developing skills for
- Compare/Contrast writing
- Synthesizing information from multiple sources
- MLA formatting
- At least four sources total should end up used in your essay. More specifically,
-At least two sources on the topic as it relates to the culture of the area of the world you have chosen
-At least two sources on the topic as it relates to American culture
- Bibliography Note Taking Sheet completed for each source visited
- Note: Use only academically appropriate websites. Invalid websites include Wikipedia,,, etc.
- Religion
- Politics/Government
- Laws/Legal Systems
- Gender Roles
- Human Rights
- Education
- Community structure
- Traditions/Custom
Other ideas? Bring it to me and let’s talk.
Note: These are very broad topics. You will need to narrow it down to something that can be managed in a 3-5 page paper. If you need help narrowing, come to me.
- Step 1:Fill out the bibliographical information section on the note taking sheet for EVERY source before reading the source. Make notes on the quality of information. You will do this whether you use the information on the site or not. This information will be used for your Annotated Bibliography and your Works Cited page. The difference: An annotated bibliography reflects EACH site you visit. The Works Cited page is for any sites you actually cite in your essay.
- Step 2: For the sources you think you’ll use, take quality notes, including, whenever appropriate, direct quotes (not dialogue – quotes). Remember, you’re looking for the MOST important key facts and details from each source. Ask yourself what a person who knows nothing about your topic would need to know to have a basic understanding of the subject, and which specific aspects might be best to focus upon for comparing and contrasting. Not every note/quote needs to show up in your essay, but a wide variety from at least four sources should.
- Step 3: Using your now-completed note taking sheets, write a 3-5 page, double-spaced essay in MLA style wherein you compare and contrast your topic in your country of choice with America. Every note and quote that you reference needs a CITATION.Every citation should have a matching entry on the Works Cited page.
Use Perdue
- The #1 website for proper formatting of MLA is the Owl at Perdue
- Use the site to find how to format pages, see samples with notes, and find out proper citations.
- You may use to format your Annotated Bibliography and Works Cited sheet.
When Done:
You will turn in the following:
A 3-5 page MLA-formatted essay that includes
- A Works Cited page and
- An Annotated Bibliography
- NOTE: The Works Cited page and Annotate Bibliography do not count towards your 3-5 page requirement
Your Bibliography Note Taking Sheet
Bibliography Note Taking Sheet
Use to format the Resource Entries using MLA style. You may not use all of these in your paper, but you will reference each site you visit on your Annotated Bibliography.
Resource Entry #1:
Summary of site:
Detailed notes/quotes if you plan to use the resource:
Resource Entry #2:
Summary of site:
Detailed notes/quotes if you plan to use the resource:
Resource Entry #3:
Summary of site:
Detailed notes/quotes if you plan to use the resource:
Resource Entry #4:
Summary of site:
Detailed notes/quotes if you plan to use the resource:
Resource Entry #5:
Summary of site:
Detailed notes/quotes if you plan to use the resource:
Resource Entry #6:
Summary of site:
Detailed notes/quotes if you plan to use the resource:
Resource Entry #7:
Summary of site:
Detailed notes/quotes if you plan to use the resource:
Resource Entry #8:
Summary of site:
Detailed notes/quotes if you plan to use the resource: